Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
It looks done well and probably because of the bulkier design, less concerning to handle than Blackarachnia.

always associated the TM look with Tarantulas more for whatever reason though.


Continuity Nutcase
Omnicons - positively charged energon, Terrorcons - negatively charged energon, it was implied they processed it differently from raw energon. Later on in the series we saw Super energon which may have been Angolmois.
Erm, probably more like Rarefied Energon.


Somehow still sane
For me , it’s because for much of season one, the Predacons were a bunch of quirky henchmen for Megatron i.e. the dumb one, the treacherous one, the one that talks funny, the one that eats people etc. The scheming that I associate more with Tarantulas happened mostly in the TM body.

Also the colors were awesome.


NOT a New Member.
Okay, I was thinking the paint apps and parts would be bumping up the price (and cost).

I haven't watched yet but CrimeVsCrime posted Tarantulas, I know people don't like him but I'm excited for the spider.
I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the toy, but I've no time for thieving, walking, talking POS like him in videos.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Pics/Video review of Walmart Velocitron Black Convoy (Scourge) are up on TFW2005.

I skipped Laser Prime as I was waiting for this repaint. It looks like a fun toy, but I don't need it more than once and I already have a couple of good Optimus Primes. Hopefully it's not too hard to find.


Pittied fools.
Looking at the Override discussion, I'm not going to delve into the arguments but rather, ask a question. Is "unpaintable plastic" still a thing in TF construction? I ask since that might be why there's no gold on her feet/headlights. The Legacy version is also lacking gold on her gun which also leans into me assuming unpaintable plastic. I also find it interesting how the cooler shade of red alters some of the overall look.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
Looking at the Override discussion, I'm not going to delve into the arguments but rather, ask a question. Is "unpaintable plastic" still a thing in TF construction? I ask since that might be why there's no gold on her feet/headlights. The Legacy version is also lacking gold on her gun which also leans into me assuming unpaintable plastic. I also find it interesting how the cooler shade of red alters some of the overall look.
This is what it looked like to me. Same with the spoiler pack/gun housing


How did we get so dark?
Man, if current leader prices weren't so bonkers, I'd be all over that Scourge/Black Convoy/Nemesis Prime (It's kind of, like, all of them, right?)


Active member
I passed on G2 Laser Prime since I still have the original, but strongly leaning towards getting Black Convoy. He's got a lot of that teal and hot pink (NOT red) which I love, even more than the original; and I think it really makes the black and silver color scheme pop.


Continuity Nutcase
Sure would be nice to see what it looks like here, or at least a link to the pics.

*(Never assume that everyone here also uses TFW)*


Wondering bot
Sure would be nice to see what it looks like here, or at least a link to the pics.

*(Never assume that everyone here also uses TFW)*




Well-known member
Why are parts of his shoulders translucent pink? Those parts don't match the windows on Laser Prime, so it's not a mold layout thing.


Continuity Nutcase
Digibash from Twitter. On the right, what we're getting. On the left, what the deco should have looked like:



Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Digibash from Twitter. On the right, what we're getting. On the left, what the deco should have looked like:


I may be way off and this is based on absolutely nothing, but given that they are very specifically calling this toy "Black Convoy" instead of "Scourge," I wonder if there are plans to release something more similar to that digibash through some other venue.


Continuity Nutcase
I may be way off and this is based on absolutely nothing, but given that they are very specifically calling this toy "Black Convoy" instead of "Scourge," I wonder if there are plans to release something more similar to that digibash through some other venue.
I feel like the use of the "Black Convoy" name as opposed to "Scourge" is more probably because of Hasbro wanting to keep the "Scourge" name assigned strictly to the Sweep commander, like how the name "Chase" was kept reserved for the Rescue Bot during Titans Return when the update to Throttlebot Chase was named "Roadburn" instead.

The use of the Combatron symbols on this figure reads to me like the designers wanted this to specifically be an update to Car Robots Black Convoy/RiD 2001 Scourge, but then some executive who thinks they know better (when they don't) probably gave an order from on high that the deco should look more Nemesis Prime-y, either unaware of or not caring about how the original deco looked and only concerned that "All Nemesis Prime decos should look consistent! Nemesis Prime is BLACK, not GRAY!" :rolleyes:
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Somehow still sane
At least they left space on the shoulders for his insignias. Even if they’re so tiny.

weird about the random pink parts in the shoulders considering nothing else has gone pink. Maybe to make parts inside the trailer pink for some reason? Either way, the base mold is good so colors are easy enough to fix one way or another.
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