Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
There's something inherently amusing to me about logging into Linux Mint and then it's just Windows 9x.

I even changed the login sound to the Windows 95 one because why the hell not.

(It's not a perfect replica of Windows 95 but it's close enough and I actually like having it not be 100% identical, gives it a bit of its own identity)


Staff member
Council of Elders
I would love it until the moment something breaks the illusion. I want something that actually behaves like early Windows (aside from the crashes, obviously). I want a single user operating system, and I want it to act like it. I don't want to be bugged about passwords and permissions. I get it, but I don't need it and I don't want it.

If Mint has gotten more flexible about that stuff since I last checked, I could be won over. I've been using SliTAZ because it actually does act almost like a single user system, and it's been a joy to use, so I know Linux can do it.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
The illusion would break as soon as you open up something cuz the text in the title bar for open applications is centered.

I'm sure there's a way I could make the text aligned to the left to better match the Windows 9x style but I can't be bothered.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Manual install guide to this one bit of kit I used to get Linux looking like it does now: Hey if you copy the contents of this one file into this other file and this file to another file, you can make your terminal have the Windows 95 copyright information at the start and even say that you're in the C: drive. Also you can can change the font to this other one we've got to make it look even more like MS-DOS.

Me: Sign me the **** up.


Staff member
Council of Elders
All I want is MS-DOS updated to 64 bit. My preferred gui would be something like GEOS, which is totally doable now that it's gone open source.


Wondering bot
My dad is not happy with a Amazon delivery driver, they sent the correct item but the driver was a complete idiot, our garden gate was open and there is a bunch of places around the garden to place a item, thou we were in and it was after dark, thus the light can be seen though the door but the idiot decided to put the package on the windscreen of my mum's car on the drive, we got the notice saying it been delivered and checked around the garden looking for the package but couldn't find it, it was only in day light that my Dad found it on the windscreen of my mum's car under the wiper, he was not best pleased about that location, clearly the driver was being lazy and didn't even bother to come into the garden or up to the door and just stuck it on the windscreen and it stayed there overnight, so for more than 12 hours it sat there and if anyone wondering by at night or early morning had spotted it, they could of stolen it, so he wasn't happy about that and I swear delivery drivers are getting more and more lazy of late, at times when I've been in and expecting a package, they don't even bother to ring the doorbell despite the fact its plainly obvious and just leave it by the door, its like before Christmas, I came home from work, found my package and a package for my neighbour across the road, by the door, why they put my neigbour's package there instead of taking it across to them, is just mind blowing stupid if you ask me!!


Why do companies send me a paper to tell me they're not sending a bill? Just don't send me anything.
It could be worse. One year during my undergrad my student loans somehow got split up in such a way that one semester's disbursement ended up at $.99 instead of the whole dollar amount, so the University literally sent me a bill, through the mail, postage paid (somewhere around $.40 at the time) for a penny.



Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It could be worse. One year during my undergrad my student loans somehow got split up in such a way that one semester's disbursement ended up at $.99 instead of the whole dollar amount, so the University literally sent me a bill, through the mail, postage paid (somewhere around $.40 at the time) for a penny.

I had something similar happen: my store has a customer appreciation cookout once every year or so, and we buy our food supplies through a local grocery chain.

After I got our bill this year, I tried to pay it at our local branch out of petty cash, only to find out that they don't process payments locally any more, they have to be sent in to the main office. After seemingly confirming that I had the correct amount in cash, the local branch sent the payment in directly.

The following month, I got a bill in the mail saying I still owed 7 cents. That's right, they spent 56 cents in postage to say I owed 7. Then things got busy, and I didn't get it dealt with. The next month, another bill shows up, 56 cents postage to say we owed 7.
After the initial experience trying to pay the bill locally, I knew I had to mail in a payment, so I taped a dime to the bill and mailed it back.

This month, they spent another 56 cents to mail me a statement for my 3 cent credit. I'm curious if they will continue to send statements each month, or if it stops after this one. I'm guessing they will keep coming.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've never been a PC gamer but I actually get that. I support anything that gives you more control over what your hardware is doing.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Only downside of course is that it consumes more battery power (naturally), it disables DisplayPort-out on the USB-C port, and I have to restart my laptop whenever I enable or disable it.

On the plus side, you get more performance and it mean you're not bottlenecked by the iGPU.

Of course running my laptop's display at the full 144 Hz also consumes more battery power but IDGAF, I've tried switching it back to 60 Hz and OMG why is it so slow it's so weird like I have no issues using all my other devices with 60 Hz displays and I have no issues playing games at 60 fps (or even lower, I ain't a framerate snob) but having the display itself at 60 Hz instead of 144 Hz is just noticeably slow now.


How it really happened.

Pippen saw a rock and idly tossed it down a well, making some noise that could give away their presence in the mines.

An orc in the lower mines heard the noise and grumbled. "Damn rats infesting the whole place!"

Back in the upper mines, Gandolf turns a sharp eye on the foolish hobbit who could potentially be attracting too much attention. "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity."

Back in the lower mines, the orc turns back around as his ears pick up the echoes of the wizards words. He proceeds to sound the alarm.

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