[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


I really enjoyed this bit. Static had already begun to temper his actions as seen with the harmonica pony. But he still had the rough, no rules background he'd lived his whole life by. So he had two sets of values here that hadn't totally been resolved.

I think this and the kickball training were the two biggest events that turned Static and Rhapsody into friends. Like, they'll never be touchy feely, go out on a bender together drinking buddies. But they're finally at a point of respect and do anything for each other type of camaraderie.

At least that's my read on it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
When you're not stuck in the moment and you're just reading it later, it makes the Nightmare Heights fiasco worth it. This was a satisfying journey. They earned each other's respect.

A fun irony is they already had each other's respect since the night they met, but Static didn't know it and Rhapsody couldn't say it.

Destron D-69

maple fangirling over Night cap to the point that she'll needle Static just for trying to change him - even for the better- makes me laugh, I'd forgotten how that was the start of their sibling-ness. Also Maple talks a lot. sorry Fnu, I remember how much coloured text was a pain on the old board and I'm sorry if you're having to do all that formatting again now


Staff member
Council of Elders
Every single color and font. None of it copy/pastes to the new forum.

For Amber, the trip into "backstage" was as alien and and new as any of the archeological sites the STOMP team had visited, but the others seemed to take it in stride with an easy familiarity. Now it seemed that everypony was familiar with the Changeling Champion - Pendulumnae - who was as usual friends with Night Cap. Was there anypony he didn't know?

This did end up being something of a running gag, didn't it?

I wasn't thinking about this at all at the time, but the trend has continued into Nighthaze. Everywhere we go, somepony already knows Night Cap.

Destron D-69

I love hearing that that keeps happening. I remember thinking each time the team went somewhere that Maple would instinctively be keeping an eye out for any other big Night cap Fangirls... I remember toying with the idea that eventually she might start a fanclub and send out monthly letters
but we never really got around to it in-game, and when it ended, I must have forgotten about it or something. lol

Destron D-69

can't remember if I settled on a name, but going by what I remember Maple's "enhanced" view of what Night Cap's adventures being like... I'd imagine she'd name the newsletter something like "CAP-tivating Nights" and it would be like a collection of exaggerated fangirly recounts of heroic deeds done in dreamland from mares and fillies who'd fallen in love with their Night Cap in shiny armor, who rescued them from nightmare dragons or climbed impossibly tall towers just to tell them how beautiful they were... Maple of course would adopt a secret pen name so he'd never know it was her organizing such an embarrassing thing... lol. I'm sure he'd hate the ego stroking lol.

Destron D-69

I'm totally stealing that.
you don't have to steal it, use it with Maple's blessing... I mean, the universe is still going right ;) so I'm sure the newsletter still exists or is at least archived somewhere if it eventually ends or becomes about Night Cap's apprentices or successors.

Destron D-69

I'd forgotten how weird Static was about Maple's mind jujus XD what could be wrong with letting sweet little maple play with your thinky bits?

Destron D-69

some more interesting maple-ing here... her marketing brain kicked in a few times lol... no wonder that department was so interested in her lol. got a head for business this one


What struck me is that all the times Static tries to censor himself around Maple, she admonished him on something he thought was so mild that it didn't even amount to a swear. It just struck me because IRL that's the same reaction I had. Like, that's so mild, people around here don't even consider it a swear.

And read back, I noticed this isn't the first time Maple tried to admonish him but it went right over Static's (and my) head.

Destron D-69

she loosened up after he started corrupting her pure heart, lol. she in particular came to find 'pony feathers' and 'rump' both funny and useful


Oh there's so much good here. Splash gets redeemed. Rhapsody shows her compassionate side. Static sees Amber has a naughty streak.

I did enjoy Static's rather bi-polar treatment of Splash. Like he was rooting for her to be redeemed, but he wasn't giving her any slack either.

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