Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread


NOT a New Member.
For those not wishing to support Shiftytron's videos of potentialy stolen TFs, Tformers has full screenshots, showing all of the comparison pics of the latest SS 86 Arcee:


Personally, I'm sticking with my original Takara Generation T30 version as I don't think this new one has enough significant changes for to fork out more money.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Interesting place to draw the line, morally. You're so concerned with stolen prototypes that you advocate not supporting the person using, by your own statement "potentialy stolen" toys, yet you have zero problem advocating benefiting from that alleged theft by way of pictures taken by a third party of that video. Like, if the idea of people making content based on stolen toys bothers you, maybe don't post links to pictures of the stolen toys?


NOT a New Member.
Interesting place to draw the line, morally. You're so concerned with stolen prototypes that you advocate not supporting the person using, by your own statement "potentialy stolen" toys, yet you have zero problem advocating benefiting from that alleged theft by way of pictures taken by a third party of that video. Like, if the idea of people making content based on stolen toys bothers you, maybe don't post links to pictures of the stolen toys?

The debate/issue regarding potentially stolen toys, and the methods in which community members deal with it has been done ad infinitum; to the extent that it is no longer usually acceptable to do so on regular threads. Most websites (including this one, I believe) usually offer viewers the choice of either looking at screenshots or the link to the YouTuber's video. Not only do screenshots allow for instant access to the content (for tech issues, such as bandwidth, a lack of access to YouTube, etc) but those not wishing to contribute to ad revenue, or the algorithm ranking for such YouTubers can do so.

Please be aware that further discussion about this subject (from yourself or others) will be ignored, not as a personal attack, but because it can easily derail the thread. Thank you.


NOT a New Member.
What I'd really like to know is who thought it was a good idea to ship solid cases of Coronation Starscream.




Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I personally wish all the leaks would go away. Makes the reveals that Hasbro puts out seem unimportant. There’s no hype behind release announcements anymore.
Truth, but, in all fairness, some of Hasbro's reveals have happened after the figures hit retail anyway...


Active member
I personally wish all the leaks would go away. Makes the reveals that Hasbro puts out seem unimportant. There’s no hype behind release announcements anymore.
I feel this way too, but then I also have to ask myself...why isn't Hasbro more on top of their game with announcements? Like, we all know Swoop and Snarl are coming based on leaked listings from way back when.

Is it really that hard to say, at the end of the Sludge video from a few months back, "and yes, we will be completing this team. Stay tuned." Or take Kickback. I'm holding off buying him because there hasn't been any rumors of Shrapnel or Bombshell at this size class that I'm aware of. But, if I was reasonable assured I could upgrade all 3 Insecticons in the next 1-3 years, I'd probably quit waiting for a Meijer or Target sale and just pick up Kickback today.

Hasbro acts like they're Apple at times. We are pretty sure Swoop and Snarl are in the pipeline, just like Apple fans can be assured of a new Watch/Phone update this fall. Unlike Apple, teasing upcoming products doesn't hurt existing ones, especially when they're a part of a team. If Apple previewed the next Phone today, sales would tank. If Hasbro let us know that Bombshell and Shrapnel were at least in the planning stages, well, where's that Shut Up and Take My Money photo when you need it?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
It may be that they're NOT planned so far. After all, the three Insecticons I have (which I've stuck with because I liked them) were from three DIFFERENT lines. The colors don't really match either. The reason they haven't been replaced is they're the perfect size and I was even able to get a couple Shrapnel remolds/recolors for clones (I will admit that I'm at the stage where chasing the newest thing isn't working anymore unless it's REALLY great, just due to cost/enjoyment factors not adding up).

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
One thing that bothers me is twice now they've announced an entire wave for Legacy, but ignore the legends class, I'm pretty sure Iguanus was leaked and G2 Megatron was leaked just before their stream that showed all of wave 2.

Are legends just not important to them? To take a minute out of praising the movie during the stream to say hey, here's these guys.


Well-known member
I don't think they believe Legends are important to US. Legends are the most kid aimed part of Legacy because of the size, simplicity and price point. It's been long established now that they don't bother to preview a large portion of the kid-aimed stuff to us at all, because it's not aimed at us. Half the time kid and preschool age toys show up at retail before Hasbro mentions them it feels like. Legends is just that in the "Generations line."

-ZacWilliam, I'd care more personally if Legends were giving us more "guys who are supposed to be small or are unique" and less "Small versions of the big names" which I just have no interest in.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I like both. I love that the Legends/Core size class is available for supposed-to-be-small characters, but I also experience an unhealthy amount of joy having some of my favorite characters in multiple sizes. The doctors don't know what's wrong with me.

Edit: Exhibit A
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It's like this: I have a slightly better chance of getting all my favorite Transformers in the Legends/Core scale to interact with my Gobot collection than getting all my favorite Gobots in Deluxe scale to go with my Transformer collection. If Hasbro would really fill the Core scale with a variety of characters like they did with the old Cyberverse series, I'd be a lot more completionist than I am currently.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Core class toy of larger figures make for excellent desk toys, I've found. Even a toy the size of Origins bee can be too big for many spots, but those core class guys can go almost anywhere.

Plus they're fun to pose with Titans.

I'm probably going to cut back on larger figures now that I have most of the ones I want, but I think I'll keep collecting core class toys until they stop making them.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
A listing for SS86 Snarl has shown up in Walmart computers. Not unexpected, and I understand why this figure is happening, but it's still funny to me that a character that was in the film for all of ten seconds is getting a figure in the Movie Toy line. :D

Just need Swoop now.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
A listing for SS86 Snarl has shown up in Walmart computers. Not unexpected, and I understand why this figure is happening, but it's still funny to me that a character that was in the film for all of ten seconds is getting a figure in the Movie Toy line. :D

Just need Swoop now.

That's twice the screentime of several Star Wars toy characters!

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