[OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!


Well-known member
So something you all might want to keep in mind, is Nighthaze's timeline setting. This is an alternate Future, but its only 2 or 3 generations removed from FIM, in the Sunjackers' comic one of the Main character's is Pinkie Pie's grandkid and Pinkie is still alive, but clearly an old mare. This means the old STOMP cast could still be alive, though very advanced in age. So maybe Caldwin, and have both ideas to work with, for example: Rather then either Cyberpunk Static or New Character, he could do both in potentially different ways.


I was thinking along those lines, his pegasus (maybe unicorn) granddaughter Hazy Signal. That would also open up the roles. I'm still interested in hacker, but she wouldn't necessarily have to take after dear ol' granddad.


Well-known member
Yeah, an NPC Old Man Static and PC New Static.

I will say that a there will be some familar elements from STOMP showing up. So if players want to bring in a few, I don't mind as long as they are ran by me.


I don't mind if you want to bring in Ocean or Skivey. Aria I definitely think you could do something with, especially if Rhapsody is around.

I hate to say it, but when it comes to Static, I kinda have a clingy/jealous 'nobody plays him but me' kinda mentality.


Well-known member
I don't mind if you want to bring in Ocean or Skivey. Aria I definitely think you could do something with, especially if Rhapsody is around.

I hate to say it, but when it comes to Static, I kinda have a clingy/jealous 'nobody plays him but me' kinda mentality.

Heh, actually I ment it as Static being YOUR NPC. I don't think I could do Static justice anyways; but I don't mind if you add him into downtime scenes here and there. I'm willing to let everyone have at least one NPC connection they control. Helps flesh them out a bit without having to wait on me or someone else.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know how to play anyone else. I only have one extra voice in my head.


Sounds kinda lonely. Static is just the one pony voice I have in my head. I have so many others.


Staff member
Council of Elders
He's a very talkative extra voice, so it balances out.

I am definitely taking the Bourgeois trait. Night Cap's not actually bourgeois. But the negative effect is that dirt stings and burns, and that's too fitting.


Well-known member
Two of the NPCs you'll be dealing with: Shinespark and Midnight Bliss, twin Bat Ponies. Old adopts I've had forever, but never got around to using.


Midnight Bliss.png


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm trying to figure out a build, but there's a lot to figure out here.

Option 1 is a very ASC aligned build with all the guns, more like his Shadowrun version. Basically a paranoid prepper/survivalist type. But he has the Bourgeois trait, so he loses concentration when in contact with dirt. So he has the gear and he has the plans but those plans don't survive first contact with dirt. The apocalypse better be comfy.

Option 2 is a very Dawnray heavy build. Basically the team field medic, more like his STOMP version. Dawnray doesn't have any guns unless you count the dartgun, but it does have flamethrowers.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
I was thinking along those lines, his pegasus (maybe unicorn) granddaughter Hazy Signal. That would also open up the roles. I'm still interested in hacker, but she wouldn't necessarily have to take after dear ol' granddad.
This is extremely appealing. Like, nothing would feel quite as nostalgic as jumping back into Amber, and the change in setting and background would be enough to make it interesting, buuuut also a differently gendered descendant of Amber with Sourdough Bitter would give me a lot more space to play and figure things out. Just need a grounding gimmick to hold her voice and concept together and then build out from there. (Like, I feel like much of Amber could be extrapolated from her "Mr. Cap" speaking habit.)


This is a very very early rough idea. I'm going to be working on this. But...

That's what I have for a character sheet so far.

Hazy Signal, grand daughter to Static Signal. She's a hacker. As you can see, she has piss poor stats for actual fighting, but excels at the hacking game.

She'll do whatever she can for her friends, but can be rather arrogant about her skills as a hacker. This can be rather off-putting and she can seem rather cold and disconnected. But she does care deeply for her friends.

She feels that actual fighting is for less refined ponies. She does her fighting with her laptop. She's an information broker who can do scary kinds of hacking and would rather either blackmail or manipulate data to bring down ponies rather than get into physical altercations.

She's really into synth metal and punk and can almost always be found with her earbuds firmly in her ears.

Natural hair color is yellow on yellow just like her grandfather. But she cuts and dyes her mane into a rainbow colored mohawk. She has bright green eyes. Her cutie mark is a laptop.


Well-known member
I'm trying to figure out a build, but there's a lot to figure out here.

Option 1 is a very ASC aligned build with all the guns, more like his Shadowrun version. Basically a paranoid prepper/survivalist type. But he has the Bourgeois trait, so he loses concentration when in contact with dirt. So he has the gear and he has the plans but those plans don't survive first contact with dirt. The apocalypse better be comfy.

Option 2 is a very Dawnray heavy build. Basically the team field medic, more like his STOMP version. Dawnray doesn't have any guns unless you count the dartgun, but it does have flamethrowers.

Looking over some of the weapons, I think I would find it highly amusing if his primary weapon was a Nerf Maverick.


Family relations...

You'll remember at the end of the last RP, Static had a Seapony son and an Earthpony daughter. So if Hazy has the Signal name, it kinda follows that she has a Seapony father and a Pegasus mother.

She and Static love each other dearly, but Static is disappointed the open chagrin Hazy shows whenever her Seapony heritage is brought up and Hazy has to roll her eyes every time Static starts talking about back in his day when he was with STOMP...which is frequently.

You'll probably see that he also has a very romanticized version of events in his head.


Well-known member
So the legacy NPC of mine you'll be encountering is Forte, a Decendent of Rhapsody and her sisters. Music is his lifeblood basically, and always upbeat about things. Since this is a TF board, it's fair to say he's a bit Jazz-ish. Still working on him beyond that.

Rhapsody all I have for her at the moment is that she's working for or with the Church of Luna. Harmony I'm not sure on, and Symphony... I might have a few vague plans for...


Well-known member
Zamuel suggested I make this, and its still a work in progress, but a summery of the Setting, that will eventually be a summery of the campaign as well:




I deleted the old character sheet. Here's the new updated one.

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