Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Literally the only thing I miss about living in a bigger city (Omaha, NE) is the variety of stores and shops within a reasonable radius. I used to have Krypton Comics where I got comics and anime cds (and later, dvds), Dragons Lair where they had anime vhs rental (dating myself, I guess), a shop in South O that had all kinds of trading cards, Aki Oriental that carried candy toys, all manner of snacks and drinks, and Manga, and a bunch of other shops for used books, movies, music, and food.

Where I live now is quieter, and generally a cheaper cost of living, but having interests in anything beyond what Walmart carries involves a 25-45 mile drive, minimum. (Assuming I'd rather patronize a physical store and not just order everything online, which I would.)


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm never leaving the coast. My crazy grandma is always telling me I need to get away from here and come live in the forest, but I wouldn't do well out there.


Not Mecha-Broccoli


Not Mecha-Broccoli
I just realized that the Flash is blonde here.

I keep forgetting that they brought Barry Allen back, when Wally is the best Flash.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
You know you are a child of the 80s when you are playing Gobots with your almost-4-year-old son, you pick up your favorite helicopter Gobot (Flip-Top), and even though its the wrong type of helicopter, the Airwolf theme song immediately starts playing in your head.

...and you know he's your son (and/or you are raising him right) when he does the same thing, only out loud. 😆


Staff member
Council of Elders
This cardinal hasn't shut up since dawn. Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep... Peep...

It's a very sharp peep. It's starting to hurt.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Nope. It started up again. It's been going again for almost 3 more hours.

This bird has to be possessed. No animal's vocal chords can withstand this kind of assault without demonic assistance.


Not Mecha-Broccoli
Got an ad for the new Thor movie that was mostly an image of the poster. I was like WTF is Palpatine doing there. Turns out it's supposed to be Gorr the God-Butcher. I mean, dude was an angry nudist Twi'lek at the best of times but this is ridiculous.

Also, Love and Thunder sounds like the incoming XXX parody.

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