[OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!


Staff member
Council of Elders
Tempting, but Night Cap isn't Night Cap if his wings and horn exist outside his delusions.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Indeed. Over in Mey Hem he gets to be a Royal Knight to a Warrior Princess. He gets armour and a cloak, so he’s happy. Doesn’t stop him being certain of said wings and horn, but he’s got more glory in the “waking” world. He’s satisfied.

Well, maybe not about the question of coffee. :)


Staff member
Council of Elders
He doesn't want the skirt... but the skirt clearly wants him. And he is not going to deny that he looks good.


Hazy Signal.jpg

Meet Hazy Signal. It's been a while since I've drawn anything, pony or otherwise. I'm I'm fairly happy with how this turned out.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
I guess I can post this here then, too. Originally posted them over on the Allsparkle server.

Tipple crop.png

This is Tipple Haze, a former mining company deer who knows their way around autonomous equipment. In addition to being a drone wrangler, they're also a bit of a sneak.


Still at work, but I'll definitely reply tonight once I get home. I have my character sheet, but I'll probably need to brush up on the rules before we get to the action bits. It's actually pretty exciting getting this going. I've been dying to get Hazy's voice actualized.


Well-known member
I hope you enjoy what is your's and Fnu's contribution to the setting. :p

And yeah, right now this is mostly lettign you all establish your characters. We might not actually get to the action till the end of the month at best.


Hey, Fnu...still not sure how you're going to be playing this version of Night Cap. Would it throw you off if Hazy commented on how her grandfather always talked about how he used to work with his best friend who was also named Night Cap?


Staff member
Council of Elders
I was planning to leave it open ended as to whether this Night Cap is a descendant or not. Right now he's telling me he has never heard of any previous Night Cap and doesn't know why ponies look at him funny.

So it might throw me off in a good way. This time it could be everyone else's turn to leave Night Cap bewildered in introductory conversations.


Well-known member
I was planning to leave it open ended as to whether this Night Cap is a descendant or not. Right now he's telling me he has never heard of any previous Night Cap and doesn't know why ponies look at him funny.

So it might throw me off in a good way. This time it could be everyone else's turn to leave Night Cap bewildered in introductory conversations.
-=whistles innocently while eagerly awaiting a future character's arrival=-

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