Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


This is how a unicorn comments
Yeah all I can add are: Yes please explain the sudden rainbow makeover. This isn't something that just happens. Explain show! Explain!

They really seem to be trying to hint at these traits being the new Elements of Harmony if you will.

Still curious to see these longer episodes of TYT that are apparently happening. At least I'm pretty sure I heard you guys mention that.


Well-known member
Yeah, those longer episodes are coming. Eventually. I don't think we know when. Chances are they're just going to drop a 20 minute episode on us at some point out of the blue.
Thinking about it, I GUESS the rainbows might have some connection to "Megan's Locket" and the Rainbow of Light? I mean, we don't SEE the locket and the rainbows just kind of show up, but maybe that's the idea? Maybe the Rainbow is just crashing at their place?

...Sitting on their couch all day. Eating their chips. Lazy Rainbow. Thinking it doesn't have to chip in on rent just because it helped save the world a couple of's pretty enough to get away with it though. And it KNOWS that.


Staff member
Council of Elders

Looks like a dragon birthday party. This is actually a useful milestone for figuring out a timeline, even though G5 barely needs it.

Zipp is getting way too into it with those wings.

New season. Still doing magic magnet hooves. *sigh*

"I want to thank you all for being here" Hitch, they live here.

I don't think I ever actually made a wish on my birthday. I don't know what I want.

Good luck. Dragons are only born every 12 years.

Okay this is going in a very different direction than I expected.

Almost 2 minutes in and we're just getting the logo.

Maretime Bay isn't quite as cursed as Ponyville yet, but it's getting there.

Now you're just looking for things to complain about. Posey's rage is NOT justified.

I'm starting to think these Zephyr Heights news anchors have just permanently set up camp in Maretime Bay. They know that's where all the weird stuff happens.

"What are we supposed to do exactly?" "When the time comes, you'll know." HUG LINUX TUTORIALS!

I honestly don't know what they're going to do about this. The episode never introduced the obvious thing they need to remember in the last minute.

Sparky just wants to watch the world burn.

Earth pony magic is almost as versatile as telekinesis.


So are we going to get a glowing introdump once an episode now?

Cakezilla vs Biollante.

Sparky sad.

What is happening anymore?

Suck it, unicorns. Your reign is over.


This is how a unicorn comments
Okay I can buy Sparky's magic causing the cake to become a dragon and fly around, but HOW did the flower turn it into a plushie?)


Well-known member
Izzy's on a rampage! I wonder if Sparky would find this disturbing or not? I guess it's kind of like bubble wrap for her. It's hard to stop at just one.

....And Izzy's got some dragon-balloon stuck to her horn. Classic.

*squints* Huh, looks like Zipp's testing out some wings for Sparky?

"You can peeeeak!" Misty doesn't always reach the goal, but she never stops trying! NEVER!

"SPEECH!" Izzy appreciates a good dialogue! And she still has about a 100 of these balloon-dragons to pop today!

Awww....Sparky's having fun in the pile of "corpses"! Isn't that adorable!

Wow, they spared NO expenses on that cake! Hitch really goes all out for his little boy!

So, on a dragon cake, do you actually want them to LIGHT the candles when they blow?

Aww...Sparky wants a little brother....Hitch, you got some work to do!

"OH EM PEE! You're going to be the cutest little dragon-family!" Pipp ships it! She's ready to be the cool aunt.

I guess everyone just dressed up like dragons for this party?

Hey, Sparky got his wish. A brother...made of cake. Every little boy's dream.

I think we HAVE to address the fact that Sparky can just create life at some point. This isn't even the first time. I still remember that butterfly.

Oh the IRONY! To be FROSTED by FIRE!

"UGCH! These cupcakes always have too much icing on them" Hmm...I'm split. On the one hand...Posey is just flat out WRONG, here. You can NEVER have too much icing. On the other, she really didn't deserve this. She was just walking here. Posey's rage is mildly justified count...1. But, I'm also subtracting a point. If you wanted a cupcake without icing, get a muffin instead!

These newscasters know this is ratings GOLD!

Well, the racoonicorns and unicorns will be eating well off the street today, anyway.

"When the time comes, you'll know" This isn't a magic locket, Hitch. Nets don't work that way!

Is...Sparky going to end up EATING his Frosting-Brother? That'd be...weird, right?

The Cake Dragon (Fondant Dragon? Fondragon? Frost Drake? Meringue Dragon? Meringon? Glazing Dragon? Hmmm...) can just magically reform itself. Okay. I wonder if that means that it's frosting is still...alive? Is the fire it's shooting still sentient?

"RUN! I mean...FLY!" Heh.

"I say we fight cake with cake" I don't know what Izzy expected to happen, but that's pretty much what *I* expected to happen. And who gave Izzy a catapult? When did she have time to build that?

Well, at least we didn't get ALL the roll calls this time. And this almost works, in a "magic incantation" sort of way.

Cake's natural enemy....roses! Okay. Whatever. Remember kids, eat your greens! Or else THEY'LL eat YOU!

You KILLED HIM! Who is the REAL monster here?! I's probably the cake-dragon-abomination, but still!

Wow, flowers that?

So...the cake got turned into a living cake dragon...and now the cake dragon is turned into a stuffed animal? It's magic, they're not going to explain it. I do wonder if the stuffie is still...aware, though.

D'AWWW....Sparky called Hitch "dada". Or something...he's kind of hard to understand.
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This is how a unicorn comments

Oh well this is going to be one of those kinda awkward episodes... wait a minute...


Also I hope you didn't read this till after you saw the new episode. I wonder how many of you noticed.

Yeah Posey's anger justified here.

Also Jazz is a REALLY good artist... She made some of those in seconds.


Staff member
Council of Elders
The writers know what they did.

Ah, they're still shipping Jazz with Rocky.

Oh, it's a Hearts and Hooves episode, because as of today we're in February. Wait... this is why season 2 dropped out of nowhere. It had to start when it did so this episode would air in February.

The animation bump is so very subtle most of the time, but it's there.

Twitcha twitch. Jazz is now part of the Mane 7. May the torture begin.

The animators are trying some different mouths. I have a feeling they want to transition away from beanmouth, but they'll do it slowly so the executive who liked beanmouth doesn't notice.

Rocky needs an adult.

He had two tickets the whole time.

This cutie mark thing is spreading. Rocky is now part of the Mane 8. May the torture begin.


Well-known member
"Somepony's got a CRUUUUUSH!" And I think someone is going to get a talking to from their HR Departmeeeeeent! Or....PR Department, I guess. Wait, that doesn't work, since "public relations" would be it's own department. Hmm...

Jazz is pretty subtle about this crush of hers. I'm sure no one can tell. To be fair, that heart-hairstyle still looks pretty good, even if it is impractical.

The way that Rocky sprays that hairspray all over, I bet Jazz is imagining Rocky....I can't finish this joke, this is a family board!

Full on song, too. It's so bubblegum pop! This might be one of the better songs in this show so far!

Not only does Posey get turned into a living monument to someone else's love against her will. Not only does she get covered in dust, trapping her and possibly ruining her coat. But, she also gets someone else's love life LITERALLY shoved into her face. Posey's rage is justified count...3! Don't worry Posey, I'm sure someone will love you....someday!

Yeah, Rocky knows. He's giving her the look right back. I'll admit, I kind of thought she might be barking up the wrong tree here, but maybe not?

Wow. Jazz's subconscious is apparently a really talented artist.

All the girls are just SO READY to start gossiping about this. Getting all giggly and everything.

The Mane and Hooves Expo! Yeah, I don't know if a business convention is really that romantic or not. It's just more work?

So, is this better or worse than how this kind of thing was handled in "Tales"?

SENIOR BUTTERSCOTCH RETURNS! And now he can ACT! He's got range!

I don't know why the mustache, though. Rocky doesn't have a mustache.

I guess Izzy gave up on shipping Rocky and Zipp.

You know, all these girls have a lot of dating advice for ponies who I've never see go on a SINGLE date! This is all just going to be them projecting their romantic fantasies onto her because they ain't getting any, isn't it?

Ah, spaghetti, the most romantic of meals...which can ruin your outfit. Then again, if you get messy enough, your date can no, family board. FAMILY BOARD!

Good idea: Bringing your date flowers. Bad idea: Bringing your date flowers...when you're allergic to them. Although, in some cultures, sneezing is a sign of good luck. Not in THIS culture, though.

You know, Jazz looks pretty good in a leather jacket, I'm not going to lie. Not sure how you "act casual" while on a skateboard, though.

Hey! Now Rocky can nurse her poor broken body back to health. That's romantic, right?

Did they up the budget for the mouth movements? I feel there's a lot more frames being used for the mouth flaps than usual.

The banjo...the most seductive of instruments.

Okay, the balloons with Rocky's face on them say less "romantic" and more "stalker", to me?

How many ponies can you fit into a bush? If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, then how many birds are 7 ponies already in a bush worth?

I'm a little surprised Hitch is going along with this. Stalking's a crime, y'know.

Close up magic. Jazz must be desperate.

Find a girl who'll play a banjo for you.

Interpretive dance! The clearest love language of them all!

"That was MY idea!" I feel like Izzy's love dance would be a lot more...unique.

"Okay! The direct approach!" Pipp is willing to see this through to the end. Pipp's so thirsty this episode.

And Rocky has two tickets, too. Were they just giving these away? And who gets the extra two tickets, now?

D'AWWWW...Happy lovey-dovey Jazz is best Jazz!

*Cutie Marks merge into one and explodes into literal hearts everywhere* I guess that's a....good sign for their date, then? Literal fireworks. No pressure? Geez, if THIS happens just from asking her out, I wonder what happens when they....FAMILY BOARD!

Apparently, any pegasus can make those rainbow-trails now. Magic did get a upgrade.

Hmm...the "king" outfit looks familiar for some reason. A anime reference, maybe?

Okay, boundaries guys, geez. Unless you all want to join....FAMILY BOARD!!!

Jazz and good ol' Not-Jazz...One True Pair!


...But, wait, Jazz doesn't have ears in Make Your Mark. She's ALWAYS had ears in Tell Your Tale. That's been the fandom running gag. This isn't a revelation at all!

Twitcha twitch. Jazz is now part of the Mane 7. May the torture begin.

This cutie mark thing is spreading. Rocky is now part of the Mane 8. May the torture begin.

I mean, if torture is a prerequisite for joining the Manes, then I guess Posey is over-qualified, at this point?
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This is how a unicorn comments
...But, wait, Jazz doesn't have ears in Make Your Mark. She's ALWAYS had ears in Tell Your Tale. That's been the fandom running gag. This isn't a revelation at all!
Huh I don't remember her having them ever. But yeah looking back she does. So it is -I- who is the unobservant one! Ha ha!


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'll admit, I kind of thought she might be barking up the wrong tree here, but maybe not?

I would have thought so too, but they had some moments in MYM.

All the girls are just SO READY to start gossiping about this. Getting all giggly and everything.


This is all just going to be them projecting their romantic fantasies onto her because they ain't getting any, isn't it?


So, is this better or worse than how this kind of thing was handled in "Tales"?

Well Jazz didn't offer her extra ticket to everyone, so...

Did they up the budget for the mouth movements? I feel there's a lot more frames being used for the mouth flaps than usual.

Not just more frames, but better frames.

I mean, if torture is a prerequisite for joining the Manes, then I guess Posey is over-qualified, at this point?

She's starting a rival group. So far she's only managed to recruit Windy.


Staff member
Council of Elders

I thought Misty was desensitized to scares. Maybe she's been getting over that.

I get you, Misty. I would absolutely need to read this mysterious book too.

Well this decor looks familiar.

Even the Smooze got a painting.

Unicorns used to be op, but being able to cause you never know what any time their horns bump into something is a real hazard.

That season 2 animation bump.

And season 2 is back to the introdumps. I hope this stops once they've all done one.

Okay so they're not going to have Misty keep this a secret for some reason. Sunny immediately learns about it.

Sunny is remarkably calm about her house or some unknown force within it abducting ponies and taking them somewhere they have to learn how to escape.

Rare laughter TYT ending.


Well-known member
Oh no, what have I done? I've brought Trouble Shoes back to LIFE!

You know, Misty MIGHT actually make sense as a horror movie fan. She lived with Opalline for years, after all.

Franken-pone just wants to give his creator a hug. Daddy!

"I swear, if you sneak up on me right now, I'll zap you RIGHT in the eye!"

Misty: Armadillo burrito mode!

Woah, neat, flying book! Flying books are NEVER evil! Is this a dream? Did Misty fall asleep?

The book wants you to stop watching TV and discover the joys of READING, you uncultured cur!

You got me, but who's got YOU?

This definitely isn't....LIGHT reading, is it? A heh heh...I'll see myself out.

Great, now Misty's stuck in Narnia. Aslan drafted her for another war, I see.

Wait...WHAT?! WHAT?! What is this room?! Why are the Canterlot stained glass windows in Sunny's Lighthouse? I mean...probably magic, I guess, but it's still weird!

Okay, I see the Mane 6 defeating Nightmare Moon. And Cadence and Shining Armor defeating Chrysalis. Discord's going to be so peeved that he didn't get a tribute. for some reason? I guess they're hinting that Misty's cutie mark isn't just about "maturing" as a character? Some greater cosmic destiny?

Well, you found Sunny's shrine to the Mane 6. Just don't look into the Hall of Hairbrushes. It gets weird.

Is that a Smooze reference I see in one of the stained glasses? And Tirek?

And hey, the Quilt of the G5 Manes is here, too! I guess that came from Was Argyle in this room before?!

Oh, there's Discord. They didn't get his nose right.

The Brighthouse is Misty's safe place? That' sad, given all the antics and problems she gets up to with the Manes. I guess it's still a improvement over Opaline, though.

Twilight hid all the magic AND all the books away. Makes sense.

When in doubt, just start pressing buttons. Nothing can possibly go wrong!

"Sandwich time, sandwich time!" Musical talent runs in the family.

A button that can control Zipp could be useful to have, later.

A VERY rude wardrobe. Ward-rude, even! Rude-robe?

The way Izzy reacts, I'm not sure if this has happened before or if Izzy just "hears" EVERYTHING talking all the time.

Oh, so THAT'S how you rotate the light. They were wondering where that button was. Also, that kind of looks like a fun ride. They could charge admission for that.

Why was Pipp up there in the first place? Just looking for the right background to take some selfies?

Weird sudden edit is weird and sudden?

Well, this is your home now, Misty. Better get used to the taste of butterfly.

Wait, hold up, is this supposed to be one of Twilight's old Friendship Journals? It's not QUITE the same, but it's got the horseshoe on it. Then again...there's horseshoes on EVERYTHING in this world.

The Art of Spelling. It came to you because it saw your tweets, and was displeased.

The Spellbook can "talk". Does the Spellbook have a soul?

Misty's first lesson is! Magic solves EVERYTHING! Use it all the time!

Well, that was pretty.

Okay, the "Star" is probably from Twilight. But, who's the "Swirl"? Discord? Some mystery person they're teasing? And who's voice is that supposed to be?

"The Door will always be open for you to come...and to go" In other words...get out. I want my privacy. The magic room isn't used to having guests over. Centuries of isolation has atrophied it's ability to socialize. It wasn't so open five minutes ago when she was trapped, but whatever.

Twilight would NOT approve of magically ripping a page out of a book to give yourself a powerup.

"Thank you, Mysterious Voice" I said leave. Please leave.

Okay, portal's closing, get out. Seriously. You thought I was kidding? Don't let the magical portal zap you on the way out.

Sunny's looking at a photo of her dad....coincidence? Was the Mystery Voice...Sunny's mom?! We're never finding out, are we? Why do you TEASE me, show?!

Now Misty has access to a magic door that she can use anytime she wants! So be careful of what you do in private. Ceiling Misty is watching you!

Sunny: "Wait, what?! I thought *I* was supposed to be the main character in this show! Where's MY magical powerup?! *Remembers her alicorn powers* Oh, right. Still, I'm calling my agent!"

I mean, you haven't really lived HERE your whole life. The whole place got rebuilt, so this is actually a different building entirely, but....yeah, let's not bring that up.

D'AWWWW, okay. Misty's tears of joy got to me a little.

I guess it's interesting that Misty's finally learning spells. I mean, NO ONE in this world really remembers the more complicated magic stuff after it being away for so long

*Squints at the credits* Okay, the "Mysterious Voice" was played by Alison Sealy-Smith, who is also...Storm from X-Men. So, maybe she's supposed to be Misty's mom? I mean, between the reference to Sunny's dad and the Frankenstein movie at the start, she's probably SOMEONE'S parent. It just makes sense thematically.
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This is how a unicorn comments


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