Final Fantasy

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Browsing through old screen caps while sitting in a duty finder queue.


I like this plan. This is a good plan. (From the old version of Castrum Meridianum, before they trimmed out most of the cutscenes.)


From the Yo-Kai Watch crossover event. This about sums up the three main fan reactions to it.


From the FFXV crossover event. Wonder when that's gonna get a rerun. Plenty of people still want that car. (Also, hey, I was an Au Ra then.)


Ha ha, meta.


Active member
Final Fantasy XII

I have a 47 so trying to get stronger before I move ahead with the game.

I finished at the Phon Hunter's Camp and am trying to train up.


Well-known member
I'm surprised the car hasn't hit the cash shop yet.

And yes, "By the kami, a talking turtle!" is one of my favorite humor moments in Stormbringer.

And then there's this from the Paladin L60 job quest:




Active member
Final Fantasy XII

I'm at Old Arcadea so not sure how much of the game is left. I still don't have the Dusk Shard.


So I started a few of the pixel remaster games as something to play when I'm trying to split my concentration. When I play XIV, I want to be able to focus on the story. So I'll play one of the others if I'm expecting interruptions.

III: I'm used to the DS/iPad 3D version. So playing it with sprites is pretty different. Jury's out on which is better.

VI: I've restarted this so many times because of my fear of the tower defense part. I'll try and power through this, but I make no promises. I loathe tower defense.

V: I may actually put some time into this one. I never played it before, so it could be interesting.

Eff II


Active member
Final Fantasy XII

Last chapter.

I might do some major leveling up before I finish the game and upgrade my weapon again.

Final Fantasy III

I Pad

About to go for the Dark Crystals

Final Fantasy IX

2nd Disk.

Final Fantasy X

Hunting the final summons.



I've seen this scene a few times before on YouTube. But now I get to share my play through. I love how at the end Hien, Y'shtola and the WoL have had enough and just going right between the two groups getting ready to do battle! 😂


Active member

Final Fantasy XIII

Staring Chapter 4 and will resume on either PC or X Box 360.

If 360 I can plan on Tomb Raider X and Tomb Raider XI Rise Of The Tomb Raider.

As for Final Fantasy XV I might play that one on PC.

I looked at the file size for XV. 50 G of space. Dang that sucker is a moose.

I hate the idea of eating up that much space for one game. This doesn't include the bonus sections they added later. (4 episodes worth.)

As for Final Fantasy XII time to level up big time before I open the gates as there are 2 major boss fights coming up that are 67,000 HP. I hadn't summoned the gate esper yet as I didn't want to be too low.

I lost my level advantage as the next boss is a Level 42. Now only 7 stronger with a 49.


Well-known member
Sadu and Magnai just need to get a room, but they never will, because FFXIV never resolves romantic/sexual tension. Ever. People pine or lust or whatever, but unless introduced as already a couple, potential couples never hook up.



Active member
Will finish Final Fantasy III as soon as I can max out to Level 99.

Hopefully I can finish Final Fantasy IX and X soon.

Also on Disk 2 of Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy V

Am at the last castle but will need to finish the game presently.

Will possibly start Final Fantasy IV on my I Pad.

Final Fantasy IV is now the only SNES title I have yet to play.

I've played all the games in the main line except IV , XI , XIV and XV.

X 2 and XIII 2 are their own thing to me.


Nonstop Baaka
Sadu and Magnai just need to get a room, but they never will, because FFXIV never resolves romantic/sexual tension. Ever. People pine or lust or whatever, but unless introduced as already a couple, potential couples never hook up.

They gotta leave room for all the fanfic/fanart. Not that canon couples ever stopped anyone...

I think I mentioned in the old forums that TMM and I have made his main char's true motivation for adventuring to be all the yaoi fuel she sees for her fanfics she writes as a hobby.


Active member
Final Fantasy XII

Managed to finish the Bomb King fight to open up some of the other areas. There's an Esper I may need to open the next gate.


Active member
That was very helpful.

Final Fantasy XV

I have the all content version of Final Fantasy XV in my account.

I can play the entire batch of Final Fantasy XV so that could be fun.

Also had gotten the free Stormbringers expansion of Final Fantasy XIV today.

I want to try to finish Final Fantasy X soon.


Active member
Final Fantasy XII

As I'm at the Earth Gate I've went someplace to train up a few levels.

All party members have a 51 but I would prefer to keep the advantage I have against the next few boss fights.
Last edited:


Active member
Final Fantasy III - V

Will be playing Final Fantasy III - V on I Pad. After Final Final Fantasy V that will put me on Final
Fantasy VII as I had finished Final Fantasy VI on PS 1.

Resuming Final Fantasy IX on PS Mini so I can find everything. I do have the PS 1 game disks for this.

On PS2 will try to get a 17 before finishing Disk 1.


Active member
Final Fantasy IV

I have a 19 at the 1st Desert of the game so getting the early level up and stock up at the moment.



Cain split.

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