Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I expect it was always planned as just one wave given the backstory of "Shit we kinda promised them something G1ish at Botcon, what can we throw together that Toyworks/KayBee would buy for a quick exclusive."

-ZacWilliam, if it was meant to be more it probably would have had a wider release.


Well-known member
I expect it was always planned as just one wave given the backstory of "Shit we kinda promised them something G1ish at Botcon, what can we throw together that Toyworks/KayBee would buy for a quick exclusive."

-ZacWilliam, if it was meant to be more it probably would have had a wider release.
That's kind of my own thinking. To play the hypothetical "what if it had sold really well?" game, I could suggest that, even in such an unlikely scenario that sales were astonishingly high and thus couldn't be ignored, the result wouldn't be "more Machine Wars toys," but rather "a revival of vehicle-mode Transformers," but in an altogether new line.

Which, of course, is ultimately what we got.


Yeah, between the unaltered sticker sheets, the altered packaging art from other toys, and the fact that they didn't even bother to come up with something that wasn't the Beast Wars typeface for the logo, Machine Wars was pretty clearly a half-assed effort to get something out the door to make the older fans happy.

Kinda fun to think about Hasbro dipping into JG1 to find stuff for a second wave though. Multiforce 2-packs as basics, anyone?


Staff member
Council of Elders
I totally buy the story that it was slapped together to look like they kept a promise, and they never thought about another wave. Every piece of evidence points to it being a cheap rush job. Every one. But that ability to slap it together makes me think they couldn't have ignored a surprise hit without somebody in the finance department crying about margins.


Well-known member
I totally buy the story that it was slapped together to look like they kept a promise, and they never thought about another wave. Every piece of evidence points to it being a cheap rush job. Every one. But that ability to slap it together makes me think they couldn't have ignored a surprise hit without somebody in the finance department crying about margins.
Again, I agree that they wouldn't ignore a surprise hit. I just don't assume that has to mean a second wave of Machine Wars, specifically.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Even weirder to see how much interest there IS for these items.

There's something about the canceled G2 stuff. I don't know what the word is. I think about how they could have been it. They are not like canceled Universe stuff or canceled final waves in more recent lines. They are relics of a brand in collapse. Transformers had already been resuscitated once and was clearly still fading. The unreleased G2 stuff could have been the last versions of these characters ever made, except G2 ended before they even had a chance to be. Even though Beast Wars came along and saved the brand without another yearlong hiatus, it was such a drastic reinvention that there still might have never been another Jazz.

I'm always up for canceled things in general finally being revisited and done. That's one of my favorite things about this era and design team, and it's been worth putting up with exclusives just to get these. It's even worth putting up with intentionally withheld paint (although I wish we didn't have to-- Grim really needs more blue striping) since that's easier to remedy than making something exist in the first place.

There's a shallowness to it on my part ("oh I can't have this? Well, guess again, universe, it looks like I can") alongside the closure of getting something that fell through the cracks. They're like trivia questions come to life-- that Optimus Prime redeco they almost made, the Sideswipe we never got, did you know there were supposed to be all FIVE Dinobots in G2...

Plus for some of these especially, the looks are just cool and I'd get them even without the canceled factor. Toxitron, Mirage, Cloudcover, Sandstorm, Laser Cycle Jazz, Sideswipe...

Canceled G2 stuff in particular also brings back echoes of that time period (I am old enough now to have multiple nostalgia era buttons), and G2's sadly short time in the sun as well.
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Cursed Punweaver
That's a good sign that Walmart preorders might hit as schedules on the 19th.
Lo and behold...


Maybe consider grabbing a lotto ticket, if you're able. :p


Not Crew.
I think I'm gonna have these guys be Toxic Clones created by Toxitron. That way it's still sort of Jazz but there's room for it to be its own character too.

ZacWilliam, currently brainstorming a name for Orange Tang Jazz... Forte... Fusion... Radfire... Anneal... Burnbeat...


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