The 2022 Midterms Thread


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm only holding out hope for Nevada in that only 80% of the vote is in, which means the outstanding should be mail in ballots. Assuming those break heavily our way and there's a chance we keep the seat.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea. At this point Senate control is down to just two states. If either GA or NV goes to the Democrats, the Senate stays pretty much the same as it is now.(hopefully they BOTH go blue so we don't have to have Harris do the tie breaker constantly). Definitely not the 'mandate' the GOP was hoping for this election.


jumbled pile of person
Fivethirtyeight ran an editorial suggesting, among other things, that the Republicans underperformed due to how many rookies they had on the ballot, which got me to thinking... you know how every single one of the Republicans who voted to impeach Trump either quit, got primaried out, or didn't seek reelection? I'd like to specifically see a breakdown of how those races turned out, compared to the last few.

I'm also pretty surprised what a landslide victory DeWine ended up with, since I figured he was still persona non grata among his own party for how he handled the lockdowns. But on the other hand, his opponent is kind of a nobody.


too old for this
Unfortunately, idiots here in Kansas voted in Kris *I swear I'm not a racist* Kobach in as AG. The next 2 years Kansas will spend tons of money suing the feds and watching our AG embarrass himself on the national stage.
Other than that, things went about as well as could be. Bootlicker Schmidt didn't get governor and has refused to concede because that's what Republicans do now.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
The (Ugly) Real Reason White Conservatives Like Herschel Walker:

OK, nobody is saying this, so I'll say it: for white conservatives, Herschel Walker's ignorance is a feature, not a bug. When Herschel Walker talks, he sounds exactly like every white racist's stereotype of a black man: an athletically gifted but academically useless ignoramus. His mangled syntax, country-fried pronunciations, and childish deceptions are exactly what white racists expect from a black man. He's like a real-life version of Buckwheat from "The Little Rascals".

The reason white racists think they don't hate black people is because they actually like black people ... as long as those black people are conforming to white racists' low expectations of them. That's where the perjorative "uppity" came from. They hate when black people exceed those low expectations, the way Obama did. Herschel Walker acts exactly the way white racists expect a black man to act. This makes them happy.

If Herschel Walker wins, Republicans win twice: not only do they get another seat, but they get to use it to promote their negative stereotype of black men, by putting a useful idiot into that seat who doesn't even realize that they're making fun of him behind his back.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Florida will have no statewide elected Democrats for the first time since Reconstruction.


jumbled pile of person
I popped in to check on the status of the undetermined zones and... there are some interesting things going on in Alaska. Thanks to the specific way they've implemented their ranked-choice ballot system, both the House and Senate races have multiple Republicans in them, with wildly different results. The House race has the barely-incumbent Democrat, Peltola (who won a special election earlier this very year), getting close to 50% of the vote, with the two Republicans nearly tied for second, but the Senate race has almost 90% of the vote split pretty evenly between two Republicans. As ABC News points out, Peltola actually endorsed the moderate incumbent Republican Senator, and vice versa*, so that probably has a lot to do with the spread.

*That might be the weirdest part of all this—a Republican endorsing a Democrat in a race where there are already two Republicans and a Libertarian to choose from. If she wins (and I expect she'll pull ahead when they tally the second-choice votes), she's probably going to be the one wildcard to watch for potential aisle crossing.


Well-known member
If this is the best Republicans could do under a Biden administration, with all their gerrymandering and attempts at keeping people from voting...


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Kelly declared winner in Arizona senate race. Control of the Senate is now officially down to just Nevada and Georgia.


Staff member
Council of Elders
And with Nevada going to a recount no matter who wins (under 900 vote difference with 94% in), and Georgia headed to runoff that we should win, things are looking good for Democrats. Or as good as they can after a 50/50 vote election.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Imagine how it might've gone if they hadn't let a senile conman convince the sheep that the pandemic wasn't serious.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Progressive thought will always win eventually: turns out trump was an ally in making it spread faster. Go figure. :D

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.


Staff member
Council of Elders

That post gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Imagine the depressed turnout for Walker in the runoff it the GOP's best case scenario is once again a 50/50 split with Harris living in the Senate. We'll win easy. Which since we won by a point we were going to do anyway.


Well-known member
Uvalde overwhelmingly went for Abbot over O’Rourke.

I’d have to move after that. To look your neighbors in the face and know your child’s wholly preventable death was meaningless to them and they decided they wanted more children to needlessly die?

Just couldn’t do it.

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