Final Fantasy


Wow!'ve had some experience 😳


Yeah, I also have a Miqo'te, but I haven't really put much time into her ever since I made my Viera. Most of the time I don't even remember her name. I wouldn't know it right now if I weren't staring at her character plate. Weird name. I guess it was another case of "throw consonants and vowels together until you have something remotely pronounceable." I like Neera quite a bit more.
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Well-known member
Current Lodestone headers:


Original main character. Been doing the Loporrit tribe quests, so parked in a crafting class.


Warrior main, but using the unlocked-last-night Pixie tribe quests to level ip White Mage. This is my Sunday night group character.


Made mostly to do the "start in Limsa" quests, but ended up taking Summoner/Scholar to 60 because they changed the jobs so much after Kat had already gotten into the 70s on 'em. Grabbed Gunbreaker and Dancer just to give him some flexibility before parking him, haven't played him in a while.


And finally, the second character I made during my trial period, when I could only make one per server. She basically sat at Gladiator 29 with no other jobs at all until a couple weeks ago, when I decided to go back and see if I could get her to the glam I wanted (she's based on an energy sword superhero of mine). She has the Padjal sword and invisible shield, just needs four more levels to equip the sword.




The XIV servers are down today and tomorrow.


What am I supposed to do for two whole days?

*utter despair*


Well-known member
Well, they're supposed to be down 24 hours total, so tomorrow morning they should be back up.



Active member
Final Fantasy XII was trippy because when you go in a building it looks like you're actually in a building. Also tunles are disorienting for the same reason. That took me quite a while to get used to it.

Final Fantasy XIII it looks like you're going over stuff when you move.

Starting with Final Fantasy XII the games get more disorienting when they make one.

There's going to be a tipping point when looking realistic can be taken too far. PS 5 is out so this would be a case in point.

How far is too far with realistic?


Wow! XIII is only PS3 tech. I mean there's always some slight stylistic choices lest they go full uncanny vally. But if you think XIII looks good, you should see XV and Stranger of Paradise.


Active member
Final Fantasy XII was what totally pushed it for me and that's only PS 2 tech.

There was Final Fantasy X which was pretty solid.


I personally just never had a problem with photorealism. And I've never had a problem with sprite-based either. The only ones that give me a headache now (even though I was fine with it at the time) are the PS1/N64 low polygon models. Oddly enough, even those seem more tolerable on an HD screen VS. a CRT screen.


Active member
Found my PS 1 flash drives with Final Fantasy so I want to get back to FF IX and level up to at least a 20 before I deal with the Ice Cave.

I want to level up as early as possible before I finish Disk 1 to have any chance at all of finishing the game.

I have a 13.

Last time I tried it I was too low. I won't make the same mistake twice.


Active member
On Final Fantasy XII I have a 43 on my team. Also trying to level up and Max out my skills as well for the later part of the game.

Just after the Booby Trapped Mountain Pass distance wise.


I absolutely love IX. I seem to remember it took some flak when it first came out because the character designs were "too cartoony." But I honestly think that's part of the char. Zidane and Garnet are so cute together.


Active member
I now have a 14 with almost 51,000 gold on hand in Final Fantasy IX.

Somebody had tried the Ice Cave with a 16 and hadn't been able to get by it. (1st Cave of Final Fantasy IX) so I will get above that before I try it.


Active member
Train Up Spots

Final Fantasy IX

North Gate

You can keep potions stocked up

Also build up levels here.

Final Fantasy XII

Golomore Jungle

A solid spot for leveling up experience and gaining LP points

You can use Fran's village to recover and save.

For Final Fantasy IX I have a 15.
Also almost 57,000 gold for the more expensive items in the game.
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Active member
Final Fantasy IX

Finished Dali with a 16. Now to level up before the next boss fight.

I also topped out tents and potions. Now to run up gold again for elixers and Hi Potions.


FINALLY!Nidhoggs eyes are finally destroyed.

And I'm now in the post-Stormblood bit. It's been a heckuva journey.


Active member
I'm almost done with Disk 1 on Final Fantasy IX (PS Classic Mini).

Now leveling up and then I add another member to my party.

I almost have an 18.

I found an inn where I can recover so trying to train up and build up gold.

I can also get stronger weapons at the 1st castle of the game.

Steiner is off with Garnett to find Garnett's mother.

Party now split in a 4 - 2.


Active member
I checked a Steam Walkthrough for Final Fantasy IX and I'm near the end of Disk 1.

This is where you lose regardless of what you do as she'll wipe you out just to finish the fight before the swap to Disk 2.

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