Transformers Legacy toyline


Somehow still sane
Leobreaker desperately needs a new toy but the caveat is that unless HasTak crank out a new Cybertron Optimus, it’ll have to be compatible with Siege Galaxy Optimus who can’t hide an arm in super mode. Maybe partsform Leobreaker pieces over the existing arm? A sort of non-fossil fossilizer.

Simple lion to robot would be okay too since the cybertron toy was terrible.
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Continuity Nutcase
A comparison of the two when viewed from above:


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Truthfully, I initially didn’t even realize I was looking at a new mold for Override when I saw the first vehicle mode image. It had been so long since I even gave character, much less toy, serious thought. Looking at comparisons, I think it’s a fine “modern take” on the original design, which was “compromised” to accommodate the cyber key gimmick. Where as the original was compromised for a gimmick, this one is “compromised” by a different design focus and the broader changes in what is “costed” into a new release these days.
While I miss certain detail flourishes (like the headlights), at least Hasbro left the sculpted detail to allow for post-release “upgrades” for those interested.

I’m game, if for no other reason than it would be nice to have an Override that isn’t floppy from the aging springs. And can totally wear dinosaur bone armor…

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
I think my Cybertron Override will be Nitro Convoy and Legacy Override will stay Override, they'll be co-leaders (there's a ton of siblings, but hardly any are brother and sister).

But what's this about her being deluxe size and sold as a voyager?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The price points are determined by parts counts and complexity, not by size. And even so, I think she is supposed to be comparably sized to a larger deluxe.

Personally, Override is one of the Cybertron figures I regret not getting during its original run, so I am excited to find this one. I wish the feet would taper in more in car mode, and that the wings on the gun thingy were bigger, but the robot mode is fantastic, so she will be bought on sight.


Somehow still sane
I think my Cybertron Override will be Nitro Convoy and Legacy Override will stay Override, they'll be co-leaders (there's a ton of siblings, but hardly any are brother and sister).

But what's this about her being deluxe size and sold as a voyager?
Yeah, price points have gotten more flexible since Siege.

These two are sold at the same price point (IIRC, Studio Series sells for slightly more) but while Springer has sheer bulk, Hot Rod comes with a lot of small bells and whistles such as superior articulation (double joints and hands that can open etc), the built-in visor gimmick, has no visible hollow parts like springer's inner thighs and more accessories in general. No visible 5mm ports but that can be either a positive or negative for you.
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Well-known member
Okay regarding Kickback's energon blades, my fanon is Jhiaxus or Galvatron gives him the UT Terrorcon ability to fashion energon weapons, only this is forged from the 'blood of Unicron' AKA Aligned's Dark Energon.

That's right, we won't get this is a stealth Prime/RiD sequel show with reality hopping Arcee, Bulkhead and Knockout.


Continuity Nutcase
And the energon weapons produced by the UT Terrorcons were already made from an evil kind of Unicron-affiliated energon to begin with, anyway.

Just green instead of purple.


Active member
I wonder if some of you are forgetting what Override's Cyber Key gimmick was. It wasn't her auto-Transform, it was deploying the barrels on her gun. Removing that gimmick hasn't saved space any. In fact, looking at pictures, I think the gun was thinner on the Cybertron version than on Legacy.


Well-known member
The original gun was wider, and probably needed to be to fit the key. But it was also the exact size it needed to be to be able to deploy the gun barrels in vehicle mode.


Well-known member
And the energon weapons produced by the UT Terrorcons were already made from an evil kind of Unicron-affiliated energon to begin with, anyway.

Just green instead of purple.
Omnicons - positively charged energon, Terrorcons - negatively charged energon, it was implied they processed it differently from raw energon. Later on in the series we saw Super energon which may have been Angolmois.
In Prime there were a few types of raw energon including regular, synthetic, toxen, red and dark.

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
The price points are determined by parts counts and complexity, not by size. And even so, I think she is supposed to be comparably sized to a larger deluxe.

Personally, Override is one of the Cybertron figures I regret not getting during its original run, so I am excited to find this one. I wish the feet would taper in more in car mode, and that the wings on the gun thingy were bigger, but the robot mode is fantastic, so she will be bought on sight.
Yeah, price points have gotten more flexible since Siege.

These two are sold at the same price point (IIRC, Studio Series sells for slightly more) but while Springer has sheer bulk, Hot Rod comes with a lot of small bells and whistles such as superior articulation (double joints and hands that can open etc), the built-in visor gimmick, has no visible hollow parts like springer's inner thighs and more accessories in general. No visible 5mm ports but that can be either a positive or negative for you.
Okay, I was thinking the paint apps and parts would be bumping up the price (and cost).

I haven't watched yet but PrimeVsPrime posted Tarantulas, I know people don't like him but I'm excited for the spider.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not a Beast Wars fan (I don't dislike Beast Wars, just never really followed it so I have no strong feelings on it either way), but that is a great looking Tarantulas.


Wondering bot
He looks great and certainly not a BA Retool, thou he clearly shares similar ideas in terms of desgining, so hopefully soon we get BW Inferno "For the royalty!!!"

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