Transformers Legacy toyline

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Can't believe Lio Convoy is getting a toy in the mainline. That's wild.

Tarn, Shadow Striker and Crasher are must haves for me. I'm a core completionist now so Soundblaster and the Dinobots are also on my list (Not starting with Grimlock? Weird.) Hot Shot will depend on how he winds up (still a little sore about the Legacy Prime figures, which is also why I'm wary of that Prime Skyquake), but he's probably a get. I'd like an Armada Megatron but I have a lot of Megatrons already; maybe if there's a Commander Class Tidal Wave he goes with. Leo Prime is tempting, but I might have to let that one go due to space, even if they put out a BW2 Galvatron for him to punch.

Curious what the generically named Junkion is. I really wish the Voyager ones came apart so you can do that thing where they put themselves back together (and maybe swap parts to make different looking Junkions) so now I'm hoping that's what this deluxe is.

Betting dollars to donuts that Velocitron Hot Rod is SS86 Hot Rod retooled to be like his IDW self.


Well-known member
A large part of the leak list is "I'll have to see how it looks" for me. They're all things I might be sold if they look good but it's disappointing that most aren't anything that I *need* to fill a collection hole.

The only thing on there that's probably an absolute definite for me is Needlenose who hasn't had a good retail modern update.

ZacWilliam, core toys of main characters remain of no interest to me. (I prefer the class for small characters.) But I suppose I might be slightly swayed by really cool or really cute little Dinobots...


singularly focused
Really curious which hot shot they're doing
Finally another stab at armada? or maybe animated 🤔(I wish, but I doubt it)

Would prefer getting an Aileron over Crasher at this point, but I'll take any girls I can get!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
*happily cancels Super 7 Tarn pre-order*

Yet another go at the Dinobots but I really just want them in G2 colors already.
I'd cancel my S7 Tarn if there was a Nickel in the Core list...

Also happy for the Core Dinos; besides Ninja Consultants, Dinobots are the other thing sorely missing from my Gobotron/Cybertron city.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yet another go at the Dinobots but I really just want them in G2 colors already.

ZacWilliam, core toys of main characters remain of no interest to me. (I prefer the class for small characters.) But I suppose I might be slightly swayed by really cool or really cute little Dinobots...

Also happy for the Core Dinos; besides Ninja Consultants, Dinobots are the other thing sorely missing from my Gobotron/Cybertron city.

After buying all the Combiner Wars Dinobots and currently in the process of buying all the new Leader Class Dinobots, another set is definitely not something I could ever possibly need. That said, I am completely unable to NOT buy any new robotic dinosaur transformers. I lost that ability (but got to keep my soul!) when the theremin contest I was in with the Devil ended in a draw.


Well-known member
Maybe I'm more surprised than I should be (is she in the comics or something), but Crasher seems like kind of a big deal right? I remember back when Fracture came out someone at Hasbro mentioned they took a risk making her due to rights issues or something, and that renaming her almost wasn't enough? Now they're just flat out making her? (I'm also a little surprised that we'd see Crasher and Shadow Striker (2 black sports cars) in the same wave.

Other than the obvious ones, who do we think will be used as the base for repaints on this list?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I think the deal with any of the Gobots is that Hasbro owns the names, but Bandai owns the original figure designs. So, whatever we get won't look super-close to the original toy.

That said, I wonder if we don't get a redeco of Knockout for one of the two?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I guess there is an assumption that Velocitron Crasher is a reference to Gobot Crasher. Might be something else entirely. Trying to remember if there was a Crasher in the Wreckers mini...

EDIT: So, a quick check of the wiki shows that all but Cosmos from the Velocitron series appeared in the Wreckers mini. Crasher, Shadow Striker, and Hot Rod were not blatantly in it, either, but there are quite a lot of background redecos they might be based on. Not that the figures have to be based on the comic, but there definitely seems to be some correlation.
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