Final Fantasy


Pride in Mediocrity
I hope that doesn't mean:

"Can I get some help with..."

"You're not a sprout any more. Put your big-boy pants on and figure it out for yourself!"



Pride in Mediocrity
I beat the HD game on PS3. I honestly remember very little though. I don't even remember what the trials are.

If I didn't already have such a backlog of games, I'd almost be tempted to see how much it cost on PS5 so I could capture some scenes.

Huh! Turns out not only do I have it on PS5 (I'm guessing via PS+), but it's even downloaded.

I'm really tempted to try it, if for no other reason than because I want to capture Suteki Da Ne. But I did just start Endwalker...soooooo...yeah!


Nonstop Baaka
I would like to watch that but the sheer number of pop up ads makes it unbearable. The "full transcript" button also isn't working.


Pride in Mediocrity
So tell me if this sounds crazy.

I really need to get rid of that sprout status. One of these days I will be free of that accursed icon.

Almost there. I'm so close to getting rid of it forever.

YES! I finally got rid of that sprout status. I'm a newbie no longer!



My character name looks so weird without some kind of icon next to it. I...I miss my sprout status. 😥

Destron D-69

It's a lot less got than it could have been... its more Witcher really.... but witcher done by the people who make Final Fantasy.


Pride in Mediocrity
I'm kinda torn.

On the one hand, if I'd just waited and maybe done some side quests, they probably would've moved the sprout cutoff to the beginning of the new expansion and I could've held onto my sprout status for longer.

On the other hand, thank goodness I got rid of my sprout status now before they moved the carrot.


Well-known member
I mean, this is for summer 2024, so you've got a loooong time to finish up side quests.

---Dave, really wishes you could just skip the Masked Carnivale since it looks like Blue Mage is going to be important to the new expansion.


Active member
Final Fantasy XII

Level 55
HP 22132

What level were you guys before you could finish Final Fantasy XII?


Active member
Final Fantasy V

Execeath's castle

Will get the early level up before I finish the game on PS Mini. Played a lot of it on PS 1.

Final Fantasy IX

Will level up to an 18 before I finish Disk 1 on PS 2.


Active member
Final Fantasy V

I maxed out Knight so I'm training up the job classes before I start World 2.

This is also due to later boss fights.

I have a 25.

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