Transformers Legacy toyline

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
For Velocitron, I am still most excited for Override. I understand the alt mode complaints, especially for a character with whom the alt mode is so important, but it's worth it to get that great bot mode. She just looked so good in that one pose when Mark was displaying her.

Blurr, Road Rocket, Cosmos, Scourge and Hauler are 2nd tier for me. I'll get them, and they all look good, but just not quite as cool as a returning Cybertron character.

I've not been tempted to buy any other the previous Diaclone repaints, but Burn Out and Clampdown are pretty nice. The new head helps Burn Out especially.

Slicer/SG Wheeljack is cool. The car mode especially looks much better than the ER/Kingdom deco. The Energon guns are amazing and the Fast track repaint is an interesting inclusion. I do wish he had a purple Autobot logo. I'm going to interpret him as SG Wheeljack that joins the G1 Decepticons.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Prepared for every possibility, I see.

It makes perfect sense. Cosmos draws his gun and invades Earth. Someone sneezes, he attaches the Surrender flag. Then he gets a job at a racetrack to help him integrate into society.

Jeez. I don't think the height is as much of an issue as how tacked on it is. It literally looks like a cooking pot stacked on a dome. It even has handles.
View attachment 7109

Those tabs are a Star Trek Easter Egg. They're his Final Front Ears.


Active member
Burn Out will be mine for the nostalgia factor (BotCon 2015 was my son and I’d first con together, and he walked away with Lift Ticket while I got Burn Out…and he just got the Legacy update so…)

T30 Cosmos is looking nervous in my collection. Knowing full well he’s about to join TR Perceptor in storage.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
That's ok, in retirement they can be Paranormal Investigators!



Active member
Sadly I think I'll probably pass on all these guys (except Scourge who I already loved when he first got leaked). Road Rocket and Slicer are the most enticing, but.. well, they did a pretty good job with what they had for Road Rocket, but the lack of the awesome sidearm cutter is a big demerit. Slicer is good but not sure I want to pony up for the exo-suit as well. Everyone else is pretty meh.


Well-known member
Road Rocket is a definite. Already knew I was getting Clampdown and Road Hauler, on the fence with Override and Scourge. And now, I'm hoping I can snag me a Slicer...


NOT a New Member.
Blurr and "Not-Scourge" are easy passes, but the others look OK. Why did they make yet another Cosmos though? Wasn't the last version pretty much good enough?

The Phazer

Well-known member
Blurr and "Not-Scourge" are easy passes, but the others look OK. Why did they make yet another Cosmos though? Wasn't the last version pretty much good enough?
He's too small for anything like show scale compared to the other recent minibots.

I imagine we'll get a deluxe Brawn, Windcharger and Gears at some point.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Cosmos and Override are must haves.

Also "yet another Cosmos?" We haven't gotten a Cosmos since Titan Returns, and even then that was a reissue of the Thilling 30 toy. Unless I missed one.

Scourge is a difficult choice. His deco bothers me and I have the original toy still.


Well-known member
Blurr and "Not-Scourge" are easy passes, but the others look OK. Why did they make yet another Cosmos though? Wasn't the last version pretty much good enough?
Scale and looking more like the G1 version.
The T30 and Legacy versions of Cosmos are also far more distinct from each other than other repeats of the same characters that have been much closer together.


NOT a New Member.
Scale and looking more like the G1 version.
The T30 and Legacy versions of Cosmos are also far more distinct from each other than other repeats of the same characters that have been much closer together.
I suppose so.


It's irksome how they originally started to update the Minibots as deluxe (Classics Bee, Cliff, etc), then they cancelled that and made several smaller ranges and only now are releasing them again in deluxe forms...

Anyway, Tonkatron is basically...


Internet Jesus

Poison Love
Override, Scourge, Blurr and Cosmos are definites.

Oh god I'm so tempted to get Laser Prime and make a Toxitron but I can absolutely smell a Selects release around the corner.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
the new leaks are impressive, but i am most intrigued by the core class dinobots

Sir, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


Saw the leaks as well. Tarn, Crasher, mini-dino-bots, and Needlenose are the standouts for me.


Well-known member
Legacy Year 2
• Voyager Leo Prime
• Voyager Tarn
• Leader Prime Skyquake
• Leader Armada Megatron
• Core Sludge
• Deluxe Needlenose
• Deluxe Hot Shot
• Deluxe Junkion 1
• Core Soundblaster
• Core Slug

Velocitron Wave 2
• Deluxe Shadow Striker
• Deluxe Crasher
• Voyager Hot Rod

Leo Prime (hopefully finally done right)
Skyquake (Maybe, his prime figure is pretty good IMO)
Armada Megatron
Hot Shot (third times the charm, right?)

all on my list. Core Dinobots excite me. But I’d rather see Blasters tapes.

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