Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
The literal worst he's done before this is like thinking that there's something he pulls out in the space between his pillow before he has to go to bed, but I think that's mostly because he has a pillow that he puts there.

He was completely lucid the day before yesterday too.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
My Grandma has had a couple UTIs within the last couple years, and I know they kind of messed with her mental state until they were successfully treated. Hopefully the medical staff are monitoring everything well. Sounds like it's been a rough journey for both of you.


Somehow still sane
Delirium is the acute state of confusion, disorientation or other mental disturbances with the onset within 48 hours.

Severe anemia, low blood sugar and infections are the most common causes in the hospitalized. Once they address the cause, his mental status should normalize. Since he's been in and out of inpatient care, can't rule out hospital-acquired pneumonia. Have they x-rayed him yet?

Hope he does well.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I don't know if they have.

All I know is that they've done the upper endoscopy but now I'm waiting for a phone call for me to consent to them doing a colonoscopy too and they (at least as of yesterday) have him on a liquid diet that will make him shit so his colon and lower intestine and all that will be clean so they can see.


Somehow still sane
Ideally, they would have anesthetized him once and done both in sequence but I suppose that it would depend on how the healthcare system operates over there.i suspect that the physician’s hands may have been tied on that matter.

I assume they didn’t find a source of bleeding in the upper digestive system and are now entertaining the possibility of a lower digestive system bleed, which is a reasonable enough conclusion.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Weird ass phone call from hospital

Hospital calls me to say my grandpa is a bit confused this morning (not like he was the other day confused but still a little confused cuz he apparently couldn't fall asleep last night so it's the tired confused) and he doesn't want to take one of his pills this morning and they want me to tell him he needs to take his pill

And then they don't let me do that. Literally they (the doctors, not my grandpa) keep interrupting me as I'm talking to my grandpa and I only manage to once barely tell him to take his medicine before they interrupt me and say they need to hang up and they'll call me back later if something happens.

Why didn't you let me do what y'all wanted me to do wtf??? If you're calling me so I can tell my grandpa he needs to take his pills, let me do that???


Wondering bot
Weird ass phone call from hospital

Hospital calls me to say my grandpa is a bit confused this morning (not like he was the other day confused but still a little confused cuz he apparently couldn't fall asleep last night so it's the tired confused) and he doesn't want to take one of his pills this morning and they want me to tell him he needs to take his pill

And then they don't let me do that. Literally they (the doctors, not my grandpa) keep interrupting me as I'm talking to my grandpa and I only manage to once barely tell him to take his medicine before they interrupt me and say they need to hang up and they'll call me back later if something happens.

Why didn't you let me do what y'all wanted me to do wtf??? If you're calling me so I can tell my grandpa he needs to take his pills, let me do that???

It sounds like those in charge of his care, are idiots who aren't fit to be in charge of his care, at this rate, the way things are going, you might want to make formal complaint to the higher ups of that hospital


Staff member
Council of Elders
Hospitals hire genuine zombies. It's a real problem.

Survival tip: keep your answers short. Every patient is different and some conditions do require some explanation, but that's too bad. Say the shortest possible thing that has any hope of steering them in the right direction. If some additional explanation will steer them in the right direction, too bad. Keep it short. If the zombie nurses deem your answer too long, they will make up something that's shorter to write down.


Wondering bot
Hospitals hire genuine zombies. It's a real problem.

Survival tip: keep your answers short. Every patient is different and some conditions do require some explanation, but that's too bad. Say the shortest possible thing that has any hope of steering them in the right direction. If some additional explanation will steer them in the right direction, too bad. Keep it short. If the zombie nurses deem your answer too long, they will make up something that's shorter to write down.

Surival tip number 2: have some Holy water or magic on hand to repel the undead, if not, at least have some means of setting them ablaze, like a flame sword! 😁

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
My grandpa is going back in the ICU.

I will try and visit him tomorrow, if he's even still here.

I've been mentally preparing myself what I feel is going to happen sooner rather than later since he was admitted to the hospital on Sunday.

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