[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

Destron D-69

Maplefacehoohsmall_zps9y2ytktu.png "oops we did it again"


Pittied fools.
This highlights a weird annoyance with forgetting the names of some of the characters from the final arc. I'm thinking one of them has Snowflake or Star or something in her name but I don't know if that's right due to this situation or if it's wrong due to trying to avoid this.

Also, "Snow Shark" (which isn't even a shark, which makes it worse)


Pittied fools.
The fun thing about this arc is that though I remember it happening and some of my mindset, I've forgotten the actual progression of events. While usually bad, I'm getting to rediscover these events.

"Kidnapping? Oh ho, just what was I up to?"


Pittied fools.
I'm trying to remember if Anchors was in on it. She's way too nonchalant about the flooding tunnel. She can't drown but she'd rush to save everyone else. And if she does know about the kidnapping, her nonchalantness is a GM tell.

Destron D-69

I love that Maple has chonk energy and always seems like she's one more spent calory away from passing out in a pile of sweat and saddlebags... but likely weighs less than a fart in a paper bag thanks to being a bug with hollow spots XD


Pittied fools.
So, Anchors was not in on the kidnapping. I was still stirring up trouble, though. This is fun.


Static is one big bundle of nerves on this training mission anyway and you bring in "No profit...?" Yeah, that was devious. Fun, but devious.


Pittied fools.
I'm gonna laugh if Static gets thrown off a cliff in this exam. Really trying to fill the anxiety bingo card.

Also, good on Maple in being the medic.


Pittied fools.
Huh. Submission holds are sorta Static's weakness.

Separately, I think Blue Yonder might have been a successful "tell, don't show".


Staff member
Council of Elders
"I find myself curious--Night Cap, what exactly is your specialty?" Shale Antiquity asked.

"You just told me what you think Brisk Iron hired you for. What do you see of worth within yourself completely separate from expeditions?"

"That's...a fairly interesting response. I guess I'll allow you your privacy." Shale Antiquity commented as the top rock was pulled out of the way. "Well, hopefully these on the bottom will be easier since we can all pitch in."

Shale Antiquity bowed her head a little. "My apologies. I got the impression you were avoiding the question as opposed to simply viewing it differently. I expected something along the lines of how I see myself as a world class musician and Keen here is a carpenter and handymare. Still, this should go swiftly if you can manage that on this last rock."

The responses are lost but Night Cap evidently had trouble with this question. As usual.

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