The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating


Hmmn. They didn't mention a Mario & Luigi game...

Adding to the magical girl references, Princess Peach's new gimmick makes me think that it's a G-rated Cutey Honey game.


I'm interested in that Tomb Raider collection. But I'm kind of wary as to whether it'll use the PS versions with save crystals or the PC versions where you can save anywhere any time. I was very well practiced at saves scumming even before it had a name.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I was all set to play Mario Wonder…except FedEx apparently has wonky routes. Seriously, from where my Best Buy shipment started, it actually went STRAIGHT PASS ME to a distribution center FARTHER FROM ME THAN FROM WHERE IT STARTED. I won’t be getting the game until later today (Saturday) and won’t be able to play until Monday because of my overnight weekend work schedule.
But I got the frickin’ art print on time, though….

But reviews have been glowing. Basically saying that, unlike the increasingly regurgitative New Super Mario Bros series, Wonder is a breath of fresh air and possibly the best 2D showing in years.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
I haven't had this much fun with a 2D Mario since World.

It's fantastic.


Active member
I was all set to play Mario Wonder…except FedEx apparently has wonky routes. Seriously, from where my Best Buy shipment started, it actually went STRAIGHT PASS ME to a distribution center FARTHER FROM ME THAN FROM WHERE IT STARTED.

I do not understand why any company that has "deadlines" uses fedex.. fedex should collapse.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I hate FedEx. Particularly the part where they deliver a package and then bill the recipient -- i.e. me, because I never use them to send, but it seems like everyone I order from or get gifts from does -- for it later.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
And yet, they do, waiting just long enough for you to forget about the delivery before springing it on you without any warning.


Active member
Are you paying Shipping from the places your ordering from? If so.. you're getting taken for a ride. Either demand your money back from the stores, or refuse to pay FedEx or call your equivalent of FTC. Sounds like your being charged twice.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not usually stuff I order, but if someone sends me a review sample or a gift or something.


So, Mario Wonder...I'm loving it so far. But then, I've always preferred the 2D games. I mean, if you prefer the 3D games, I doubt this will change your mind.

You're still running, jumping and platforming. But something about this just feels different from other Mario games. I mean, obviously no timer, new power ups. But every Mario game usually adds some kind of new power up. So I don't know. Something I can't really point to. But this definitely feels fresh compared to the New Super Mario games we've had previously.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I’ve always been open to both styles. Each has their own “identity angle” when it comes to Mario. But I REALLY lost love for the New Super Mario games. The newest iteration actively frustrated me on controls. NSMB just feels so…floaty. Jumping felt off, and I never seemed to have full control on my forward momentum.

Mario Wonder? It feels “snappy” in ways I haven’t seen since the pre-rendered era. I also think a big thing about the “feel” you mentioned, Caldwin, is the new presentation. NSMB had gotten a bit…sterile. Wonder is bursting with personality. From the animation of the characters to the style of the worlds, even the flowers add a sense of “community” that many earlier Mario games lacked. Even when playing alone, you never felt alone because those flowers would add comments and exclamations that positively reinforced my experience.
I KNOW my experience with an early bonus stage would have been different if I didn’t have that crew of Flowers cheering me “GO, GO, GO” as I bolted across musical blocks.

By this point, NSMB (and to an extent, the 3D World/Land games) have started to feel sterile and lonely. Odyssey and Wonder? Even playing alone, you have vibrant worlds filled with characters and dynamic environment details.


jumbled pile of person
I just think it's funny how doggedly committed Nintendo remains to never letting their main characters speak out loud besides the standard contractually-obligated bing-bing-wahoos, yet they'll fill the same game with flowers that talk in half a dozen languages and each have their own unique lines.

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