Sonic The Hedgehog


Well-known member
Finally watched through Sonic Prime season 2. Another good season! I'm definitely looking forward to where part 3 will be taking us. There definitely seem to be improvements to the show here and there. Although...I do worry that they haven't really done a great job explaining (or maybe even thinking through) the bigger-picture ideas and concepts that they're working with. We'll see.

Nine turning traitor: who's the rugged, handsome individual who predicted that?
Nine: He's going to be the big bad by season's end. That smile at the end of Episode 6 lets us know he PLANNED on being captured. And all that talk about creating a utopia on Grim...He's playing everyone. Sonic's best friend is going to be his biggest threat by season's end.
Okay, okay, fine, it didn't QUITE happen the way I thought it would. Nine actually seemed to be genuinely bonding with Sonic before those last 5 minutes of the last episode. And he didn't seem to MEAN to help create Chaos Sonic. That seemed like a genuine mistake on his part. Seeing all his alternate counterparts and him slowly putting the pieces together, though...I just KNEW he wasn't going to take that well. And he WAS plotting things behind the scenes for a good portion of this show. And we still don't know how much of a threat he's actually going to be, because we now have a different potential final boss that I'll talk about later.

Shadow just wanting to punch Sonic: Yeah, it feels a little off in the first episode of this season. "Sonic...calm down...I just want to talk...*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*!" Still, I can't really blame the guy, his whole dimension blew up around him. And he does get better later on in the season, the problem is really just that one episode. I guess the reason he can't get into the other dimensions is because he didn't absorb any of the Prism's energy like Sonic did? It seems like time isn't passing for him at the same rate as it is for Sonic. It doesn't seem like he's spending hours alone in the void by himself, it seems more like seconds are passing for Shadow where Sonic is experiencing minutes inside the different worlds.

Chaos Sonic: Heh...this is why Sega doesn't want Metal to talk. This was kind of a fun change of pace from our usual robotic copies of Sonic. So Sassy. I kind of wonder if he'll end up getting repaired or something so we'll see him again before the end of the season?

Boscage Maze: I keep hearing this as Boss-Cage Maze, like it's a prison for a giant monster or something. But, no, "Boscage" is a actual word meaning "Massed trees or shrubs". Learn a new word with Sonic!

Rusty Rose joining the Pirates: I'll admit, I really thought she was going to end up betraying the pirates to get herself back in good with the Chaos Council. But nope! And I'm okay with that. Hopefully, she's happier with them.

Captain Dread: I guess we know which splinter-self got the original Knuckles' one-track mind and love of giant gemstones? He doesn't care which dimension he's in or even if he has to fight himself, he just wants his Emerald Shard back.

Mr Dr Eggman looks like Captain Marvel: I don't know. This just popped into my head during this season. But, does anyone else think "Middle-aged" Eggman looks a LOT like Carol Danvers' costume? He's even got the hair. It's probably already been pointed out. Maybe someone's a comic book fan?

The Two Other Empty Dimensions: Having BOTH the Grim and "Ghost Hill" be kind of lifeless and void of anything interesting is....probably a budget thing. I'm a little disappointed that we seem to just have the three Shatteredverse worlds, probably couldn't be helped. *shrugs*

The Loop De Loop: They ARE focusing on this more than the Palm Tree this season. And is anyone else getting big-time "Cabbage Guy from Avatar the Last Airbender" vibes from how many times they destroy it?

Season 2 Episode 7: I just want to tip my hat to "Cracking Down", since this entire episode is basically just Sonic trying to get up to speed so he can travel back into the Void. Almost the whole episode is one LONG chase scene across dimensions, and I just appreciate the work that probably went into story-boarding and planning this episode.

"Pinnacle" Eggman: Yeah, I'm guessing the Chaos Council can kind of..."sense" that they're not entirely whole. Either that or it's just a joke about Eggman's ego. He considers HIMSELF the Ultimate Life Form.

"Paradox" and "Prime" Sonic: Yeah, these were kind of neat. I'm not sure if we should consider Sonic's "copies" as him ACTUALLIY creating shadow clones or if he was just playing around a little since he basically had too much cosmic sugar. I'll admit, the second "purple" form was...just less interesting since it didn't actually DO anything new. It was just strong. And I wish his gloves and boots changed along with these new forms, too. It'd just be cooler if he got slick new threads along with these new forms, instead of the "Ghost Hill" wire-frame look. Still, it did look cool. Kind of gives me a "Sonic and the Fallen Star" vibe.

The Void: So we learn there's some sort of black hole eating up the shards outside of time (and at least one Chaos Emerald). Yeah...I'm guessing this is going to turn into some sort of cosmic horror-terror that everyone's going to have to team up against by the end of the season? Like Solaris or the Time Eater or The End. I'm not sure if it got released from the crystal or maybe it was just drawn by the creation of the Shattered Dimensions? Maybe the Paradox Prism was basically a Cosmic Bathtub Plug and now a creature is crawling it's way up the water pipe? Anyway, I"m guessing that's the TRUE final boss...after Nine tries to create his utopia.

Some problems with the larger plot: I think it's a problem that...we don't KNOW yet if repairing the Prism will collapse these different worlds back into Green Hill or not. But, Nine seems to maybe think that? ("What do you think would happen to ME when you brought your friends back?"). If these worlds WEREN'T created by the Prism...then it's a little weird that we never see a Sonic or Shadow variant. And I'm not sure what Nine means when he's using the Prism as a "blueprint" if he's not planning on completing it. How is it a "blueprint" for anything? the energies interact with each other? And we still have no idea why all five Eggmen variants are all in the same world instead of spread out in the different worlds. It's just...a lot of unexplained weird stuff? And it probably isn't REALLY the focus, but it still kind of bothers me.
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Wondering bot
Well last night, I finished watching this latest batch of eps, things certainly didn't pan out how I thought they would towards the end, I can see Nine going through a character arc, yet the series main point is that, everything is Sonic's fault, he is reckless and doesn't think things through properly or consider other people's feelings, thus selfish, of course, this latest batch also points to the Chaos council primary weakness, thou I am curious to why we see only New Yoke City verisons of Eggman,
thou I think the key to resolving everything, will be the missing Chaos Emerld that Shadow lost by accident!

Favourte varient for me, is Knuckles, the priate, AKA Captain Dread, he just stands out more than his other verisons, what I think might happen is, that this verison will become the guardian of the Prism gems, much like how the regular verison is meant to be the guardian of the Master Emerald

Nine, is definely a complex character, about the most complex in the series compared to the other characters in the show which are primary one trait like Captain Dread obession with the Prim gem or Jungle Amy trying to protect the jungle, I look forward to seeing where his character arc goes in the next batch of eps

In general, I am really enjoying this show, its clearly well thought out, thou not prefect but I think this could be the best Sonic series since satam or Sonic X


Pittied fools.
Nine turning traitor: who's the rugged, handsome individual who predicted that?
Okay, okay, fine, it didn't QUITE happen the way I thought it would. Nine actually seemed to be genuinely bonding with Sonic before those last 5 minutes of the last episode. And he didn't seem to MEAN to help create Chaos Sonic. That seemed like a genuine mistake on his part. Seeing all his alternate counterparts and him slowly putting the pieces together, though...I just KNEW he wasn't going to take that well. And he WAS plotting things behind the scenes for a good portion of this show. And we still don't know how much of a threat he's actually going to be, because we now have a different potential final boss that I'll talk about later.

Shadow just wanting to punch Sonic: Yeah, it feels a little off in the first episode of this season. "Sonic...calm down...I just want to talk...*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*!" Still, I can't really blame the guy, his whole dimension blew up around him. And he does get better later on in the season, the problem is really just that one episode. I guess the reason he can't get into the other dimensions is because he didn't absorb any of the Prism's energy like Sonic did? It seems like time isn't passing for him at the same rate as it is for Sonic. It doesn't seem like he's spending hours alone in the void by himself, it seems more like seconds are passing for Shadow where Sonic is experiencing minutes inside the different worlds.

While Nine isn't overtly evil, he is distinctly a third party compared to Sonic and the Chaos Council. Third parties seem to almost be a theme this season with Dread and Rusty having their own agendas.

Something this season seemed to showcase is that the Chaos Council can actually deal with Nine if they pay attention to him due to his cockiness. When Mr. Dr. Eggman sat down with him, my brain actually went "Is he about to get Adventure 2ed?" And it's actually worse than Tails in SA2. Tails has the excuse of being under duress since Sonic was trapped in an escape pod and Amy had a gun to her head. Nine was in a comfortable situation and simply couldn't keep his mouth shut. Actually makes me wonder if cockiness and dismissing others will be is downfall.

As far as the paasage of time, The Void probably doesn't line up with the Shatterspaces since the first season pointed out that the Shatterspaces don't run on the same timeline. Or, at least New Yolk City and Boscage Maze don't line up.


I decided to bite the bullet and got Origins last night on PS5. I already have Sonic 1&2 several different ways. But having 3, CD and the ability to play as any of the characters is nice. 16x9 makes for some subtle differences in how you play. I also like the no-lives way to play.

2-D is still the best way to play IMO.


I can feel my blood pressure spike every time I hear it. It's like when Mario music speeds up at the last 100 seconds. Even if you're right by the flag pole your body automatically goes into panic mode.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm sure there have been other games with drowning music, but Sonic's is the first that comes to mind. It's perfectly stressful.


Continuity Nutcase
Super Monkey Ball can be very stressful when you're trying to cross a very narrow path slowly and carefully trying keep the platform steady and not roll off, and then suddenly the cheery whimsical music switches to a more frantic and urgent tone, with the announcer voice yelling at you to "HURRY UP! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!"
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Finally saw Season 2. It's long past that I don't have to spoiler tag, right?

I read your reactions and I got confused whenever the name Chaos Sonic was mentioned. That was the new Metal Sonic? I thought Chaos Sonic was the powered up Sonic at the last ep, except he seemed more like Prism Sonic or Prismatic Sonic (since Tails called the big Eggman as a Prismatic Titan). I'm going to have to reread what you guys wrote again, haha.

Loved the action with Sonic and Shadow grabbing the Shatterverse gear but, yeah, Shadow didn't need to beat up Sonic that much, haha

Kinda would have been nice if they didn't keep saying that Nine isn't to be trusted. Would have made the betrayal a bigger surprise if Shadow and Renegade / Rebel Knuckles didn't keep bringing it up.

Hated that Dread was evil / misguided cuz he was wasting everyone's time. Rusty Rose turning pirate was cool sooo I guess they needed to balance it out.

New Metal Sonic was great eeeexcept I wasn't fond of his voice and I didn't like the eyes. But I liked the banter and, c'mon, Sonic would be annoyed, yes buuuuut he would have doubled down and given better / worse quips to keep up with Metal, hahaha. Like, he would have been excited and would have fought with Metal all day long if he had the time. Maybe.

The Eggman council said there were two other Zones out there. Sooo Ghost Hill and the Grim? I'm super disappointed that it wasn't seven Zones, just for the seven chaos emeralds number thingy.

You guys say the Master Emerald that fell in the Void is the key to solving everything? I say the real Deus ex machina will be... Big. Or Froggy. One or the other. Kidding, haha

I was hyped for Super Sonic to appear but it was Paradox Sonic, Prism Sonic, haha. I called him Blink Sonic or Split Sonic. Could have had his shoes and gloves change looks too, yeah. I liked him talking to himself but could have had multiple colors per Sonic he talked to.

So the final season is probably 8 eps again? 24 eps of Prime to complete an epic / mini story adventure? Sounds ok.

Hey, how come there are no Eggman variants in Boscage Maze and the water pirate place?


Well-known member
I read your reactions and I got confused whenever the name Chaos Sonic was mentioned. That was the new Metal Sonic?

Yeah, it's "Chaos Sonic" because he was built by the Chaos Council.

Sonic would be annoyed, yes buuuuut he would have doubled down and given better / worse quips to keep up with Metal, hahaha.

...You know, Sonic getting into a epic diss battle WOULD make for a pretty amusing scene. I like it.

Hey, how come there are no Eggman variants in Boscage Maze and the water pirate place?

Agreed. I mean, I guess all 5 of the Chaos Council count as 5 different variants. It's just weird they were never spread out to the other worlds. But, it is the "Paradox Prism" not the "Totally Logically Sound Prism", I guess. *shrug*

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If the eggmen were to be spread over all the inhabited shards: there would be functionally no opposition to sonic and shadow because all the eggmen (initially, anyway.) would be fighting EACH OTHER over who gets to rule the collective shatter spaces, and since each would have their own, unique infrastructure: it would pretty much be an even fight (except in boscage. Cause... yeah, flint spears against robots? Or flint robots? Though some clockwork wood and stone robots would be pretty cool to see.).

Besides, each iteration of a person in a shatter space seems to be a reflection of an aspect of their personalities. Eggman is powerfully shallow. He wants to rule, he wants power, he wants to be the smartest person in the room every time. All his personality stems from THAT, so it makes sense that his various elemental moods all wound up in the same place. The baby is his pettyness, deep is his sense of grandness, don't is his refusal to give up, done-it is is literally just eggman stuck entirely within his own routines, and mr. dr. is his ego, his vanity. It all comes from the same place.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
It would have been cooler if the Eggman variants were in the other zones.

Dr Deep already has a name that fits the pirate place, haha.

Dr Don't is for Boscage Maze for neo future gamer world vs nature.

Dr Babbles is for Ghost Hill, needs to be developed.

Dr Done It is for New Yolk City since he's already conquered it. Or the Grim since it's a bleak future. Mr Dr can take the leftover.

Weird tho that they didn't give the names any uniformity. Dr Babbles could have been Dr Doodles. And Dr Mr could have been Dr Doom, haha


Pittied fools.
Interesting fact I realized: When Sonic Prime ends, it will be the second shortest Sonic show by number of episodes, beaten out by the OVA (since it is supposed to be a two episode pilot but didn't lead to a series). As is, it will also be the second shortest amount of time. If the final episode is double length like the first episode was, it'll roughly be a tie between Prime and SatAM. It's interesting to see how densely plotted Prime is compared to it's actual length. Alternately, to realize the amount of impact SatAM had on the fandom considering how short the series is comparison to most of the series. Granted, Archie helped with that (despite not being a direct sequel to the show).

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