Sonic The Hedgehog


Well-known member
-Charmy gets a lot of recipes in this. It's a little surprising.
It kind of makes sense when you think about it. Charmy probably took a active interest in making sure these recipes were safe to eat after...THOSE chilidogs...

...They didn't include a recipe for Lemon Sundrop Dandelion Chilidogs in the cookbook, did they? It would probably be in bad taste...but with the right recipe lemon and chili is probably a good combination.

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Active member
It kind of makes sense when you think about it. Charmy probably took a active interest in making sure these recipes were safe to eat after...THOSE chilidogs...

...They didn't include a recipe for Lemon Sundrop Dandelion Chilidogs in the cookbook, did they? It would probably be in bad taste...but with the right recipe lemon and chili is probably a good combination.

Yeah, I remember that comic story. One of Ken's most messed up ones (other than what he tried to plan, but was rejected by both Sonic and Archie. I am not going to go into details as it is too NSFW for this forum. Thankfully, I doubt they will since this will be more aimed at the games universe as well as the fact that Ken will not allow the use of his stories and concepts if he did not give permission to do so.

But Lemon Line Chili Dogs sounds a lot safer (and tasty for people who can handle it). But from what I read, it does have some chili dog recipes like The Perfect Chilidog and even The Perfect Eggdog. Heck, it seems they even threw in some recipes like Knuckles Sandwich and the infamous Evil Cookies.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm liking this game the more I play, despite some things that are sticking in my craw.

For one thing, it doesn't seem to like you playing as Knuckles. Way too many pit deaths from trying to glide and climb like in previous titles.

It also pulls some stuff that would be especially nasty if you didn't have unlimited lives. Like, "you learn by dying"-type stuff.

And I'm not a huge fan of Golden Capital (did we really need two differently-skinned pinball-themed stages?), and its boss is incredibly trying.

Finally, more amused by this than bothered.

Aah, now that's the Sonic jank I grew up with!


Pittied fools.
Finally beat Frontiers Update 3 (though not 100%). Though some of the gameplay has jank, this was a great update. And to think it was free. For gameplay, I think some of the new difficulty doesn't properly work due to the engine mechanics while some of it does. As far as the story:

What I found the most interesting was that some things drastically changed, some slightly shifted, and others stayed the same but have different context. Though we lose The End's big rant from the shooter sequence, the update does way better at building up the dread of its threat. We get information about how the Ancients lived their lives but be specifically don't get more about the nature of The End or the Chaos Emeralds. But there's two big changes:

The first is the new final boss fight. After you fight Supreme again, The End manifests in low orbit and possesses it to use as its avatar. Really leans into the horror elements. The fight gets everyone involved compared to the original fight with just Sonic and Sage. Among the things that happen is what looks to be a reference that combines Sonic X and Fleetway.

With the other, the revamped ending means Sage doesn't die at all. What was previously a grieving Eggman watching the meteor shower and Sage's sacrifice is Eggman and Sage watching it together and him peacefully saying "it's time to go home". A new end credits song replaces the previous due to this change.

While there isn't a post credits sequence, there is a new message at the end of the credits:

"We dedicate this game to all the players who supported us.
Thank you for playing!"​


Pittied fools.
It's been known for a while that Sega's internal studio Hardlight, that makes mobile games like Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, was working on a story focused mobile game. It's been revealed:

When was the last major/platform game where Cream was playable?


Well-known member
Sonic Prime WILL return January 11.


Pittied fools.
But does that market really deserve the subpar VHS-quality bitrate and the out-of-order episode arrangement spoken of in the video?
Meant to comment on this but the order is the airdate order as opposed to the production/story order. Both the company and the reviewer could have gotten that right with little searching. On the video quality, hopefully someone else can do a Blu Ray release with extras.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I feel like airdate order is a preference, not a mistake. I understand why it's not the standard these days, but it's arguably valid.


Continuity Nutcase
Back when Shout released their DVD set, Brian Ward actually reached out to and consulted with the fandom on what order the episodes should be in, and it was decided to go with production order for the first season, and airdate order for the second season.


Pittied fools.
It can always be interesting to see what winds up being cut from games. I'm not big on time travel but this seemed to lean on Classic Sonic's goofy time travel than "serious" time travel where you create your own demise.


Wondering bot
Its a ok intro, thou honestly, I felt it could of done with a better piece of music, like a song, just to go with the music, it feels like it was meant to have lyics but then got dumped at the last moment


Pittied fools.
With all the times the Master Emerald has been stolen, Knuckles has upgraded security! The question is if this is leftover Eggman tech, a discovery left behind by ancient civilizations, or Tails hooking him up.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alright, so completely unrelated to everything else you all are talking about:

My nephew is absolutely binging the original sonic games, has asked to play my cartridge of sonic 1 every time he's come over, and has asked for sonic super stars for christmas. Next time I talk to my brother, (his father.) going to ask if he wants to borrow the satam collection.

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