Final Fantasy


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Final Fantasy X

Rikku now does


attacks so I should be fine now that she and Lulu both have it.

Now I need to get my attacks stronger.


Active member
Final Fantasy X

Finished the Macinalia Woods today.

Also picked up weapons and high potions. Now to train up having grabbed some Ability Spheres.
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Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
It's been a while since I've seen it. In fact, I'm not sure if I'd even played a Final Fantasy game by the last time I saw it (without falling asleep at least). All I really remember is being annoyed by Steve Buscemi's character, being annoyed at the incredibly cheesy and over the top villain...but being absolutely astounded by the animation (which judging by the videos I saw on YouTube while looking for the trailer, haven't aged well).

I may have to try it again sometime. But usually a show/movie I thought used to be good turns out to be trash. Very rarely does the inverse happen.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
It's a very pretty movie for its time. Unfortunately, it's also very dull and generic. And, aside from having a guy named Cid, there's basically nothing Final Fantasy about it.


Active member
I did see the movie. Well admittedly I feel that even though not part of the main line could be considered a story on it's own.

Even if it's not with a main line continuity sometimes better to let it be it's own thing.


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
Oh dear! I don't know why I hadn't thought about this before, but while the WoL can travel between worlds at a whim, the other Scions can't. So given all the people they've come to know...Ryne not least of all...when it comes to the end of Shadowbringers and everyone goes back to Eorzea...I'm going to cry...aren't I?

Yeah, probably.



The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
If you want to spend a little more time with Ryne, you can go do the Eden raids. The first two parts were released alongside the first patches of Shadowbringers, so Thancred and Urianger are around, but the last patch is after they leave. Ryne makes a new friend!

Totally not a girlfriend. Totally. We swear.


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
I'll think about it. Right now though I'm wanting to bull head my way to Endwalker. I have myself a sprout status to nix. Yes, I know there's a cheat code to get rid of it, but I feel so close to doing it legitimately.


Active member
Bender from Futurama made a voice guest appearance in Final Fantasy X and was grumping about having to pay.

This so sounds like Bender which I thought that was funny.


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
Alphinaud talks too much.

I abs love Alisaie's look at the end.

And yes, this is from my play through.


Well-known member
My only regret about that scene is that the WoL wasn't given the opportunity to give up that information or guilt Y'shtola into giving it up.

---Dave, a little skeeved that Y'shtola is magically frozen at a physical age of 23, as if she wasn't already the main dev's waifu....


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds

Hey, as long as I get to see this kind of reaction from Y'shtola, I'm happy!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
To be fair, it's not just her. Nobody really ages. The twins even comment at one point about being due for a growth spurt.


Active member
Final Fantasy X

Trial 5 Puzzle is bollocking annoying.

Has anybody been able to pass this one? I tried twice that I know of so far.


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
I beat the HD game on PS3. I honestly remember very little though. I don't even remember what the trials are.

If I didn't already have such a backlog of games, I'd almost be tempted to see how much it cost on PS5 so I could capture some scenes.


Well-known member
Yeah, but Y'shtola's entry in the Encyclopedia Eorzea states that she magically froze her aging as part of her training with Matoya. (Doesn't say if it was intentional or accidental.)


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