Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Staff member
Council of Elders
I will remember 2023 as the year I lost my dad and got buried by his expenses and got addicted to vodka, and got into some other misadventures lawyers advise me not to talk about yet.

But people have been so nice to me. I've been invited to more social outings than ever in my life, and I have neighbors who bring me food and oh my God they can cook and it makes me feel like life is pretty good.

And the last time I got Cuban coffee they offered me a larger size and that is a serious ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED moment for me.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here


Wondering bot
Happy New Year

I been having a desent New Year, finally got my Christmas gifts from my sister and her kids and gave them theirs as I was ill on Christmas day & Boxing day

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual

(Seriously that was absolutely ******* awful. The installer wasn't detecting my SSD, despite it showing up in the BIOS, and it turned out I needed to put the Intel Rapid Storage Technology drivers on another flash drive so I could then install them and the damned installer could see my goddamn SSD. Then when it wanted me to connect to the Internet, OOPS you don't have drivers for WiFi installed either and Windows and their goddamn instructions on their goddamn website on how to manually add the drivers using another flash drive and command prompt didn't work. Sure, it said that they installed the drivers but nope! Still nothing. Oh and also command prompt would **** with my keyboard too, like I could press shift-F10 to open it up and then none of my keys would be working, well none of the keys that I'd need to use to type in stuff. I could still open up more command prompts and use tab to select options [did I mention I couldn't use my laptop trackpad either cuz of no drivers?] but I couldn't type shit. A quick Google search tells me that the solution to that problem was alt-tabbing. Yup, that fixed it but I STILL DON'T HAVE ANY WAY TO GET ONLINE. So I do some more searching and I find a YouTube guide and holy shit it worked. What I ultimately ended up having to do was using command prompt to open up task manager, then opening up File Explorer from it [I plugged in that gaming mouse I got included with the laptop], navigating to my flash drive and installing the Wireless LAN drivers manually. And FINALLY I had WiFi and could connect to the internet and finish reinstalling this trash operating system. And then when I was restarting to install updates, it was hanging for like 15 damn minutes on that screen about how Updates Are In Progress, Please Keep Your PC On but then it turns out the solution was 'remove the USB that has the Windows 11 installer on it' but also STILL.)

Me installing Linux Mint: Oh wow that was so easy and frustration-free.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Windows does a lot right. Installation is currently not one of them.

I'm considering Mint. If it's as friendly as SliTAZ, I could live with it.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I went for Mint cause a lot of videos about 'What are some good beginner Linux distros' were like 'Yeah if you're used to Windows, try out Mint'.


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to try loading your average message board page with a 56k modem. We have 1 picture and 1 gif on this page not even counting the page banner. It could probably take a while. Just imagine a more picture heavy page! I'd love to try and time that, but I don't have a landline...or even a computer with a 56k modem for that matter.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I mean you can just throttle your internet in your browser to try it out, like I just did.

It took over 4 minutes, by the way, to load this page specifically in Chrome with my speed throttled to 56k. And it took a whole minute for the page to even load anything beyond a purple background (and something was still loading at the 4:30 mark but like all the images had loaded, the text box, etc, so I just assume it was loading background tracking shit or whatever still).


Staff member
Council of Elders
It might take almost as long as WebTV took back in the day. If you didn't get to experience that horror, you do not understand. You're picturing normal dialup slow. No. It was a whole other world of slow.


Nonstop Baaka
I will always remember chatting w/ TMM on AIM before we met in person, and the first photo he shared of himself slowly loading line by line... (spoiler alert: he's super hawt)


Do you ever have a conversation with someone and for the rest of the day you're stuck in a loop trying to do the conversation better?


Actually, I could probably have answered that better. Let me think about it.

Actually, not sure about all day, but certainly a lot more time than I should.

Oh, this is gonna bug me now.


Staff member
Council of Elders
And do you ever start having the conversation out loud because you've forgotten that you're just imagining it and aren't really in that moment anymore?

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