Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


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Council of Elders
I know I'm weak but I feel like companies are not even trying to make it physically humanly possible to unscrew their shit anymore. I wanted to clean my mouse but there is no force in the universe that could ever get these screws to turn. I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing this on purpose to discourage user repairs without being as obvious as Apple about it.


Wondering bot
I know I'm weak but I feel like companies are not even trying to make it physically humanly possible to unscrew their shit anymore. I wanted to clean my mouse but there is no force in the universe that could ever get these screws to turn. I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing this on purpose to discourage user repairs without being as obvious as Apple about it.

Maybe they are trying to wipe out the term, "Screw, loose?"


Maybe they are trying to wipe out the term, "Screw, loose?"


Wondering bot
I'm beat, even thou its been my day off from work, I've been up in the roof again, trying to tidy up and my goal was to move two large wooden boards that my parents got years ago for the entrance to our hallway and kitchen, they been laying upon their sides across the beams of the house, yet blocking access to the bays, but now I have managed to move them and my dad is getting rid of a LOT of old stuff from the days when he was a teacher, among other things, thus our roof as improved a lot with some stuff now going into plastic storage boxes, so in all, I think what left is about another raid worth and then I need to make some decisons regarding my stuff up there, mainly old TF boxes, thou I am considering if I should have a purge of the instructions for the many figures I own.


So here's a story about some actually good customer service. I've bough two Displates before with no issues. I absolutely love these things.

So I ordered another one recently thanks to my renewed obsession with Final Fantasy.



They made it really easy. All I had to do was email their customer service with the pictures and they're sending me a brand new one. They don't even need the damaged one sent back, which surprised me. I got a reply in just a couple business days. Like I said, really simple.

I try not to do shameless plugs too often here. But with the customer service I just got from these people, I gotta give them some kudos.



Staff member
Council of Elders
I usually have pretty good experience with customer service people, when I manage to get through to a human. They take so much flak over thinks they had nothing to do with, so if you just be nice and helpful you might make their day.


Staff member
Council of Elders
High school: "YoUr AlUmNi VeRiFiCaTiOn Is PaSt DuE."

You don't get to give me homework anymore.

They are still asking.

I should do it. They just want me to take 5 minutes to verify that the information they have on file is correct. But words cannot describe the petty joy it gives me that I can just ignore this and there is nothing they can do about it. We had a deal. I graduate, and then they don't get to give me homework anymore. I earned this.

Also, they have been spamming my mailbox, my email (which I don't know how they have), and my cell phone (which I also don't know how they have). Obviously they have a pretty up to date file.


Okay, again, I don't want to make a whole new thread for this. I really have a sinking feeling I'm the only one who cares about this. But I do have a question.


Obviously, these are NECA. The one on the left is from Aliens. The one on the right, the egg, face hugger and chest burster are from Alien. These I'm sure about.


Now this one I have a question about. It's the one from Alien 3 and came out around the time of the movie. But I have absolutely no idea what toy company did this. It's been too long and I don't think I even paid attention when I first bought it. Anyone know who made this?
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Staff member
Council of Elders
If it was the 90s, it's probably Kenner. They did have a line that was fairly extensive yet kinda terribly documented. We think it's completely documented, technically, so we know the extent of what was released, but that documentation is mostly on ancient pre-wiki fan sites with potato cameras.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I liked that line back in the day, so I remember it well. I don't know what they were thinking, but I'm glad they thought it.


Even before I was ever allowed to watch the movie I loved the xenomorph design. I always thought it was weird in the 80's and 90's how they marketed toys based on R rated movies to kids. Not like today where NECA makes toys obviously made for adults. If you watch the old commercials available on YouTube, they absolutely marketed these to kids.

Not complaining seeing as how I probably never would've watched Aliens, Robocop, Rambo, etc. without these toys. But man! What were they thinking?


Staff member
Council of Elders
So there's four power company trucks on my street. The electricity is fine on my side of the street but somebody's having a problem.


Wondering bot
Picking up a single Sonic ring gives you more power than the LOTR Ring.

And it doesn't croupt you as the One ring does, of course, if you collect 50 or more rings, plus seven shiny jewels, you get to have a golden glow with spiky golden hair, then crash through about anything that is breakable without getting hurt, yet, you loose those pretty rings quickly, thus there is a downside and the need to get more!

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