Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver

Go get Dusk if you like retro shooters. Or wait a bit and get it on Switch if you prefer.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I've heard nothing good about the game as a whole. Not interested in trying it myself. One MMO at a time is enough.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
There's rumors that there's going to be a Hisuian form of Volcarona in Legends Arceus.
dont give me hope.jpg

If there is I'm going to have a pretty solid team of Bug-types between Kleavor, Heracross, Yanmega and Hisuian Volcarona. If Golisopod, Galvantula and/or Scolipede get in the game I'll have a good selection.


Somehow still sane
I've heard nothing good about the game as a whole. Not interested in trying it myself. One MMO at a time is enough.
I wouldn't pay it any attention if it weren't for the fact that the in-game economy is going through a massive deflation crisis. Everybody knows what happens in inflation because of post-WWI Germany and Zimbabwe. Deflation on the other hand? This shit should be documented and taught in economics classes.

It also has the same energy as Google taking two years to add a search bar to their own failed gaming release.
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Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
It also has the same energy as Google taking two years to add a search bar to their own failed gaming release.
Actually, now that I actually look into it, it's way simpler than that and we should have seen it coming. Amazon created an MMO where quests don't pay a living wage.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
My favorite part of Amazon's MMO is how one of their servers crashed and, when it came back up, the in-game time on that server had gone forward a month and they were unable to rollback the server state to how it was before the crash.

And like...being able to rollback a server in the case of major bugs or whatever is like MMO 101.


Somehow still sane
I liked when players found out that the coding is so bad that you can use HTML commands to send images to and/or crash other online players

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual

IDK much about the game itself, but this MMO accidentally being deleted surely takes the cake for 'massive fuckup'.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I mean, that's pretty bad (and hilarious), but now we'll never know just how badly fucked up the actual game is, because it doesn't exist anymore.

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