[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


Staff member
Council of Elders
I love it. Sadly the missing text was nowhere to be found in the OOC thread.

I love the back and forth between Night Cap's grandiose delusions and ponies innocently deflating him at every turn. It is so much funnier than if they did it on purpose.


Pittied fools.
Another thing with Ocean Bay is that it was another moment where I got to tried to flesh out the (admittedly still vague) administrative side of the Keep. Instead of just adventure scenarios, Brisk Iron has to deal with donors and lawyers. Not sure how well it worked in the end, though.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It popped up quite a bit, really. Even the adventure scenarios often involved someone donating something to the Keep or Brisk Iron otherwise maintaining the Keep's relations with somepony. She was busy.


This was one of my favorite arcs. I think it would be too much to say Static and Rhapsody would ever be friend, but this is where they at least began to understand if not respect each other.

Plus Static's electric immunity finally got established and AC/DC is now a part of Equestrian culture.


Well-known member
I'm not sure how much it was fully established, but one thing Static contemplated was right about Rhapsody: She holds on to WAY too much guilt for the umbra fox incident. But her sorta being the instigator that lead to that happening, doesn't help either; but there wasn't much a filly about CMC age was gonna do to stop things.


Staff member
Council of Elders

RS6MPcR attempt 1.png

I believe this is the puzzle Night Cap solved here.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Today's episode is broken. Apparently Maple is upset because of something Night Cap said, but nobody quoted him and the OOC discussion offers no clues. Whatever happened there is just lost.


Staff member
Council of Elders
100 posts in that email thread.

Amber Spark swiftly teleported out of the net's reach and onto the central pedestal. However, as soon as she left the metal platform, she could hear the squeak of moving wheels and the box that had been suspended by her team's weight now dropped on top of her. She was now trapped in a cramped space with her teammates on the outside.


This is such MLP comedic timing.


Pittied fools.
I try. It didn't always work but I think I managed the comedic timing more often than not. For the missions themselves, I think Rhapsody/Static and Amber/Night Cap/Maple were better realized as quests than Anchors/Misty/Snowy was.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I guess Anchors/Misty/Snowy didn't have as much to work on. Rhapsody's group needed a friendship lesson, and Night Cap's group needed exercise.


Staff member
Council of Elders
In today's episode, the Anchors/Misty/Snowy team finished first, followed by the Rhapsody/Static team.

The Amber/Night Cap/Maple team... needs more time.

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