Masterpiece Thread


Well-known member
Pics came out of Hoist and…I’m just not feeling it.

The mold seems weirdly elongated for both Trailbreaker and Hoist but Hoist always seemed more of a chonky boi so it looks worse on him



Continuity Nutcase
Agreed. It doesn't look awful or even bad, just kinda "off" for the more stocky Hoist.

It's like he and Legacy Bulkhead joined the same gym together. 😛
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Well-known member
Have we seen the box before? HasbroPulse has this picture up where a single bot should be. Threw me off for a minute, thought they were offering the entire set for $165. I was about to buy one. lol.

This set looks fantastic. I just cant justify the money for him.



NOT a New Member.
Have we seen the box before? HasbroPulse has this picture up where a single bot should be. Threw me off for a minute, thought they were offering the entire set for $165. I was about to buy one. lol.

This set looks fantastic. I just cant justify the money for him.

View attachment 14605
Me too when I saw it at Takara's site. Still, perhaps the KO version will be around 250 dollars?


Two arms and one smile
Yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to take that kind of a financial plunge. In my head, I round a mental corner after about $2 - 300, where something ceases to be fun and it starts getting into "I don't ever want to handle or look at this thing, for fear of breaking it." The stakes are just too high.

I'm hoping that some day, we will get a far less expensive (and complicated) Raiden set. But until then, it will be enough for me to marvel at this from a safe distance.
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Well-known member
It certainly changes the metrics. I have the FansToys MP Dinobots which come in at a thousand bucks for the set, but they seem worth it to me. I'm sure for some folks, having Raiden falls into a similar category; I'm just not one of them. I'd love to get a regular Legacy line version though.


Active member
Compared MP Raiden to an easy to find 3P set and was surprised at how much more accurate the 3P version appeared to me. MP Raiden looks short and stocky compares to the tall and skinny original. Am I missing something?

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