He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I can't find a good link but the live action Netflix Motu is cancelled for sure?

Did the strike put the final nail in the coffin?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator

Looks like Netflix was balking at the costs for the film well before the strikes. With production on everything halted for an unknown amount of time, Netflix probably felt the film wasn’t worth stringing along.


NOT a New Member.
the last two he-man things they did weren't exactly barn burners either.


Well-known member
Netflix doesn't release numbers so it's hard to tell.

The Kevin Smith show, despite some internet geek convulsions did well enough that there's still more of it coming.

And while the kids aimed toon didn't go as long as I would have liked, it went about average for a Netflix kids cartoon. (Though it's toyline doesn't seem like it did spectacular)

I'm not saying either set the world on fire but I don't know that there's a lot of evidence that they didn't do ok to good.

-ZacWilliam, Now She-Ra and the Princesses of Power I think was probably the biggest hit either franchise has had in a long time given the quality, love and fandom it spawned online. Wish that could get some more... anything.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I really liked the two cartoons that we got a few years ago, and I wish I had the space to have collected some of their toys.

I have been waiting for a new MOTU movie ever since they cancelled the 200x series, and I guess I will still be waiting.

Destron D-69

yeah, we'll likely never get the numbers on the streaming side, but we can clearly see the toylines withering on the vine at retail. Tru has had the stuff on deep clearance *the one with the 'no returns policy' attached for a few months now... we never even saw the masterverse wave with Catra and She-ra ... what I meant was the relative buzz the brand got from the cartoons, seems to have had less staying power than mattel toys would have liked... even if Mattel the ip farm can still spin it as anecdotal evidence that a movie might do well.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
My observations, for whatever THAT is worth, was that MOTU Netflix was seemingly doing “okay”. In that, I saw some regular turn over and found new figures reasonably quickly. Then again, I also saw another Walmart with PILES of the stuff on clearance.

But Mattel had a LOT of stuff on deck for the following spring, including Castle Greyskull and a branding refresh. So it’s hard to tell if this was “toys didn’t sell well enough”, “show didn’t do well enough” or some mix of the two with some other issues at play.

Regardless, MOTU Revolutions is still on deck, and Mattel is showing some new toys, along with more New Eternia takes. He-Man will sport his Battle Armor this time around, and I’m digging the figure. Also shown was Tesla-Sorceress. And a bunch of Filmation Origins figures

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
On the subject of the old movie, there is apparently a Gwildor figure on deck as well (in a two pack with Resurrected Orko).
Mattel also put out samples of Cyborg Skeletor, also to be featured in MOTU Revolution.



I never had a Beastman or Trapjaw. So I may get those if I see them. I'd love to get that Rokkon. But I already have a vintage one, so I have no desire to do one of those 'sign up online and in order to buy one you have to but the entire wave' things. So I'll just have to see.


Well-known member
Rokkon and Stonedar

Plus the Meteorbs, egg-like Meteors that turned into robot-y animals.

-ZacWilliam, MotU had fallen behind transforming robot toys by that point and you can tell they were doing their best to steal some of that juice.


Well-known member
Went ahead and ordered a Motherboard. I never even finished watching the series, but she's just too weirdly cool to pass up.

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