Does anyone have any idea of when it is most likely we will find out who the new Transformers comic publisher and why it has not happened yet?


Life of the Party
I kind of would like to see a Legacy type crossover...IDW was planning something like that at one point.


Wondering bot
I think anything they want but it needs to go by Hasbro first as they have a final say in matters of story and Hasbro will likely want to promote their toys, so its most likely to be in terms of desgins, based upon Legacy or the upcoming movie


Continuity Nutcase
I kind of would like to see a Legacy type crossover...IDW was planning something like that at one point.
3H attempted something like that with Universe, and Fun Pub later had their whole TransTech series with a buncha faces from all across the multiverse.


What are the most popualr series in the Transformers franchise though be they video games, anime, cartoons, comics or films?


Wondering bot
What are the most popualr series in the Transformers franchise though be they video games, anime, cartoons, comics or films?

It varies, fan to fan, some are big fans of the comics, some of the TV shows, others the movies, even the games but most are fans of the actual toys themselves, there is no one truly popular asspect that overrights the other


It varies, fan to fan, some are big fans of the comics, some of the TV shows, others the movies, even the games but most are fans of the actual toys themselves, there is no one truly popular asspect that overrights the other
But what are the most the popular individual series in the Transformers franchise ?

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Marvel g1 has nostalgia.

MTMTE was nominated and won some accolades.

(Stolen from TFWiki)
Three nominations for the 2014 True Believers Awards: Favourite American Comic Book: Colour, Favourite Single Story (#13), and Favourite Continued Story ("Remain in Light").
#85 on Comic Book Resource's top 100 Comics of 2015.
Winner of Comics Alliance's Best of 2015: Continued Excellence in Serial Comics (beating Saga!!)
Winner of Comics Alliance's Best of 2016: The Best Sci-Fi Comic of 2016 (beating Saga again!!)

I think everything else was a mixed bag in how it was received. You can probably find defenders for every series if you try hard enough.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Literally zero chance. Earthforce was intended to fit somewhere in existing comic canon. So they already sorta have a sequel in the form of the final US issues. It's true that they don't really fit and are effectively an alternate timeline, so in theory yes it's possible for that timeline to get a sequel that keeps going in a different direction.

But it's just not going to happen. The things that make Earthforce an alternate timeline really aren't anything interesting. They're just little details that don't line up with the main stories. Characters being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Things like that. Also, while there's a few notable exceptions, the Earthforce stories aren't that interesting either. They were just simple lighthearted filler while the main stories were doing serious stuff.

Aspects of Evil is a different matter. That one is far enough in the future that none of the existing Marvel branches really serve as a sequel. But it's not a beloved story, so nobody is going to write a sequel. Back when Marvel was the only comic we had, there would have been more interest in continuations. But we're just not there anymore.

But what would an Aspects of Evil sequel look like if someone wrote one? Basically, Unicron's going to be back someday. And that's all we really know. So you can just pick another continuity where you liked Unicron's role, and you can consider that his grand return.


Literally zero chance. Earthforce was intended to fit somewhere in existing comic canon. So they already sorta have a sequel in the form of the final US issues. It's true that they don't really fit and are effectively an alternate timeline, so in theory yes it's possible for that timeline to get a sequel that keeps going in a different direction.

But it's just not going to happen. The things that make Earthforce an alternate timeline really aren't anything interesting. They're just little details that don't line up with the main stories. Characters being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Things like that. Also, while there's a few notable exceptions, the Earthforce stories aren't that interesting either. They were just simple lighthearted filler while the main stories were doing serious stuff.

Aspects of Evil is a different matter. That one is far enough in the future that none of the existing Marvel branches really serve as a sequel. But it's not a beloved story, so nobody is going to write a sequel. Back when Marvel was the only comic we had, there would have been more interest in continuations. But we're just not there anymore.

But what would an Aspects of Evil sequel look like if someone wrote one? Basically, Unicron's going to be back someday. And that's all we really know. So you can just pick another continuity where you liked Unicron's role, and you can consider that his grand return.
What if Simon furman pitched a sequel to Aspects of evil at some day ?
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Staff member
Council of Elders
He wouldn't though. Furman has never been as interested in the late UK stories as we are. His focus was on the main stories. The late UK stuff was filler he didn't put much thought into. There was no unfinished plan for it. It was just filler.

If you haven't read Regeneration One already, I suggest you check it out. It's not great, but you might love it. If you want Furman's preferred conclusion for the Marvel G1 storyline, that's it. They gave him over 20 issues to do what he wanted.


Continuity Nutcase
In fact, as both Regeneration One and Secrets & Lies have each illustrated, Furman apparently has so little interest in any of the UK or G2 comics that, in all of his revivals of Marvel G1, he has basically pretended like neither the UK nor G2 comics ever existed in the same universe as the US G1 comics.

The Phazer

Well-known member
Could he have made a continuation or was what made the pitch possible was it being a continuation to G1?

Again, Furman wrote an ending for G2, it was just for a convention exclusive prose book and is not "official" but it exists. And even if IDW decided the book needed to be more about the G1 US comic for sales purposes, Furman could have reused most of the ideas from Alignment if he'd wanted to still. But he didn't.

Alignment is quite 90s grimdark. Perhaps with hindsight he just doesn't like it very much.

What guess I could have seen happening, and I'm kind of surprised didn't but maybe it was too near the end, is that a Transformers: The Rarities volume 2 if it would have happened could have included the prose from Alignment.

(I think it's a huge shame there was no time for a TF: The Rarities vol 2. There's a bunch of stuff that would have been good to include. Heck, I'd have bought an issue that was just the UK annual text stories reprinted, or maybe the M&S sticker book (

The Phazer

Well-known member
I think from a purely commercial point of view the main thing that hasn't been tried is a book explicitly in the original cartoon continuity set in the gaps, which tries to expand it a bit. And I could see retailers being interested in that book for nostalgia sales to a slightly wider audience.

Film continuity stuff has been tried and didn't sell great. I guess you could try and do an anime retelling of Headmasters/Victory/Zone and try and Westernise them a bit but I can't see that selling better than some of the above.


Continuity Nutcase
Alignment is quite 90s grimdark. Perhaps with hindsight he just doesn't like it very much.
Well, as late as 2004, Furman was still shilling it, as evidenced by his including two pages dedicated to it in Transformers: The Ultimate Guide.


Wondering bot
I think everything else was a mixed bag in how it was received. You can probably find defenders for every series if you try hard enough.

Same goes for any form of media, regardless of the brand, as long as its popular, there will always be those who call themselves, "Pureists" and fight tooth and nail to protect what they see as tresspassing upon their beloved IP

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