Transformers Legacy toyline

The Phazer

Well-known member

Pictures of Armada Starscream and BW Inferno.

Inferno looks nice.

Starscream is more accurate to the toy than the Thrilling 30 I guess, but with the tiny issue that the toy design was absolutely awful.


singularly focused
Kinda funny to me that we're getting both armada starscream and jhiaxus redos in the same line and same price point.

Disappointed in the lack of transforming wing sword, that's one of the coolest things about armada starscream! Oh well, hope to see some fun repaints out of him. Super Mode/Thundercracker is the obvious one, but I wonder how that body would look in purple 🤔

Edit: wait forgot armada skywarp was a thing
To be clear I specifically talking about either slipstream of cyberverse nova storm.
Give me girls!
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Lol at leakers who said Armada Starscream was an Earthrise Starscream retool.

It looks fantastic. I guess the swords look a little small but at least they'll be stable. There are obvious joints for a manual version of the old Mini-Con gimmick, and it looks to me like the wings are articulated. That was one thing the T30 did well. Articulated wings on a Seeker go a long way in making poses more expressive.

Inferno is not perfect. The attempt at a more realistic ant abdomen compromises the blender butt. That's been the m.o. since Kingdom but it's unsatisfying here. However, the robot head looks spot on and they gave him an articulated jaw so he can scream like a madman. This overcomes everything. And they managed not to make the robot mode an unbroken sea of red. Good job.


Stone and Sky
Deranged laughter Inferno is wonderful. Teeny Star Saber that's visibly made of planes is hilarious. Armada Starscream being Armada Starscream instead of some weird forced retool of an unrelated Starscream is a surprise.


singularly focused
y'know, always thought Inferno being a shelfwarmer was weird
he was one of my favorite as a kid

at least until I somehow lost one of his thighs


Two arms and one smile
Inferno looks incredible, they did a great job on him. I'm confused about Armada Starscream though. Maybe I need to have a closer, more detailed look, but it seems like he's just the T30 mold upsized with a few new accessories.


Continuity Nutcase
I really really don't like what they have done to Inferno's torso. Making the ant eyes that much smaller for the sake of more realistic fire ant anatomy just creates this wide sea of red between them on his chest when the blue eyes were such a prominent part of Inferno's chest on both the original toy and the cartoon model. They've gone from being main aspects of the front of his chest to inconsequential aspects hidden on the sides of his chest.




singularly focused
I really really don't like what they have done to Inferno's torso. Making the ant eyes that much smaller for the sake of more realistic fire ant anatomy just creates this wide sea of red between them on his chest when the blue eyes were such a prominent part of Inferno's chest on both the original toy and the cartoon model. They've gone from being main aspects of the front of his chest to inconsequential aspects hidden on the sides of his chest.
hmm, yeah
gonna be hard to make those look like breasts when they make an antagony redeco


Active member
I know it's hard to tell with the figures in white space but my first thought was that they made Inferno a deluxe. Then I saw the box confirmed he's a voyager, but it still looks pretty simplistic to me. Comparing it to Tarantulas and estimating the difference does make the bulk more apparent though. That articulated jaw is amazing.


too old for this
I hope you can plug that blaster into Inferno's backside so it replicates his jet.
Overall, I'd like the ant eyes to be slightly bigger, but overall he looks fantastic and I cannot wait.


Well-known member
I got wave 2 deluxes, I really like Tarantulas but mine's missing a spider leg. the top left in robot mode, bottom right in beast mode.
Elita One is definitely going to replace the Netflix one, Knock Out looks ugly for Prime Knockout but solid nonetheless, Wildrider is a bit bland, all three feel fragine in comparison to Siege deluxes.


Well-known member
Im satisfied with both and will be getting them.

Armada Starscream is one of the characters with the best development over a series. Excited at the thought of Thundercracker and Skywarp. I feel the Ramjet recolor will be a selects figure. Personally I’m hoping for an updated Thrust with a Sunstorm repaint.



Well-known member
I really really don't like what they have done to Inferno's torso. Making the ant eyes that much smaller for the sake of more realistic fire ant anatomy just creates this wide sea of red between them on his chest when the blue eyes were such a prominent part of Inferno's chest on both the original toy and the cartoon model. They've gone from being main aspects of the front of his chest to inconsequential aspects hidden on the sides of his chest.


I definitely see what you're saying but I guess his chest was not a memory point for me. When I saw the toy my first thought was, his head/face is amazing and that is 100% Inferno. I still feel that way.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
It's incredibly funny the through line of "Toy designed around gimmick->cartoon charcter based on a toy designed around a gimmick->toy designed to look like a cartoon model based on a toy designed around a gimmick, but does not include said gimmick."

The circle of liiiiiife...

Anyway, Armada Starscream, while cool and pretty unique among Starscreams, is still a Starscream, so his G1 counterpart gets the spot in my collection, otherwise I'd nab him.

Inferno was a must have before the reveal (I'm 15 characters deep already, can't stop until we get to that finish line). He looks good enough, though I don't like how they skimped out on his abdomen.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I can live with the extra red on the chest. I was expecting boring red everything, but they included the necessary extra colors everywhere else. We can disagree with the design priorities they've had since Kingdom but I can't fault the level of effort here.

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