Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I like Black Convoy's deco, the pink is wonderful and that teal is *chefs kiss* but that photoshop shows how different it is from the Black Convoy/Scourge we all know and love, and the one it seeks to homage. Seems weird to ignore the gray that sets Scourge/BC apart from the Nemesis Primes that would follow him. It reminds me of how much BW Grimlock's deco changed for the recent update.

I'm really hoping for one more use of this mold, personally. Maybe something a little more...toxic?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Digibash from Twitter. On the right, what we're getting. On the left, what the deco should have looked like:


I was completely unaware RID was happening until it was over, never owned an RID toy (unless you count Megatron Megabolt, and does it really count?), never saw an episode, have no attachment to it whatsoever, and I'd be lying if I said I thought the one on the right looks bad.

The one on the left looks so much better. Nostalgia goggles have nothing to do with it.


Somehow still sane
Always thought scourge had too much gray, or at the very least an unappealing shade but this one has way too much black.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't mean to swipe at you, Sabrblade, but one of the fandom things I'm weariest of is the conflation of "I prefer this" with "this is what it SHOULD be". I mean I get what is meant, but it's right up there with "fans deserve ___" as immediately coloring anything that follows.

I don't disagree that the new deco leaves something to be desired. I doubt such a faithful recreation is feasible, and honestly Takara-ish "let's just paint the deo over incongruous sculpted bits" is not exactly an improvement for my tastes. But I'd be fine not touching the clear pink bits on the shoulders, and just adding gray in key spots (the rectangular panels surrounding the shoulder rockets, and the interior of the shoulder panels, leaving a black border in both cases. Maybe pick out some of the sides of the lower torso (move the paint from the grill to some or all of the greebling on the sides).

I don't know how much paint is even available, but based on my utter lack of production knowledge those seem like reasonable minimum spots to make those tweaks. The rest (chest windows, some paneling on the pelvis/thighs) are flat surfaces that can be reprolabeled (yeah, yeah, "I shouldn't have to spend extra" myah myah). At least break up the large single-color expanses and dispel the impression that this guy is wearing a black shirt.


Somehow still sane
It’d be nice to have the various teal details all over but if were’s on a budget, the biggest priority to scourge’s look vs Nemesis Prime would be the shoulder and chest gray/black patterns if i were to choose.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
These parts are clear on Last Prime too - they're just painted on the externally visible section (this is the same piece for the Energon missile pods)

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
Shows how much my memory of Scourge has faded, I thought Legacy looked completely accurate. The digibash is waaaayyyy better but the toy still reads as Scourge as opposed to Nemesis Prime to me (but that may be due to the Commando symbols).

I think if I added grey to his torso and more teal highlight it'll be completely acceptable, oh wait he's a Walmart exclusive? Silly me I'm never seeing him.

And Mark Maher made a Dimetrodon fossilizer out of Ractonite, Paleotrex, Spindle, and Masterdominus.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Mark Maher also posted in hand images of Motormaster/Menasor. The most interesting image to me is the one where it appears you can have Motormaster AND Menasor posed separately. I think it REALLY opens up some novel ideas with retools.

Reportedly, there’s Thunderclash alternate tooling, but I’d love to see work done on the trailer/super robot to get us a nice Road Caesar to compliment Star Saber. In another era, I could see mixed retools of the Stunticons for a fusion of the Turbomasters and Brainmasters, but in this era of absolute accuracy? Probably just the four Turbomasters into a Hyperdrive homage.


Somehow still sane
Sounds like it’d end up with a messy deco because 1. Road Caesar and Thunder Clash don’t share much in the way of plastic colors in general and 2. Thunderclash lol. Kinda wanna see it

edit. Nevermind misread the above comment. Would still want to see how Caesar would translate. Most of Menasor is made from trailer that a dune buggy wouldn’t have.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Realistically speaking, she wouldn’t be racing or fighting at all since she doesn’t exist.

Anyway, now I'm torn between G2 Laser Prime and Black Convoy (who I'm fine with living up to his name), and while I'm leaning towards the latter, the whole Walmart-exclusive deal may just settle it for me instead.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I have the original Scourge, and I still like this Black Convoy deco, too. The biggest hurdle for me is the price tag; the last time I paid $50 or more for a single Transformer was Trypticon, at Ross, and even he came with Full Tilt. It's quite the dilemma, trying to maintain a responsible adult budget with a plastic crack addiction...😓

Demovere Xeno

I'm really hoping for one more use of this mold, personally. Maybe something a little more...toxic?
Man, imagine Toxitron out of this mold with bright neon green for all the translucent parts - and, if what others are saying about the G2 Optimus mold is true, leaving some sections of the torso unpainted to let said neon green plastic peek through, like the radioactive sludge inside him is glowing right through his body. =D
Mark Maher also posted in hand images of Motormaster/Menasor. The most interesting image to me is the one where it appears you can have Motormaster AND Menasor posed separately. I think it REALLY opens up some novel ideas with retools.
I read somewhere that he later clarified that that was a second Motormaster and not the two separated. Honestly though, something like that would've made me even less impressed than I already am with how this Menasor is being handled; having Motormaster just disappear into a Menasor torso cavity would be Break levels of shellforming, I think.


Well-known member
I honestly don't get why anyone is interested in Scourge/Nemesis Prime ever. I find them so boring, empty and flat as a concept. Even in RiD, which I genuinely love, Scourge was the most boring uninteresting thing there.

To each their own of course. It's fine that people get excited about him and good for them, I just do not get the attraction.

-ZacWilliam, teal and black is a semi-nice color combo, yes, but it needs more teal to be really striking and he just feels so over done to me

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