[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


Staff member
Council of Elders
It makes this arc easier to read now. There is so much worthwhile character development that eventually came out of it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Patchouli Knowledge:
*gasp* Noooooo, a cliffhanger!

How unexpected. :p

Still expecting STOMP: Equestria Girls. :p

Night Cap still has the secondary Morse Code thingy, right?

Night Cap still has the secondary Morse Code thingy, right?
I'm trying to remember. I'm assuming so since it hadn't been redistributed. That said, I doubt any of that trio know Morse code. Amber explicitly doesn't.

Copper Bezel:
Might still be a thing if we can use it, even if we can't actually send a message sort of message, to say, you know, "hey," and "we still know the first handful of prime numbers." Obviously, I'm saying that without knowing where we are and what we're up to at the present.

Yeah, I'm just thinking, even if all they say is:


That at least tells us they're alive.

Yeah, I'm just thinking, even if all they say is:


That at least tells us they're alive.

Oh good, where ever they are, they've found a cat to play on their keyboard. :p

Or...you could just be getting a staticky signal.

Or...you could just be getting a staticky signal.

Is there an opposite of a 'like' button. I think we need an opposite for the 'like' button.


Yeah, Static, you're absolutely right. Whoever heard of an Earthpony teleporting? Of course, even at this early point, that teleportation bit was on his character sheet. So of course that was done while absolutely looking for an opportunity to do it.

Still, I truly forgot about some of Static's early quirks. I remembered he was afraid of heights, but I'd forgotten just how paralyzing it was for him. But also, there's just some things I can't quite put my finger on, but this early Static feels so different from where he wound up.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Early Static was very "I knew I should have stayed home from work today." I think the turning point is going to happen pretty soon after we get back to Caballuston.


I never did watch Magic Schoolbus, so the reference is lost on me. But yeah, he was very much "should've called in today" early on.


Staff member
Council of Elders
"Are they still on Namek Mr. Night Cap?"

No. Chapter 4 is over. We are now starting to work on our Wanderlust builds.

I'm glad it had a happy ending after all. Night Cap may not have been thrilled about carrying a heavy cauldron but I was. It's a rare moment when karma caught up with him at what felt like an appropriate moment instead of a random unrelated moment days later. He owed the town some work. I'm glad we had that moment before the chapter ended.


Pittied fools.
It is interesting to look back over the highs and lows of this arc. I'll note that on my end, both how the Barometz encounter went and Silent Bell + Double Dusk getting demoted to jobbers had major ripple effects on the rest of the campaign. I learned things but it fluctuated on whether or not I learned the right lessons.


Pittied fools.
Sort of embarrassed to ask but no use putting it off longer. I need help remembering the name of two characters from the Warning Sound arc--the doctor and the young filly. I remember the events of the arc but not those two characters's names.


Pittied fools.
Embarrassed I missed Patch's Ghostbuster reference the first time. I wonder what other things I missed in the campaign. That said, we're at this arc so there's fun to be had.


It is one of my favorites. This has one of my favorite Static/Maple moments, "How old do you think I am?" He also managed to take charge during the attack. This arc did do quite a bit for his character I think. And of course there's bowling.


Staff member
Council of Elders
When Misty Monsoon looked to the sky, she was able to marvel at the wonderfully clear sky she had crafted. There was a brief silence until suddenly several rocks the size of ponies rolled out from behind the trees. Rolling to a stop, they unfolded and someone from the crowd shouted, "Look out, they're cucarockas!" Pandemonium ensued. Mares yelped and stallions fainted as the buglike rock creatures ran rampant, tipping over tables and attempting to steal food from the caterers. "Things were going so well. At least it can't get worse than..." Mayor Cranberry Loss tried to run away only to trip and get tangled in the stage apron, causing it to become unhooked and start sailing into the air from the large number of balloons that were tied to it. "Halp! Haaaalllpp!!!" Brisk Iron facehoofed. "I'm old enough to know better than to say that."

"I assume we have you to thank for the weather? Thanks!"
Misty blushes a little. "Yeah, I was on cloudbusting duty for this area today. I'm just glad that everything went fine and nothing messed up the...''

"Look out, they're cucarockas!" Pandemonium ensued. Mares yelped and stallions fainted as the buglike rock creatures ran rampant, tipping over tables and attempting to steal food from the caterers.

Mayor Cranberry Loss tried to run away only to trip and get tangled in the stage apron, causing it to become unhooked and start sailing into the air from the large number of balloons that were tied to it. "Halp! Haaaalllpp!!!" Brisk Iron facehoofed. "I'm old enough to know better than to say that."
"...um... oh dear.''

There they are. The best posts.

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