[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


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Council of Elders
After leaving the hotel room and walking a decent distance away, Savant Sard sighed with relief. "If I wasn't already quivering in my monocle from the wonderful sight of this artifact, I'm sure I'd have been more shaken up. The tension in there was thick enough to spread on toast."

"I still feel like there is something off about this whole thing..." Rhapsody replies, knowing that thing 2 and thing 3 are out there somewhere doing something that one and four didn't want anyone to know about.

Savant Sard commented. "The way I see it, we have two options. Either we give them the benefit of the doubt instead of jumping to conclusions or we rest assured in the knowledge that this city has a superhero. If they're here for trouble, I doubt they'd be prepared for that since their city doesn't have one."

Night Cap... doesn't give a bubbly defense of the strange ponies.

"Can't say I'm the 'rest assured' type. I got their names and a possible location they might be tomorrow. Rhapsody, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

Rhapsody looks to Sard. "So you think our options should be either we 'let it go' because its none of our business or we 'let it go' because its someone else's business? That is an incredibly finite way of looking at things." She says with a huff and looks to Night Cap, of course he wants to stop these mobsters, after-all COIN can't have another criminal organization muscling in on their turf, but regardless it almost agasts her that she more agrees with him. "I'm not really the spying sort Night Cap. I do feel that Black Night should be informed of their presence, either way I do feel that it is our duty as moral, up-right citizens to at least inform the proper channels of our suspicions rather then just ignoring it and hoping others will deal with it. IF we are wrong, then we are wrong and they get watched for no good reason; however if we are right then someone will actually be able to do something about it, and think of the publicity 'Museum workers help prevent disaster!'"

"Well I am the spying soooo I mean, you know what I mean. I really don't know the authorities here, and my first meeting with this Black Night character didn't go very well. Outside the Keep I really don't know who I can trust around here."

All the lost Night Cap posts are worth it in exchange for this scene surviving. Their entire relationship was made so this moment could happen.


I really like Statics interrogation scene. I was actually pretty nervous when I was writing it because it felt pretty close to the Silent Belle situation that created some OC friction. But instead it came to prove that Static can be put in that position and do the right thing. He really started his change for the better here.


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Council of Elders
It's one of many examples of this chapter being a masterpiece for everyone involved. It kinda makes the Silent Belle moment less harsh in hindsight. Static's lowest point retroactively became a character flaw with heroic potential that needed to be brought out with experience.

Maybe Barometz did us some good after all. That was such a crisis that it raised Static's threshold for panicking. This is the point when "This isn't in my job description" became "I guess this is my job now, and I'm surviving so far."


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Council of Elders
And this is the moment Static and Maple became honorary siblings.

Amber really did faint at every possible opportunity. I love her confused but completely sensible explanation of how she got stuffed under a desk, and that we never had the heart to tell her the truth.

To be fair, Snowy would have fainted too, but used a magic point.

I sorta wish I hadn't spent that magic point because I'd love to see what Night Cap would on his own in this situation.

Apparently the dice thought it would be funny to have Night Cap be the only pony who remained standing while COIN pulled off a jailbreak.

I guess it's a good thing this didn't happen, because there is no way he could have explained that one.

Well, at least if Night Cap gets himself arrested, he won't have far to go.


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Council of Elders
At this point in the campaign, a few things happened OOC. "Night Capped" became a verb. We discussed naming the unfortunate police receptionist but don't seem to have decided on anything. "Tranquility Blue" was suggested. She is a recurring character at this point. She is telepathic, but is not the telepathic unicorn that encountered Static on the way to the sting operation with Dazzling Midnight.

But most importantly, this is the moment when Shadewing streamed a playthrough of Deponia.


Pittied fools.
I can't remember if it was through PMs or it was in the OOC but Destron noticed that I engineered something with princesses that Maple had to interact with and couldn't easily get out of.


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Council of Elders
Probably not doing an update this Wednesday. I'm going to be traveling all week and Gmail probably won't believe me if I try to log in from outside my house.


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Council of Elders
Going back to the jailbreak for a bit, the IC/OOC split is an interesting thing sometimes. Usually it's characters acting on OOC knowledge they shouldn't have, but apparently sometimes the reverse can happen.

"Just because the truth is true doesn't mean we have to like it." Snowy commiserates. "They could just have different solutions. Like identical lockers with different combinations."

"Certainly, but it does leave one to wonder why the symbols would be arranged differently to give any clue at all." Now having the two chests sitting next to one another in adjacent specimen trays, Amber was starting to think as Snowy had hinted that they might be clues to one another, even if a part of the puzzle was still missing. Amber glanced around the lab and back to the trays. "Do you think they might be connected somehow? Does shifting the ring of one have some effect on the other?" Amber began idly rolling one of the dials with her magic.

"If they have different patterns, then we aren't looking at locking runes or anything that would be uniformly used, like an enchantment. They could be combinations to the lock wheels, or they could be labels. In any case, when the symbols were inscribed they were intended to be legible to those who wished to open the chest. Obviously." He sighs. "So at the end of the day, we really need to translate these symbols before we can get anywhere. Usually by now there would be some disturbance that we'd find Night Cap right in the middle of."

Amber nodded. "Should we just wait for him to show up with the emergency, then?"

Snowy grimaces. "I suppose, but I hate doing nothing. I'm going to get my viola."

The police receptionist finished writing. "We'll certainly be on the lookout. Unless you..." She paused and blinked. "I'm sorry sir but we're going to need you to wait here."

Steel Flint stuck her head into the lab and addressed Amber Spark and Snowy Skies. "Sorry to interrupt. There seems to be a bit of a concern down at the police station involving Night Cap so if you could please take this folder, it would be appreciated. It's simply verification of his prior location."

"Yes ma'am," said Amber, stepping forward and levitating the folder. "You do study your colleagues closely, Mr. Skies."

Snowy grins widely. It felt good to be right. "Extreme cases like Night Cap are easier than others. I know the way to the police station." He set out down the hallway, Amber (hopefully) in tow.

Night Cap getting held up at the police station was my idea. Snowy and Amber needed Night Cap's input, but it was no longer possible to bring him to them quickly, so I came up with an idea to bring them to him.

Here's the thing though. I did not coordinate this with Sunbeam in any way. Snowy appears to have gotten a premonition without any OOC knowledge, just because it was an IC thing to do.


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Council of Elders
Patchouli Knowledge has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "[OOC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP".
Misty is not really the most observant pony, you know...

The navigator.


Pittied fools.
One of the smaller narrative things I enjoyed was the various ways I could have unicorns and pegasi emote. Steel Flint in particular was often a case of deciding what she'd be idly fiddling with in a scene.

And while I made various mistakes, it was fun watching players get various clues I was seeding. Including moments when one player pointing something out clued in another that they have a piece of the puzzle. Well, puzzles.


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Council of Elders
Just a tiny update today. The next email thread has 98 posts in it and I am just not ready for that right now.


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Council of Elders
98 posts.

Next email thread should be easier. There's only *checks* 94 posts in that one.


Pittied fools.
I remember it being hard to keep up sometimes and yet, I usually craved the active posts (pending on what was going on).


Staff member
Council of Elders
My comic plan for the meeting (yes it got that far) was for Light Fantastic to quit when Static starts banging his head on the table.

I had no plans for the bowling scene.

Misty enters the bowling alley wearing a large ceramic bowl on her head. Looking around, she spots Night Cap and Static Signal. She trots over to meet them. "Hi guys! This is my first time bowling. I hope this bowl is the right size."

Misty is a national treasure.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I found a Night Cap post in the OOC thread and edited it in where it belongs.

Static nods politely to the pony behind the counter. "Umm, yes, I'm here for the Equestrian Expedition Keep's practice...thingy. I guess I need to rent a ball and shoes. Umm...actually, I hear its better if you buy your own if you expect to be doing it for a while...and...well, who knows how long these things can last...right? So, do you sell balls here or just rent?"

The stallion at the rental counter said, "We sell and rent. In fact, if you let us know ahead of time, we can make a custom ball for you. It looks like tonight's rentals have been paid for by a few of your coworkers who made big purchases. We've got a special going on."

Meanwhile, Destiny Spiral flew into the bowling alley. Looking around, she walked over to Snowy Skies, "I guess neither Dusty nor Rhapsody has shown up yet, huh? Gosh, with so many departments here it's hard to find ponies you recognize." "I'm sure I can help with that." Steel Flint walked in carrying both a bowling ball bag and several sheets of paper with her magic. She seemed to be in a fairly good mood. "Our table is over there. I'll direct any others who come in."

[Night Cap, of course]​
Someone else pays again. It's like magic, but better.

"Oh I love it when that happens. Where shall we begin?"

"Well, in that case, I guess I might as well buy one. Looks like I'm in this department competition for the long haul in any case. I figure any extra cost in buying one would eventually be offset by repeated renting fees. I don't know how custom I'd need it, though. I mean, what do I gain by getting something custom?"



Oh, I miss all of it too. Static being Wolverine to Maple's Jubilee, the relationship between Static and Night Cap, Static and Scarlet, Anchors Away, Skivey...it was just a whole world.

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