Sonic The Hedgehog


Pittied fools.
I don't think Ace Card Gaming is a bad guy at all but he does sit at the intersection of disgruntled Shadow fan and guy with an internet platform who doesn't always get facts right. He commented he doesn't get why Shadow couldn't enter the Shatterspaces when we all saw Shadow Chaos Control out of the way. And a lot of people in the comments pointed that out. Reminds me of several times in Season 1 where several people clearly weren't paying attention when watching the show.

One person in the comments made a rather interesting point that in this series, Shadow is overhyped. He's used a lot in promotion but other characters are actually doing a lot in the show to less fanfare.


Continuity Nutcase
He commented he doesn't get why Shadow couldn't enter the Shatterspaces when we all saw Shadow Chaos Control out of the way.
Yeah, I'm guessing he just forgot about that bit back in season 1 from eight months ago. He likely didn't re-watch season 1 in the time since and was just going off (partial) memory.

But other than that one goof, he seems to paint a fairly apt picture of how this series has portrayed Shadow.


Pittied fools.
One discussion of interest is where does Prime fit in the canon. The statement has been made that it fits but that sometimes looks at odds with things from the games. The wrinkle is that Ian Flynn says he knows where it's supposed to fit but won't reveal that until after the show finishes. That's got me wondering where it fits with a few guesses:

-Maybe around Sonic Lost World. Sonic had some distinctly cocky moments that caused problems in Lost World that line up with Prime. Taking place before Forces would give lead up to Rouge interacting with the friend group more.

-Maybe around Sonic Rush. Sol Dimension is distinctly different from the type of alternate dimension as the Shatterverse, which I could see leading to Sonic's confusion. With '06 erasing itself, Team Dark doesn't have it's biggest bonding moment and thus the supposedly friendless Shadow.

What does everyone else think?


Well-known member
IF Sonic Prime fits into the game canon, I doubt we're going to get some reveal about where it fits on the timeline, if it's between games we've already had. I just don't see Sega caring enough about that. I don't think they care if this series took place in between Lost World and Forces for example, and it wouldn't make for a great reveal, anyway. It's just too fiddly. I just don't think the idea adds anything to ANY of these stories, not to the games' stories and not to Prime's own story.

I COULD see Sega using the ending of the show to be a reboot of the timeline, though. In a Flashpoint sort of way. I don't think anyone wants that, but I could see Sega doing that. Deciding to just streamline everything in a new timeline, since they think it's gotten too complicated. Just throw out the past and build it up again "right" this time. It wouldn't work, and it'd be a bad idea. But, I could see Sega doing it.

Alternately, it COULD all be a origin story taking place before the first game. Like, the original Sonic world is created due to whatever happens at the end of this season. That would be...something.

A far more interesting thing they could do is use these characters in a upcoming game. Sonic Prime all being a lead up to a new Sonic game WOULD be good advertising. And something FAR more likely that Sega would do. And if they wanted to throw in a few more characters from OTHER Sonic worlds, like maybe the Freedom Fighters...well, then all the better. A Sonic multiversal crossover game. A spiritual successor to Generations, maybe? That'd be something I'd be more interested in. So, Ian would basically be teasing that this show takes place BEFORE the new game. And it'd also make sense that he couldn't SAY anything about it, since it'd be spoiling a upcoming reveal.

I've said something about this before, here:
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Wondering bot
I doult Sega would have a TV show reboot the games universe, after all the TV show is just part of their marketing and brand awareness, but that's just my thoughts on the matter


Well-known member
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Continuity Nutcase
What I wanna know is, if they intend for the show to be in-continuity with the video games, why did they opt for an all-new Canadian voice cast for the show instead of just using the same cast as the games?


Wondering bot
What I wanna know is, if they intend for the show to be in-continuity with the video games, why did they opt for an all-new Canadian voice cast for the show instead of just using the same cast as the games?

Its likely the VA cast is cheeper than the game ones


Pittied fools.
What I wanna know is, if they intend for the show to be in-continuity with the video games, why did they opt for an all-new Canadian voice cast for the show instead of just using the same cast as the games?

Canadian law for animated series produced in Canada requires Canadian voice actors. It's a thing.


Continuity Nutcase
Canadian law for animated series produced in Canada requires Canadian voice actors. It's a thing.
Well... did it have to be produced in Canada? Couldn't the production company who did the Boom cartoon make it instead? The animation on that show looked pretty good.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Well... did it have to be produced in Canada? Couldn't the production company who did the Boom cartoon make it instead? The animation on that show looked pretty good.
You're getting kinda existential now: does anything have to be made where it was made?

Realistically; there was probably some reason(s) that it advantageous to produce it in canada despite the requirements.


Pittied fools.
Apparently some Superstars info dropped last week. The emerald powers sound interesting.


Pittied fools.
Oh wow, the original rabbit concept sketch is going to be an extra skin Superstars.

And I guess Super Sonic changes eye color in Frontiers. Meh. Okay okay, I'm being too cynical since I am looking forward to the final update. Just felt that what they wanted us to focus on in the trailer was boring (but fans will lose their mind over). What was interesting was two things:
-Supreme being there might mean Sonic Team got to revamp the boss fight.
-Supreme being there means this is probably Ouranos island. If so, the ground in the trailer might mean that they revamped the island itself to a wasteland. Would work well with a comment Amy makes on Kronos that it looks like the island are just starting to recover if one island hasn't. EDIT: Looking at it again, it's probably just a filter but that would still alter the island's visuals.
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