So it dawned on me that I don't have much savings. That I'll never be able to afford surgeries/cars/et-cetera I may need at this rate unless I change something. So I'm thinking about finally growing up and cutting back on my toy-collecting. And it was immediately obvious where most of the money was going. My pre-orders for Masterpiece figures cost more than all my non-Masterpiece orders combined. I remember a time when I lived without Masterpiece figures. When I had none, or when I had one (Wheeljack, who only cost me 30 dollars). Was I feeling bad then for not collecting Masterpiece figures? I didn't collect EVERY Transformer then after all, and I still don't now.
So I'm thinking of cancelling all my Masterpiece pre-orders. Which is a disturbingly high number, actually. It sucks, but if I can save money for more important things, it can be okay to let go of excess luxuries like MP Skyfire.
Anyone else start and stop collecting Masterpieces at a point? They're nice, but are they THAT nice when you take the prices into account? Nearly every one of them has a good or great Generations or Studio Series counterpart now. I'll still finish collecting the Trainbots, but the other pre-orders might have to go. Might have been good to come to this conclusion before dropping so much money on them, but I largely like what I got anyway. And maybe I can go back to collecting them in the future. Nothing decided for sure yet, but you've seen my updates in the "Toys bought in 2022" thread. I don't think anyone can really deny that I spend way too much money on toys.
And it may not be a Masterpiece, but it goes without saying that Canon Optimus Prime's order gets cancelled first, even with BBTS's early discount considered.
Sorry for such a downer post. But I felt like saying this would help me grip this and make a better decision.
EDIT: I looked up Wotafa's video for Canon Optimus Prime. I definitely underestimated the transformation quality. I still think the robot body could have been better for the price, though.
EDIT 2: Before anyone says something, yes, the engineering on most Masterpieces is awesome. Look at the nonsense transformation of Movie Starscream (MPM-10 of course). Insane. But it's all about what you can justify spending, I suppose. And I wish I could afford to buy them forever. But I need to think more about my future now. I don't even have anyone to inherit my mountain of pinned and screwed plastic when I'm gone.
EDIT 3: I cancelled 5 of my 7 Masterpiece pre-orders. I only kept the two Trainbots. I also cancelled the Canon Optimus. In this batch alone that's more than a thousand dollars saved. For coming years when I don't buy those Masterpieces it'll be even more. When I'm on my deathbed, it would bug me much more that I never got what I REALLY needed instead of a handful of extra expensive toys every year. I'll also be cutting back on my buying of older TFs so I can save more money. Spending too much on Thunderhowl was another wake-up call for how casually I was buying things. I was actually looking at the BW Metals Jaguar loose at 210 dollars and thinking it might be an acceptable price for me.
It's okay. I'll live a better life when I have savings to spend on important things. I'm sure. :3