Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
Hmmm. Not 100% sold on super mode. Will have to see some better images of it.

View attachment 12086View attachment 12087
Tell me something, Hasbro. Why is it so hard for you to get the shoulders right on Armada Optimus's standard robot mode? You failed to get them right on the original Super Base toy, successfully got them right on the Super-Con figure, and have now replicated the failure of the Super Base figure's shoulders on this figure. Heck, even Takara's prototype that they showed off with Selects Star Convoy had correct shoulders. Why, Hasbro? Why, outside of the Super-Con toy, do you insist on making Armada Optimus perpetually lifting his shoulders above his head?


And yet the RiD continuity DARES to RUIN this utterly with its Walmart Dinobots:

(as an aside, I don't get why these were assigned to the RiD continuity anyway, where there was ALREADY a bot with the terrible name of Slapper...)

But then I guess Grimlock ruins the Dinobot naming pattern anyway, on day one. Kings no listen to naming conventions, they bash brains.
Personally, as a kid, I always considered them Armada Dinobots. But I guess the reason AVP put them in RiD'01 was due to some canceled plans that 3H had for those Dinobots in the Universe comics, in which they would have been a RiD'01 Dinobot team.

It also may have been based on the fact that, during Armada but before Universe, all of the store-exclusive releases that were redecos of molds from pre-Armada toylines were sold under the RiD'01 label, except for those three Dinobot 2-packs, making them an anomaly that might have led some to consider them sort of "de facto" or "honorary" RiD'01 figures since they had all of the same characteristics as the pre-Universe, Armada-era, RiD'01 store-exclusive releases, save for having the RiD'01 label itself.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Tell me something, Hasbro. Why is it so hard for you to get the shoulders right on Armada Optimus's standard robot mode? You failed to get them right on the original Super Base toy, successfully got them right on the Super-Con figure, and have now replicated the failure of the Super Base figure's shoulders on this figure. Heck, even Takara's prototype that they showed off with Selects Star Convoy had correct shoulders. Why, Hasbro? Why, outside of the Super-Con toy, do you insist on making Armada Optimus perpetually lifting his shoulders above his head?


Personally, as a kid, I always considered them Armada Dinobots. But I guess the reason AVP put them in RiD'01 was due to some canceled plans that 3H had for those Dinobots in the Universe comics, in which they would have been a RiD'01 Dinobot team.

It also may have been based on the fact that, during Armada but before Universe, all of the store-exclusive releases that were redecos of molds from pre-Armada toylines were sold under the RiD'01 label, except for those three Dinobot 2-packs, making them an anomaly that might have led some to consider them sort of "de facto" or "honorary" RiD'01 figures since they had all of the same characteristics as the pre-Universe, Armada-era, RiD'01 store-exclusive releases, save for having the RiD'01 label itself.
I would make the why my shoulders hurt joke but I don't want to summon the Walky.


The shoulders still are a bit higher than I would like on the prototype too.


Well-known member
I didn’t like the look of all the grey around the shoulders of super mode. Just looked up how he was in the show and yup, there it was. Guess I never noticed it.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Was it really that much of a base in the original? Didn't it just unfold and have a couple minicon gunner spots?

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member

It wasn't really anything to write home about, but given it had to be a trailer, base and a pair of pants AND incorporate an auto-transforming gimmick, it's not surprising the base mode is kinda forgettable.

Hopefully they can do something good now that they don't have to account for a bunch of motors and a bigass battery pack. The legs look worlds better at least.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Also, Hasbro released pictures of most of Volcanicus (they're using two Grimlocks for legs)

He actually doesn't look as bad as I thought he would. Shame that comes at the cost of kind of gumming up at least 4 of the Dinobots.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
It does look pretty good, doesn't it? My only complaint is that the forearm that's made out of Swoop's legs is hollow in the front. I can forgive a lot of hollow back-of-limbs, but that's pretty much front and center.

Still, though, I'm 100% on board for this and the Dino King repaint.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Hey wait a sec! Those seem like basic sized figures. Are they the "mini" dinobots I saw at walmart the other day?


NOT a New Member.
(as an aside, I don't get why these were assigned to the RiD continuity anyway, where there was ALREADY a bot with the terrible name of Slapper...)
And "Slapper" can join "Slag" for the contender of "Most Misogynistic Name For a Transformer Outside the US" award:



Now all we need are some new Dinobots called "Sc*nk", "Sl*t", "Sh*g" (the verb, but it's topical), "Scr*bber" and "Str*mpet".


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Honestly, I've always felt pretty "m'eh" about all that. Like, I do get that those words are offensive slang terms, but not in the country of origin of the figure. I'm not even sure if those are still popular terms over in England, or if they've become fairly old and removed from the popular culture. Someone more familiar with British English could let me know.

I more or less grew up in a metalworking shop, so Slag has never meant anything else to me but the burnt metal residue that I had to sweep off of the floor. As such, it's a great name for a fire-breathing Dinobot. When a word has multiple meanings, and the user of the word so clearly and obviously is using it in the inoffensive, actual-definition-of-the-word sense, it feels like you almost have to be trying to be offended because the word also has a more obscure but offensive slang connotation in another country.

That said, though, it doesn't bother me at all when Hasbro puts "Slug" on the package. I don't generally keep packaging anyway, so it could say Rock Strongo or Princess Ponyweather III for all I care. He'll be Slag to me.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

It wasn't really anything to write home about, but given it had to be a trailer, base and a pair of pants AND incorporate an auto-transforming gimmick, it's not surprising the base mode is kinda forgettable.

Hopefully they can do something good now that they don't have to account for a bunch of motors and a bigass battery pack. The legs look worlds better at least.

Yeah, it had a lot to do.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not liking Volcanicus, and it hurts because I was prepared to be the biggest fan of the thing.

When I saw Sludge's janky robot mode I was completely optimistic. It seemed like they were taking advantage of the limitations of Core Class instead of running into them. Those robot legs would never be accepted in a Deluxe, but Core can get away with it, and it allowed for a weird transformation step they otherwise wouldn't be able to pull off. It seemed like they were willing to prioritize a cool combination no matter the cost, even if that cost was something they couldn't normally get away with.

I'm not seeing it anymore. There is no reason the fists need to face the wrong way. They're separate pieces (sigh). The pegs could face any way they wanted. It's not a compromise if you're not forced into it for some other reason. It's just a standalone design decision.

I was encouraged when Grimlock didn't have a separate foot piece, but it doesn't look great, and it hardly matters when the head, abdomen, and fists (sigh) are all separate pieces. What's two more pieces at that point?


Wondering bot
I'm not liking Volcanicus, and it hurts because I was prepared to be the biggest fan of the thing.

When I saw Sludge's janky robot mode I was completely optimistic. It seemed like they were taking advantage of the limitations of Core Class instead of running into them. Those robot legs would never be accepted in a Deluxe, but Core can get away with it, and it allowed for a weird transformation step they otherwise wouldn't be able to pull off. It seemed like they were willing to prioritize a cool combination no matter the cost, even if that cost was something they couldn't normally get away with.

I'm not seeing it anymore. There is no reason the fists need to face the wrong way. They're separate pieces (sigh). The pegs could face any way they wanted. It's not a compromise if you're not forced into it for some other reason. It's just a standalone design decision.

I was encouraged when Grimlock didn't have a separate foot piece, but it doesn't look great, and it hardly matters when the head, abdomen, and fists (sigh) are all separate pieces. What's two more pieces at that point?

I'm not liking this either, its obvious the the problem is the bot who has to make the legs of the combined form, so much wasted plastic attached to those legs that could of been used to actually give him some height and make him stand out more, so I'm passing on these Dinobots and wait to see what the retool into Dinoking looks like when it evenly comes along, thou that could be just as bad

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