Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
POV you just slightly altered an Italian recipe to fit the tastes of your own culture

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Seriously though, food snobbery is such a weird thing to me. Like so many iconic dishes were created via the mixing of cultures, immigrants having to adapt to the ingredients available in their new countries, new ingredients becoming available thanks to global trade routes, etc.

I mean shit tomatoes are basically one of the most essential ingredients in Italian cooking and yet tomatoes are very much not native to Italy, they're from South America. I wonder if there were food snobs in Italy a few centuries ago bemoaning the usage of tomatoes and other ingredients from the New World in their cuisine.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
The most batshit thing I've seen is this post about EATING IN THE 50s that is basically just a thinly-veiled rant against 'ethnic' foods that seriously claims, among other things, that pasta hadn't been invented yet, 'curry' was a surname and not a food, no one had heard of yogurt, 'kebab' wasn't even a word yet, much less a food, and that no one knew what 'pizza' was other than 'Isn't that that leaning tower'?

I don't think I even need to say that pasta, curry, yogurt, kebabs, and pizza all existed long before the 19-*******-50s lol.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I would actually try this. Regular waffles aren't that sweet. Chicken n waffles are already a thing.
And consider this: there's actually two types of chicken and waffles.

There's the soul food variant with waffles and fried chicken...but there's also a version from Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine that dates back to the 1600s.

The Pennsylvania Dutch version is a waffle with pulled stewed chicken and gravy.


Like it's pretty clear that 'tuna n waffles' is taking from the above style of chicken and waffles.

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