Sonic The Hedgehog


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know who's smarter. Tails may be doing more with less, but he has his dope moments. Eggman is brilliant, but he doesn't surround himself with a team that can watch his blind spots.

Eggman's weakness isn't his ego. It's that he's... well, robotic. He's scripted. His master plan will try to account for every move his adversaries can make. He'll have backups upon backups. But he's up against Sonic, who is a master of winging it. Sonic will find the one move Eggman didn't plan for, because he doesn't know he's going to do it either until he does it.


Well-known member
I mostly agree, but I will also say his ego can get in his own way; usually this is a bit more towards the comics then the games where they need to have more characters for him to play off of and to keep his threat from getting too diminished by having him always around and easily foiled. But like in IDW, you had Starline who was a fanboy and could see those faults and would suggest 'hey, we should do something about that.' only for Eggman to tell him off and proclaim his own genius superiority. Which leads to Starline becoming a rival player then an ally; becuase his own ego wants to prove his own genius to Eggman.

We don't see that as much in games where he's playing off the heroes more.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


Pittied fools.
Interesting. And looks like they're going to properly make The End's moon imagery ominous.


Pittied fools.

I'm...glad I glad I prepared for disappointment? Not that it's bad, it's just that it's inline with most of the island themes and parts of cyberspace instead of the genres that are associated with the characters. Oh well. They'll probably grow on me like the rest of Frontiers music, it's good the three will be playable again in a mainline game, and Frontiers won't be the last Sonic game so this won't be the last Sonic music.


Well-known member

So while watching this, a thought came to me about Fang; He should be a regular Antagonist for Knuckles seeing as he's a treasure hunter and the Master Emerald would be a major treasure.. Also probably have connections to Rogue in a modern continuty since their in a similar line of work.


Well-known member
You know, originally, I thought that Trip (the new armored character) was going to turn out to be someone we already knew. Like this was going to be the "first" appearance of a "Modern" Sonic character in the "Classic" timeline. Like maybe Rouge or something. When you have a character in a mask like that, I expect some sort of a surprise reveal.

But...looking at those hieroglyphics...yeah, Trip's just going to be connected to the true final boss, somehow.


Pittied fools.
So while watching this, a thought came to me about Fang; He should be a regular Antagonist for Knuckles seeing as he's a treasure hunter and the Master Emerald would be a major treasure.. Also probably have connections to Rogue in a modern continuty since their in a similar line of work.
Yeah, Fang actually fills in a lot of holes. Another treasure hunter, an antropomorphic villain (instead of a human, robot, or ancient being), and has the notoriety of being a longtime character.

You know, originally, I thought that Trip (the new armored character) was going to turn out to be someone we already knew. Like this was going to be the "first" appearance of a "Modern" Sonic character in the "Classic" timeline. Like maybe Rouge or something. When you have a character in a mask like that, I expect some sort of a surprise reveal.

But...looking at those hieroglyphics...yeah, Trip's just going to be connected to the true final boss, somehow.

Well, "just" feels like underselling it a bit. I think she could be a situation similar to Knuckles in that she's the last survivor of an ancient civilization who had a connection to the emeralds. Though Trip has some of the most blatant 'new friend' signposting for a new Sonic character.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Everything about this animation is amazing.

And yes. Fang needs to be a regular. He fills a very different niche than Rouge, as he's solidly a villain rather than being up for grabs. He's also arguably as much a potential foil for Tails as he is for Knuckles, as he's at least somewhat mechanically adept.


Active member
Everything about this animation is amazing.

And yes. Fang needs to be a regular. He fills a very different niche than Rouge, as he's solidly a villain rather than being up for grabs. He's also arguably as much a potential foil for Tails as he is for Knuckles, as he's at least somewhat mechanically adept.

My guess is since characters like Fang, Ray, and Mighty will be restricted to Classic Sonic's dimension, Fang could basically be Classic Sonic's answer to Modern Sonic's Rouge.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
My guess is since characters like Fang, Ray, and Mighty will be restricted to Classic Sonic's dimension, Fang could basically be Classic Sonic's answer to Modern Sonic's Rouge.
Oh, it's not dimensions anymore. It's past/present again.


Well-known member
Yeah, "Classic" and "Modern" WERE separated and considered two timelines a few years ago but Sega changed their minds again. Sometime around last year.

July 2018:

November 2022:

...You know, until Sega changes their minds AGAIN, and Classic is revealed to actually be the FUTURE of Modern and not the other way around for some reason.
Last edited:


Staff member
Council of Elders
At some point they'll surrender and declare that there's multiple overlapping but incompatible timelines. Choose your own adventure.


Pittied fools.
All things considered, I don't think Sega will change their minds on this specific thing again. Looking at when the different timelines thing was stated, Sonic Boom had ended, multiverses were becoming more popular, and Sonic Team was still having to deal with the discourse of "Sonic was never good". Splitting things off into different dimensions feels exactly like what a company trying to preserve brand identity would do after setbacks. I really think the release of the first movie was the thing that kickstarted turning some thought processes around internally. It's been stated that Sonic Team found the movie inspiring and the box office was good. And though some individual games have done poorly, Sonic has always been popular so fans have pushed back until things changed.

In other news, Amy Rose and Metal Sonic made their game debuts 30 years ago today. It's been rocky but they're in a good place now. I know a comic will be coming out soon (similar to what Tails got last year) but I don't know if anything else is planned.

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