Transformers Legacy toyline

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Starscream feels off to me. It's probably the same issue that afflicted his 2014 attempt. His torso still lacks some contrast, but it's that they still are making weird concessions. A key element to his design was the circular intakes on his shoulders. There really isn't a significant reason, IMO, that those could not be retained into robot mode. I do like that there seems to be some concession to his old gimmick with the cannons, but I can't tell from these images if they work in robot mode. This feels more like an update to the 2014 attempt than a solid attempt at a new iteration of the 2002 toy. Which is strange because I really don't think this version of Starscream should be THAT hard to do a new iteration of.
That said, I do like the improved proportions and sculpt work. The head sculpt REALLY nailed the character and I appreciate the inclusion of a toon accurate sword AND the inclusion of the Star Saber

Inferno is very nice. He's basically what I expected, and he turned out well. But he gets super bonus points for the articulated mouth. That alone pushed a "probably purchase" into "must have". It's wonderful when Hasbro touches on those little "character details" in the toys.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I would be shocked if the intakes can't be oriented properly in robot mode. They're probably just pointed up because the cannons stick out so awkwardly far otherwise. Having the option was one of the T30 toy's better ideas.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Hey, it's Starscream favorite friend/murder victim: Metalhawk



Well-known member
Hey, it's Starscream favorite friend/murder victim: Metalhawk

Actual Pretender or I don't care. I already have a perfectly good non-Pretender Metalhawk.


Somehow still sane
You’d think that the way the Pretender gimmick works and the Leader class MO for the past few years, they’d have made him a Voyager-ish dude with a bunch of clip-on armor to sell as Leader.

Seeing how they did Iguanus, maybe it’ll be a shell-looking robot mode with a jet alt-mode.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If you have the TFCC Metalhawk, and this Legacy Metalhawk turns out to be based on the robot mode, you could always pretend it's a Pretender?

(At least in the Masterforce show, the robots were always portrayed as bigger than their shells, anyway.)


Continuity Nutcase
If you have the TFCC Metalhawk, and this Legacy Metalhawk turns out to be based on the robot mode, you could always pretend it's a Pretender?

(At least in the Masterforce show, the robots were always portrayed as bigger than their shells, anyway.)
Alternately, one can get an even better version of this effect with Titans Return Metalhawk for the robot mode and Power of the Primes Metalhawk (with the Titan Master inside it) for the Pretender shell.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I mean, in another era, I'd chalk it up to a Jhiaxus or Starscream retool...but that's not a guarantee. The most recent Pretender homage is Iguanus who has a "fused" design, incorporating elements of both his shell and vehicle mode. The last two Metalhawks we got were a suit-inspired Prime Master and a interior robot-inspired Titan Master deluxe.

So what will he be? Hell, given the continued push to accuracy from this design team, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see them do something funky like a legit Voyager sized Pretender shell with a Core Class inner figure. My conservative idea is a Armada Starscream retool since he looks to have design elements that would play nice with Metalhawk. And these days, "retools" can be VERY elaborate.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I forgot that TR Metalhawk existed! 😧

It is getting harder to gauge what is or isn't off the table, so I am actually kind of hesitant to completely rule out an honest-to-goodness Pretender. The two biggest strikes against it are:
1) Hasbro's typical MO with Pretenders (barring the Prime Masters) has been a blending of the shells with the robot. Skullgrin, Bludgeon, Iguanus, Thunderwing, and Black Shadow would be prime examples of this.
2) It seems like scale between figures is still a thing, so a traditional Pretender at the Voyager scale would almost require a Core-class inner robot, but that would mean a tiny Metalhawk robot compared to deluxe Minerva...

I guess the best answer is to wait and see when the actual figure is revealed. It will be fun to see what Hasbro actually comes up with!

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
Starscream looks good, never did get the T30 toy but I have the original, I like that he comes with the Star Saber sword but I can't decide if I'd rather have what we're getting or a solid blue sword shape. Kinda disappointed his wing sword is a solid piece but I also remember the original.

Is Inferno perfect? No, but my jaw dropped at the sight of his head sculpt, I still need to get most of the Kingdom Preds but he'll be right next to Megatron for sure.

Metalhawk is a surprise for sure, what are the odds he'll be based on IDW's RiD design? Which I would have went nuts over ten years ago but now I'd want a more traditional JG1 design.


Somehow still sane
I think Inferno's chest would be improved if the eyes weren't dead. Some blue there would probably help a lot. Starscream, on the other hand, I would have preferred a better-looking sword if it didn't have to be a wing anymore. The original toy's sword was tokerated because it actually did something but this is pretty bad., being just a wedge of plastic.

Starscream and Inferno are gonna be bought regardless.


Well-known member
So is Metalhawk going to be a remold of Jihaxus or Armada Starscream? I’m guessing the first, Armada Screamer has too many repaint options.


Two arms and one smile
Huh. According to Amazon Jhiaxus should be here friday.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Yeah, I have had a slate of random stuff from Amazon recently. Got Classified Spirit last week (Storm Shadow, who I ordered along with him, is still listed as an October release). SS86 Sludge is supposed to be in on Friday. Who knows?


singularly focused
Just realized the Star Saber accessory will also be useful for that Hot Shot we've seen the listing for

y'know, it'd be nice for an Armada Autobot besides Hot Shot to get an update one of these days


Staff member
Council of Elders
I agree but most Armada Autobots have much better toys than Hot Shot to begin with. Red Alert doesn't really have anything wrong with it.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I appreciate Armada Scavenger's stompy action, but it would be cool to get one with some leg articulation.


Well-known member
Also, the Armada Autobots aren't all that memorable, not that I would be against seeing any of them, but The Decepticon designs were much better in that series. But I AM still annoyed that Velocitron Blurr turned out to be IDW and not Armada.

It wouldn't be hard for them to turn WFC Sideswipe into Armada Wheeljack, especially if they can use the doors from Gigawatt; but even a straight repaint would be acceptable. With all the times they've done him, surely they can give us Wheeljack done before the mold turns to dust.

Though the one that likely most needs an update is Armada Sideswipe, easily the worst Armada mold.

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