Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Staff member
Council of Elders
I use Paint.NET every day. Their interface is the best in its class. It doesn't have every possible feature, but they do add stuff all the time. They just take the time to keep it cohesive.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Like I said I use Paint.NET for 95% of my image editing but for the other 5% I use GNU Imp (I'm not calling it by its proper name considering the controversy surrounding it).


Staff member
Council of Elders
I use GNU Imp exclusively for gifs, because it's surprisingly good for that. For everything else I use Paint.NET only. For every tool they both have, the process is just smoother with Paint.NET.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I use GNU Imp whenever I have an idea for a Transformers repaint that I wanna digitally create because I, for the life of me and even with me having used Paint.NET since like 2006 or so, have never been able to manage doing that with Paint.NET.

Weirdly I can manage to do recolors of non-Transformers related images just fine in Paint.NET, so maybe I'm just stupid.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
It's been a while, but from what I remember the main problem is selecting things. I genuinely hate the selection tools in Paint.NET and it's just too frustrating for me to try and select a certain area I wanna recolor.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Someone: (googles 'When is Grand Theft Auto 6 coming out'?)

First result on Google: 'Rockstar GTA 6 Release Date: All you need to know about it is available inside!'

The article:
For all of the GTA Vice City gamers who have been playing GTA 5 for a while, this is fantastic news. The creator of this game is now working to produce GTA 6, an updated version, for people who seek a fresh gaming experience. Everyone is now eager to play the New GTA 6 on their computer since it will provide a new experience in terms of visuals, new characters, Buy New Car, and many other areas after hearing the news that the Rockstar GTA 6 Release Date is anticipated to be between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025.

Rockstar GTA 6 Release Date

Rockstar Games has not revealed GTA 6 release date. Despite this, Internet sleuths have made smart conclusions. A report that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be set in contemporary Vice City was part of a broader information leak that stated the game would be released in 2025. Following the success of GTA 5’s tenth anniversary, the developer is now announcing the release date of GTA 6, and you’ll soon be able to play as the game’s new character.

That isn't even me making anything up, that's literally the first result if you search that. AI-written SEO spam nonsense with no information at all.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I should get my laptop back by Wednesday or Thursday.

Actually I feel bad for the guy at the repair shop because like he knows who I am (I mean I've used his shop on and off since I was in my teens, so I've been a customer with them for years) and even he's frustrated with how long this is taking and understands that I need my laptop back.

And none of this is his fault, either, I'm not going to blame the repair shop for a part he needed basically not being in-stock anywhere. Some random electronics repair place does not control the availability of parts.

From what I know, he's doing something with a different keyboard to make it work with my laptop. I assume connectors and shit cuz I imagine he's gotten a keyboard that physically fits in my laptop but the actual connectors are different or whatever so he has to modify them. IDK I didn't bother asking in detail.

(The fucked up part is had the keyboard parts been in-stock and available, I likely would have gotten my laptop back after a week because that's how long it took to get the DC-in port delivered and replaced. In hindsight, maybe I should've just done the DC-in considering I have a wireless keyboard I'd been using with my laptop but I mean I'd rather it get fixed than it not be fixed, especially cause my keyboard uses a wireless adapter that just takes up one of my USB ports. Also once again don't compare this to the car thing because I'm not spending hundreds of dollars renting a laptop as a temporary replacement lol)


Wondering bot
I'm feeling tried, two long shifts at work and a bad night sleep, bad combo, also, wnat to strangle one of my co-workers at times, she gets off the tills when its suddenly quiet and I'm trying to finish serving a customer after a busy spell, I'm the one who meant to get off and do some work on the shop floor, but she takes it upon herself to get off and do "tidying" when I have a lot of work still to be done and I get stuck having to serve other customers, it just rather bugs me and because of that stupid girl, I couldn't complete all of my work today, thus having to leave it for someone else to do tomorow as I have other things to do that take prioty, which is sweeping the shop after closed and its not exactly a small shop, GAH, just one those days, this girl knows she meant to stay at the tills, which is her primary responsbilty, serving customers and processing their buys, while I tend to be one of those getting the stock out on the shelves, I'm just so worn out, already crashed for a couple of hours after I got home from work and yet, I'm still tried, even after having some cooked food!


Wondering bot
I hate SS86 Ironhide vehicle mode, the robot is nice but the vehicle is a HOT mess and not well thought through, my main hate is the windscreen roof part, it will not connect to the panels that form parts of his legs and I know for sure its not a isolated issue to that figure as 86 Ratchet suffers the same problem, say what you will about the ER figure, at least the vehicle mode fits together completely!

I needed to get that off my chest, its been bugging me for a couple of days now, so its not a highly recomended figure, but I do recomend 86 Ultra Magnus, thou if you are getting just one commander class this year, get Armada OP, he AWESOME!!!

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