Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Gen 1 wasn’t meant to be whatever pokemon is today IIRC. It’s meant to be more of a traditional JRPG so they intended all the poison types to poison you in dungeons. It’s also why so many late game Pokemon are direct upgrades over early game ones. You’re supposed to box them and use the new ones like selling off your iron sword to buy the Immortal Phoenix Blade of Eternal Ruination.
i'm just glad there's plenty of actual good bug-type pokemon now

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
In my defense I never chose Bulbasaur in the OG games (or FRLG) and only chose him in my new game of Pokémon Y because I chose Fennekin as my starter and figured 'OK so Fennekin is Fire-type and that means he's weak to Water-types, so I should go for Bulbasaur because he's strong against them'.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Playing the Super Mario RPG remake.

Oh yeah, the spring-loaded knife boss Mack, because everyone loves a reference to a song about a knife-wielding criminal in a kid's game.....

...wait, Claymorton? They changed the name?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Playing the Super Mario RPG remake.

Oh yeah, the spring-loaded knife boss Mack, because everyone loves a reference to a song about a knife-wielding criminal in a kid's game.....

...wait, Claymorton? They changed the name?
I haven’t been able to start playing, but it wouldn’t surprise me if a LOT of those little cheeky references weren’t edited or modified. Something even Nintendo (inadvertently?) highlighted was Valentina, who got a major boob reduction in the past 25 years and doesn’t jiggle when hit anymore.

I was on Amazon trying to peruse the game specials, and I came across Goat Simulator 3 for $10 on PS5.

I’m pretty sure I can get MORE than $10 of enjoyment out of a Goat Sim game.


Somehow still sane
It looks to be a straight remake. I like mario RPG but full triple A price for a graphics upgrade just isn’t worth it.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Noticed a couple of other name changes. The Kinklink in the intro fight with Bowser is now a Chandelier, and Mallow's Psychopath spell is now Thought Peek. And a line where Mallow asks Mario if he thinks he's Bruce Lee now just asks him who he thinks he is.

On the plus side, they kept the bit where Mario tries to slug a smartass kid.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
From what I've read on the Super Mario Wiki, all of the changes in the Switch version are either to maintain consistency with how later games translate stuff (like calling her Princess Peach instead of Princess Toadstool) or to make the translation more accurate to the original Japanese.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
I haven’t been able to start playing, but it wouldn’t surprise me if a LOT of those little cheeky references weren’t edited or modified. Something even Nintendo (inadvertently?) highlighted was Valentina, who got a major boob reduction in the past 25 years and doesn’t jiggle when hit anymore.

I was on Amazon trying to peruse the game specials, and I came across Goat Simulator 3 for $10 on PS5.

I’m pretty sure I can get MORE than $10 of enjoyment out of a Goat Sim game.
look, normally i'm fine with boob jiggle, but tbh it's so weirdly out of place in a freaking mario game of all things lol

i do think it's hilarious how recent mario games give jiggle physics to mario's nose of all things tho

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Of course now with Mario RPG remake, we once again people have going 'OK but why was Geno never added to Smash????'

It's because Geno is a literal nobody character who does jack and shit in SMRPG and he's like the perfect example of a bandwagon character. And considering he's owned by Square Enix, why in the hell would Nintendo have gone for him rather than characters from Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, like they ultimately did? Are Geno fans gonna sit there and say with a straight face that he would have been a better choice than Cloud and Sephiroth??? The protagonist and antagonist of one of the most influential JRPGs ever made???

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual

But that's also exactly my point.

He's a single party member who has virtually no relevance story-wise and his entire personality can be summed up as 'gives exposition for the lore of the game's MacGuffin' from a single JRPG that was released 27 years ago (and even then only in Japan and North America, it didn't come out in Europe and Australia until it was rereleased on the Wii Virtual Console in 2008, 12 years after its original release) and, while it certainly wasn't a flop (it was the 20th best selling game on the SNES), it still came out before JRPGs exploded in popularity in the West with the release of Final Fantasy VII.


These are probably the same people who whined "everyone's back except Waluigi" even though he was never anything more than an assist trophy. People are idiots.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
They also latch on to one statement made by Sakurai where he revealed that he considered adding Geno to Brawl but I guarantee you there's tons of characters they considered adding to Smash but didn't for one reason or another, Geno isn't special in that way.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
we basically got the four best possible square enix reps in smash, representing their three biggest series. hero, cloud, sephiroth and especially sora are all better picks than geno.

i mean, hell, sora is literally the guy who won the smash ballot almost a decade ago. he was the perfect character to end SSBU with

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Also I feel that there's also an echo chamber effect going on with the Geno for Smash types too. It's all just a niche group of hardcore fans but since they basically only interact with each other, it makes them think that there's more clamoring for Geno than there actually is.

Hell someone asked why the thread for Geno was the largest thread on Smashboards on another gaming forum about this very topic recently and it's because the overlap between 'Smash Bros fans who would post on Smashboards' and 'Smash Bros fans who want Geno added to the game' is basically a circle. (These are also the same types of people who think that the hardcore Smash fanbase is larger than the casual Smash fanbase because, again, they don't interact with anyone outside of the hardcore fandom)


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
my hot take wrt third-party characters in Smash is we should have gotten another Capcom rep at some point in the DLC. obviously you've got big name characters who actually had a shot like X, Chun-Li, Phoenix Wright and of course Dante, but ngl I kinda think Amaterasu would have be my most-wanted Capcom rep. also he'd never happen in a billion years, but Asura would be pretty kickass.
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Amaterasu would have been nice. I ran into a "where am I supposed to go now" block in Okami. But the bit I was able to get through was really fun. Needs a sequel.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
conversely there's only two potential additional Konami reps I'd want, and one (Alucard) is an Assist Trophy. The other, though...
if they can convince Konami to come back for the next one, Raiden kinda needs to happen. it'd whip ass to hear MGR songs in Smash, and the memes would be amazing

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Bring in Kratos just to see if future God of War games make it canon like they did for his appearance in Playstation All Stars.

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