Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I feel all variations of skyquake could be on the table, especially if it resembles g1 sky quake at all, which is a direct line to machine wars starscream and i would be very happy.


Well-known member
A Selects MW Starscream would be my ideal of them doing a G1 Skyquake. More so, if they finally do MW Soundwave from Doubledealer. Legacy would be the perfect line to give us some MW Homages.


Continuity Nutcase
And they sadly used the Ukranian fan-colored cartoon model for his deco, giving him an all-blue chest instead of one with yellow.


Wondering bot
I'm mostly bugged by the HUGE tower hub on vehicle mode. It should be about half that tall....

I would say its a little strange looking but then again, it doesn't matter much as Comsos has the most standard of human alien ship alt modes, a UFO, so, its kind of, why worry over a minor detail? Besides, if they went smaller on the body, they would have problems with the rest of the robot mode.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
G1 Cartoon Cosmos is an impossible design, I've just realized thanks to this figure.

In robot mode, he needs to be wider, but in vehicle mode, his bridge needs to be smaller. Unless you really go crazy with the panel forming, something is going to suffer.

Still he's way closer to the mark than the Thrilling 30 mold, and while that Origins Bee retool is actually kind of impressive, what we're getting is SO MUCH better.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
I feel like that Skyquake is probably going to have the subdued colors of the Prime version but the body (ie Jhaixus) of the G1 version.

Which is really a shame. Hopefully we get the proper one as a G2 version or something in Selects.

As for Blitzwing. That plane is dreadful. The only bad part about the tank is the cockpit (which was purposefully put there for accuracy) and the robot is great. The TR does the three modes better with less trade offs but if I could only have one in my display it would be Legacy.

Considering how the other Prime characters have turned out on Legacy (Arcee is one of my favorite recent deluxes), I'm really interested to see what they do with Skyquake. I wouldn't mind seeing elements of the G1 design worked in but at the same time it's pretty distinct from the Prime design and both deserve their chance to shine, as it were.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
Also, regarding the listings - anyone think Leo Prime will be a shared mold with Leo breaker again? The Cybertron characters are getting decent focus, so I could see them doing this.


Two arms and one smile
That is some interesting behind-the-scenes information on Cosmos' design/creation, thanks for sharing. Nice as it is to learn "how the sausage is made" though, I share G.B. Blackrock's and other's sentiments about his UFO mode looking off.

I realize that a flying saucer is kind of a goofy thing to begin with, but that tall center portion is just too much. I feel like they could have done something to make it collapse and retract, but I also feel like that is the thing that they just decided to compromise (cut corners) on. I'll be skipping this one and continuing to enjoy the perfectly fine and very fun Cosmos that I already own.


Wondering bot
I feel like you don't do Leo Breaker unless there's a Cybertron Prime you can attach him to.

I'm more after a Lio Convoy than Leo Breaker, besides, it be pointless to do a Leo Breaker a few years after the Siege leader Prime that inspired by Cybertron Optimus, besides, Lio is a very odd looking commander, more strange than any other leader character in transformers aside from BW Megatron V1, I mean, Lio has the lion head for a shoulder, where's most other bots tend to be, how should I put it, mirrored, where you can draw a line down the middle and both sides are pretty much even with their bodies, if you get my meaning?


Two arms and one smile
...I mean, Lio has the lion head for a shoulder, where's most other bots tend to be, how should I put it, mirrored, where you can draw a line down the middle and both sides are pretty much even with their bodies, if you get my meaning?

I think that you're referring to symmetry. If so, yes, I think that is something that designers generally try to keep in mind. But, aside from the lion head-as-shoulder-pauldron, his robot mode is fairly balanced.


Wondering bot
I think that you're referring to symmetry. If so, yes, I think that is something that designers generally try to keep in mind. But, aside from the lion head-as-shoulder-pauldron, his robot mode is fairly balanced.

That was the word I was looking for but I couldn't think of it, sort of, on the tip of your tounge!

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