Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I ordered myself a new microwave this morning, it should be delivered tomorrow.

Really looking forward to it because it's not just a plain microwave. It's actually a microwave, air fryer, and convection oven - all in one unit.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Convenient. I should look into that whenever I need a new microwave, because I already need a new oven.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
It was less than $100 too.

Was supposed to get it today but I'm not complaining because the shipping was free (I could have gotten it today delivered from my local store but then I'd have to pay like $9 for the store delivery fee and give the person doing the delivery some money for a tip too and if given the option, I'll go for the choice that saves a bit of money even if it takes a little longer)


Somehow still sane
Was reading some old capeshit comics and realized that I was subconsciously giving Red Hulk senator Armstrong’s voice and now I want to ser that as a real thing.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Tried out the bake function on my new microwave because I made some biscuits this morning for breakfast

Pros: it works well, doesn't take long to preheat, and the biscuits came out well (they were canned raw dough and not made from scratch)

Cons: I ******* ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED THE ******* HEATING ELEMENT WITH MY FINGER AND IT HURT AND BURNED MY FINGER A BIT. IT WAS 400 DEGREES OUCH. im fine now, it doesn't hurt anymore but it really was sore for a few hours. i just have a bit of crispy cooked skin there.


Nonstop Baaka
Yep. Put it under cold running water for a bit.
I have stuff for sunburns that works good on regular burns, too (mostly it's the aloe vera).


A microwave that bakes? Nice!

Glad the finger's better. I try to avoid eat my own body parts just as a general guideline.


So just keep it in the back of your mind that I work at a television station hub in charge of nearly 60 stations. Just... keep that in the back of your mind.

Last night my YouTube feed was full of videos about how Jimmy Kimmel bombed at the Oscars and how John Cena did some sort of humiliation ritual at the Oscars.

Like many of the comments I saw, my first thought was that, huh! I guess the Oscars happened.

I mean, not that I would have given a rat's ass anyway, but usually people can't help but be aware that it's happening with all the promotions it gets.


Wondering bot
I seen some bits about the Oscars, not that I really care, best animated feature, went to Boy & the Heron, an award originally created for Pixar, but as Pixar & Disney have pretty much struck out for the last couple of years and given up their animation crown, they deseve to loose in my mind, anyway, I believe the host tried to make a joke about Transformers from something I glanced and poke fun at the Ironman actor, but neither went over very well, but then that is Hollywood these days, pretty much out of touch with reailty!

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Best Animated Feature is a joke of a category that only exists because the Academy (and Hollywood as a whole) refuses to give animation the respect it deserves.

Definitely take that category seriously when you have voters from the Academy who do shit like admit that they have no interest in animation at all, don't even fully watch the nominated films, or just vote for 'whatever movie my kids liked the most'.


Somehow still sane
Oscars are a useless award and the show itself is a bunch of stuck up, next to useless celebrities in a gigantic conga line of asspats.

Like shit, man, if i were into that crap, i’d go to The Hub and I don’t mean the one with ponies and Prime.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
here is why i genuinely have no respect for the academy awards or hollywood as a whole:

(they are applauding child rapist roman polanski btw)


Good points all. It just kinda struck me that even though I never gave a damn about any of these award shows, I'm usually aware when they're happening. I was not aware this year.


Somehow still sane
Given their ratings, I would posit that the general population is both the former and latter.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch though. Hug Hollywood. They were halfway tolerable when they could entertain me but they can't even get that right anymore.

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