The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating


Active member
(Also uhh you kind of have to be ignoring the big Switch shaped elephant in the room if you think this Sony copying the Wii U of all things)
Actually I'm saying Wii U, because unlike a switch, but JUST like the WII U.. The tablet is worthless without being connected to the big box.


Well-known member
Actually I'm saying Wii U, because unlike a switch, but JUST like the WII U.. The tablet is worthless without being connected to the big box.

Its a Wii U in Switch shaped packaging. In fact if it HAD been just a PS Switch, I don't think as many people would be mocking it.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Actually I'm saying Wii U, because unlike a switch, but JUST like the WII U.. The tablet is worthless without being connected to the big box.
Fam, Sony is 100% not copying the Wii U with this idea.

Especially so when you consider that Sony has been doing this Remote Play stuff since 2006. This is just them doing it for the PS5 without going to the effort of making a full dedicated handheld because I mean...can't imagine Sony would want to make a new handheld console after the flop of the PSVita (no matter what the six Vita fans say).


Hey! I had a Vita! I absolutely...can not argue against your point. I mean, the Vita itself was a nice, powerful system. Sony just refused to do **** all to support it. Out of the few games I had for it, only one of them (Gravity Rush) wasn't also on the PS3.

Great systems but stupid handling seems to be a thing.

Gamecube - Great system but proprietary disks and poor relationships with third-parties killed it.

Vita - Great system, but a good majority of the games on it were also on the PS3 and Sony stopped supporting pretty quickly after it released.

Wii U - Great system, but boy oh boy did Nintendo ever screw the pooch with marketing and third-parties.


Well-known member
Sony's competing with Steam deck there, more blatant examples of ripping off would be Playstation Classic, the analog pad followed by duel shock, Playstation All-Stars and Playstation Move.

I miss the DS, it was my favorite Nintendo system.


Active member
Wii U - Great system, but boy oh boy did Nintendo ever screw the pooch with marketing and third-parties.

Sorry.. This one annoys me. Nintendo didn't screw the pooch with third parties. With both the WII U and 3DS they did as the 3rd Parties specificly ASKED THEM TO DO.

Third parties literally whined to Nintendo that their games couldn't compete with Nintendo games, and to give them time without competition. Nintendo gave them exactly what they asked for, and then sat there "Well.. We're not going do -this- or -that- till nintendo does it!"


That's actually fair. In fact, I specifically remember Raymond Legends was supposed to be a Wii U timmed exclusive until Microsoft bullied Ubisoft out of it. For the life of me, I don't un how Ubisoft didn't get slapped with breach of contract.

Unfortunately, whether the fault lies with Nintendo or with the third-parties, the result's the same. The WiiU was not the place for players to go for third-party content.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Literally everybody is mocking Sony for this, so what exactly is the point your making here?

(Also uhh you kind of have to be ignoring the big Switch shaped elephant in the room if you think this Sony copying the Wii U of all things)



I know you're talking about the NA SNES controller, I just hate everything about the North American SNES design.
To be fair, NONE of the SNES/Super Famicom designs were all that pleasing to the eye, but I will concede the original NA SNES was the ugliest of an ugly batch.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Sony's competing with Steam deck there, more blatant examples of ripping off would be Playstation Classic, the analog pad followed by duel shock, Playstation All-Stars and Playstation Move.

I miss the DS, it was my favorite Nintendo system.
I wouldn't really call the PlayStation Classic them ripping anything off, more just them trying to hop on the trend of the plug-and-play nostalgia box retroconsoles (and doing a dogshit job at it I mean ******* PAL versions??????????).

*hugs his SNES collection and covers its ears*

It's okay. They didn't mean it.
Hey the SNES library is fantastique, I just dislike the design of the American SNES console itself.

That's actually fair. In fact, I specifically remember Raymond Legends was supposed to be a Wii U timmed exclusive until Microsoft bullied Ubisoft out of it. For the life of me, I don't un how Ubisoft didn't get slapped with breach of contract..

No, while the saga of Rayman Legends was nonsense (reminder that it was revealed that the Wii U version was already complete when they announced they were also porting it to PS360 and delaying the Wii U version to launch alongside them) there was no 'Microsoft bullied Ubisoft to make the game a non-exclusive' (again: it also launched on the PlayStation 3) and there was no contract with Ubisoft and Nintendo that the game would be exclusive to the Wii U. You don't need an exclusivity contract to make an exclusive, y'know?


Nonstop Baaka
I have a Vita... but am thinking about selling it since I can play most of the few games I had elsewhere now. Biggest pet peeve is the stupidly expensive exclusive memory cards.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I wouldn't really call the PlayStation Classic them ripping anything off, more just them trying to hop on the trend of the plug-and-play nostalgia box retroconsoles (and doing a dogshit job at it I mean ******* PAL versions??????????).

Hey the SNES library is fantastique, I just dislike the design of the American SNES console itself.


No, while the saga of Rayman Legends was nonsense (reminder that it was revealed that the Wii U version was already complete when they announced they were also porting it to PS360 and delaying the Wii U version to launch alongside them) there was no 'Microsoft bullied Ubisoft to make the game a non-exclusive' (again: it also launched on the PlayStation 3) and there was no contract with Ubisoft and Nintendo that the game would be exclusive to the Wii U. You don't need an exclusivity contract to make an exclusive, y'know?
Okay, I was wondering where that came from. I was in pretty deep with the stuff at the time, and this was the first I can remember hearing of Microsoft being the issue.

...wait, no... I don't remember if it applied here or not, but I do recall they had (have?) some sort of policy where games would come out on their console at the same time, or not at all?

Maybe they don't have that now, since it seems like some games come to them later...


jumbled pile of person
Well, I wish they had, a set of weird button shapes identifiable by touch are much easier to follow than trying to remember three different button layouts and two different confirm/deny setups...
And two of which were shaped in a way that made it clear which direction they were relative to A. So you see one of those kidney bean shapes on the screen, even all alone, you know which one they mean. If anything they didn't take this far enough; they could have had two more kidney beans instead of a smaller circle, done away with the letters, and referred to them as Center, North, South, East, and West in any situation when they couldn't just print the shape. (It also would have solved the problem of the missing Z button. Or, if they had been smart enough to put in a second Z button, the missing Select.)
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
FWIW, I still get Xbox’s Bumper/Trigger and Nintendo’s Z secondary buttons all mixed up. PlayStation’s Bumper 1 and 2 structure just clicked in my brain WAY better.
At least developers are courteous enough to put the controls in the same spots between consoles.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
L1/R1/L2/R2 makes the most sense, but Sony's probably got that locked down legally. I can at least follow bumper vs. trigger, but ZL/ZR and L/R somehow just makes my brain shit itself. Probably all the years spent with the SNES/N64, associating the long, narrow shoulder buttons with just L and R in a Nintendo context.

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