Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
Battle Convoy can’t come over. His altmode is a gigantic lump of mechanical… stuff. Very functional mechanical stuff but also very unsightly and very expensive mechanical stuff. Triggerhappy can stay, he can actually fake looking like he can fly and I don’t need him to actually do so.

Anyhow the vehicle mode is a made up space car. It never looked like anything real.
Even made up space cars have to look the part. Sleek tapering lines, air vents, a low profile and a prominent spoiler imply speed. Is it mechanical gibberish from an engineering POV? Sure but it’s mechanical gibberish that tells you at a glance that it goes fast and that the robot it results in is all about speed. The new one does not and it’s not because it isn’t a 1:1 remake. You can imply speed through other means like big thrusters, big wheels, a torpedo shape or a large exposed engine. The new one just tries to be the old thing but fails at it from a visual design standpoint.
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Continuity Nutcase
We've been dealing with made up sci-fi alt modes since 1986 though.
And in 1986, Hasbro made certain to make it abundantly clear that Blurr was a high-speed road (hover) vehicle by making his altmode look super sleek and aerodynamic.
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words pain, funny man
Even made up space cars have to look the part.
Why? The same series that gave us Override's mould gave us GF Starscream. Think that thing can fly?

And in 1986, Hasbro made certain to make it abundantly clear that Blurr was a high-speed road (hover) vehicle by making his altmode look super sleek and aerodynamic.
And I think Legacy Override fulfills enough requirements to meet that standard.


How did we get so dark?
Titans Return Triggerhappy and Diaclone's V-Max Convoy want to know your address
Even then, then you could argue about the addition of the Headmaster and exclusion of the Targetmaster on Triggerhappy, and the modern Diaclone Convoy not looking anything like a road going semi truck.

TR Triggerhappy is damn fine, though.


Continuity Nutcase
Doesn't matter if Override's altmode is a made up design. Once upon a time, every real-life car model in existence was "made up" by somebody. And within the fictional context of the world that Cybertron Override's altmode exists within, racing on Velocitron still adheres to very similar (if not exactly the same) laws of physics as those found on Earth in our real-world of realism.


This. I will never understand how so many people can take matters of aesthetic preference and turn them into absolutes of right and wrong.

Tale as old as time.



Somehow still sane
Why? The same series that gave us Override's mould gave us GF Starscream. Think that thing can fly?

And I think Legacy Override fulfills enough requirements to meet that standard.
I’ll let you in on a little secret:
Cybertron Starscream isn’t the one getting a new toy. And if he does, I’ll criticize it as much if it deserves it

The attempt to deflect is noted though


Well-known member
Doesn't matter if Override's altmode is a made up design. Once upon a time, every real-life car model in existence was "made up" by somebody. And within the fictional context of the world that Cybertron Override's altmode exists within, racing on Velocitron still adheres to very similar (if not exactly the same) laws of physics as those found on Earth in our real-world of realism.

She’s not going to do so hot racing with those tiny translucent plastic wheels: nor that well fighting with a gun that doesn’t even fire anything.

*realistically* speaking of course…


words pain, funny man
I’ll let you in on a little secret:
Cybertron Starscream isn’t the one getting a new toy. And if he does, I’ll criticize it as much if it deserves it

The attempt to deflect is noted though
Listen Sparky, pointing out the logical inconsistencies in your argument isn't deflection.

But you know what? Sure. The nonsense space car doesn't completely match the previous nonsense space car so toy ruined. Enjoy the sight from atop that hill.

Doesn't matter if Override's altmode is a made up design. Once upon a time, every real-life car model in existence was "made up" by somebody. And within the fictional context of the world that Cybertron Override's altmode exists within, racing on Velocitron still adheres to very similar (if not exactly the same) laws of physics as those found on Earth in our real-world of realism.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that not only is Cybertron Override's vehicle mode not realistic in its design, but that neither were the vast majority of Velocitron designs.


Somehow still sane
It would be logical inconsistency if i said Starscream was good. Nobody was talking about Starscream. I didn’t say anything about Cybertron designs in general, only Override. Hell, i even said the original was bad. You’re the one who brought Starscream up out of nowhere, attack this position that nobody holds and then have this bright idea to talk about logic? Surely such a master philosopher such as yourself wouldn’t engage in a textbook strawman fallacy.

so go ahead, pull up the quote where I said that Starscream is good, Cybertron had only good designs or that Legacy should be 100% accurate to Cybertron. Show this alleged inconsistency.
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words pain, funny man
Surely such a master philosopher such as yourself wouldn’t engage in a textbook strawman fallacy.
One of the not so great things about the internet is that it gave some people just enough vocabulary to think they're smart.

Show this alleged inconsistency.
Cybertron went hard on alien alt modes.
Not a single one them was "realistically" designed. You get that? Cybertron Starscream wasn't aerodynamic, and neither was Cybertron Override.
So getting this indignant over Legacy Override being "not aerodynamic enough" comes off as incredibly arbitrary.

The only thing this toy's alt mode had to get right was remind me of the original's. And it did it so much better than any of the Legacy Prime reveals.

You guys have been arguing about the literal children's toy since page 71.
Only two pages? 😛

But point taken. And made. I'll move on.


Somehow still sane
My position was that Legacy Override’s altmode is terrible because it’s worse than the original. We’re talking about Legacy Override and Cybertron Override only came up as a point of comparison because it’s the only other Override. Bringing up Starscream and the rest of Cybertron’s altmodes is irrelevant to the discussion. you are tackling an argument that nobody made. Nobody said that Cybertron had good altmodes, just that in Override’s case, the Cybertron one with all its warts was better than Legacy. The strawman constructed in this situation is that because one prefers Override’s Cybertron altmode to Legacy, they think all of Cybertron’s altmodes are good and they must automatically defend Cybertron Starscream. That is not the case.

I’ll talk shit about the rest of Cybertron’s altmodes when they become relevant again. I don’t like them in general either and I missed the metroplex reveal
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