The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating


Nonstop Baaka
New Professor Layton? Heck yeah! Already heard about Cereza and Rain Code, def getting those.
Probably will get the We ❤️ Katamari remake, too. I miss the silliness.
I played Fire Emblem from Awakening to Three Houses (but only one path), kinda getting overwhelmed with all the FE stuff to the point that I don't feel like keeping up with it anymore.


So just curious, who here has the Switch Online Expansion pack? Plans to get it? Plans to renew?

I ask because before they added Game Boy Advance games, N64 controls are wonky and the Genesis app didn't offer any worthwhile games that I didn't already have on two different other collections.

I scaled my subscription back to Basic about a month ago, but my Expansion subscription doesn't run out until October. So they have until then to make the expansion worth it.

Sorry to say, but Minish Cap isn't going to do it for me seeing as how I already own it a couple different ways. Golden Sun looks nice, but hasn't released yet.

So I guess bottom line for me, Game Boy Advance app is the one thing that might convince me to re-up. But it's going to have to prove itself.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Eh. Might not be for exactly legal reasons, but I haven't had a real need to use that feature of the switch, so no, I've stuck with the standard subscription.


So I've been playing Metroid Prime the past couple days and it got me thinking, not for the first time, about what ratings certain Nintendo franchises should aim for. I mean, yeah, Nintendo being Nintendo, they aren't going to let any of the main franchises go the foul mouthed with lots of viscera route. But if I were in charge, here's what I'd do.

Mario, Kirby, Splatoon, Kid Icarus - E

These have always been family friendly 'E' rated games and I don't think I'd change that. they're the colorful, let the kids go at it type games. Keep them'E'.

Before Uprising I would have said Kid Icarus could go so far as 'T' or even 'M' because the original NES game left a lot up to whatever came after. But then Uprising and Smash Bros. planted it firmly in the 'E' rated category.

Zelda - E-T

I like the 'E' games and I'd like to keep those coming to keep the kids coming back to it. But if there's one thing Twilight Princess proved it's that there's room enough for the occasional 'T' game.

There has been some legit terrifying things in Zelda. Stalfos in a dark desert palace with only a couple torches lighting the room (Twilight Princess), Undead bokoblins climbing a rope right behind Link in a race to get out of a tomb (Skyward Sword), Zelda could be terrifying. I could easily imagine an 'M' rated Gleeok (though like I indicated before, I'd personally draw the line at T for a Zelda game).

I would love to see dusty, creaky Stalfos with empty, creepy eyes...monsters with rows of sharp teeth with a string of drool...really bring out the 'T' rated creep factor.

Metroid - M

Yeah, I know. This is Nintendo. They'll never let it happen. But we are talking about a franchise that absolutely has its roots in the Alien franchise. We've had locations that would not be out of place in Event Horizon.

This is a franchise where you are typically isolated in a hostile environment. It's a perfect horror setting. Just the very concept of the Metroid is at least as scary as any xenomorph. It would not take much at all to push this into true 'M' rated horror. Metroid is no stranger to having dead bodies on the floor. Give them a little viscera (not even that much), and in a swear here and there...change absolutely nothing else. That's all it would take.

I think this is one franchise that could take on Alien Isolation and even Resident Evil in terms of sheer terror. It can easily beat Doom in terms of space shooter.

And even if you don't want a total horror game, Mass Effect is a perfect example of what you can do with an M rated space shooter that's not oppressively heavy in atmosphere.

Aside from Star Wars and Star Trek, space sci-fi is rarely gentle (Doom, Event Horizon, Alien). I'd like to see Metroid really delve into the M rated dark side.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Before Uprising I would have said Kid Icarus could go so far as 'T' or even 'M' because the original NES game left a lot up to whatever came after. But then Uprising and Smash Bros. planted it firmly in the 'E' rated category.
You know there's a rating between E and T, right?


you mean "E10+"? Yeah, but I kinda lump that in with E. There's also an AO rating, but I have no interest in seeing that.


If you mean E10+ then absolutely. Like I said, I just tend to lump the two ratings together. Besides, that's just how I see the franchises. I would love to hear how and why others see them.


Well-known member
Was at Smyths today and considered purchasing a Switch Oled but reconsidered on this basis:
1985 NES
1991 SNES
1996 N64
2001 Gamecube
2016 Wii
2012 Wii U
2017 Switch

However if Switch is to be considered a handheld...
1989 - Gameboy
1996 - Gameboy Pocket
1998 - Gameboy Color
2001 - Gameboy Advance
2004 - Nintendo DS
2009 DSi
2011 - 3DS
2014 - New 3DS
2017 - Switch
2021 - Switch Oled

I'll wait till September instead just in case....


Well-known member
Yeah, people are thinking we'll be getting some sort of announcement on a Switch 2 or something sometime either this year or next year.

If you don't already have a Switch, I might recommend picking one up, if only because there's no guarantee the next console will be backwards compatible. But, if you do already have one I don't think there's a burning need to pick up a OLED unless you need a replacement or just want to have a extra one on hand.


Ancient Protoform
Absolutely loving Tears of the Kingdom. More than 100 hours in and I'm less and 3/4 of the way through the story. I've been steering clear of all spoilers and guides. Best move I possibly could have made. The height and puzzles of the sky islands are amazing, and the entire part of the game that Nintendo spent no time on prerelease feels dangerous and exciting in ways that Zelda hasn't in a long time.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It truly is a masterpiece. Nintendo's EPD division really hit it out of the park with this one.


Meh! Just another Zelda game. It's nothing impressive.

*kicks to the head*
Who are you? What did you do to Caldwin?
*whack, wham*

Okay, I was only kidding. But I guess I deserved that.
*passes out from blood loss*


Well-known member
Looking forward to Metroid Prime 4, maybe it will take the open world cues from Zelda and Halo Infinite.


Well-known member
Well I took the plunge and got the OLED but knowing my luck Nintendo will reveal Switch.2 doing 1440p HDR 60fps Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey and Metroid Prime Remastered in August Direct due for release the following weekend.


Well-known member
Nintendo Direct time!

We finally get to see a bit from the Pokemon DLC. It looks...about what I expected. It doesn't wow me, but I'll be getting it for those new Pokemon. The festival part looks cute. I'm still thinking some of those festival masks will likely turn out to be new Pokemon. I still want to know if we'll have to choose between those Loyal Three Pokemon (I hope we don't). Blueberry Academy's Terarium just looks like a condensed down version of the entire region to me. We get to see Terapagos...but we don't see a sign of that pre-evo (?) from the Horizon anime. Still no firm release date, though. (....Please don't let the DLC break the game).

And Shiny Gimmighoul will be possible now. From the looks of things, it's white instead of silver. And Shiny Gholdengo has green lines on it. Not the best shiny, but it WAS strange that it wasn't possible before. Also, new code: TREASUREHUNT for a some rare items.

We get another look at Sonic Superstars. Still looking pretty solid. I'm still worried about Arzest being involved, but it IS looking okay. Looks like you'll be able to take shortcuts with Amy's hammer.

Persona 5 Tactica. It'll probably be solid. And probably oddly important to the overall plot, given that even the DANCING games had some plot to them. It's so stylish looking.

MythForce! I kind of like the vibe they're trying to go for. Not sure how it'll turn out, though.

Detective Pikachu Returns! I was wondering what happened to this game. It was announced YEARS ago. The first one was fun, I"ll probably check it out.

THE SNES SUPER MARIO RPG IS GETTING A REMAKE?! Okay...that's kind of big news. I guess Nintendo and Square have made up? It looks pretty good. Even though the isometric platforming worries me a bit.

Princess Peach is getting a game! They don't even tell us the name, though. It seems to have something to do with transforming into different dresses. So, likely, something magical girl inspired, so something like Minky Momo or Cardcaptor Sakura or Pretear. (Hopefully, she doesn't come across any trucks).

Luigis Mansion Dark Moon is getting ported to the Switch! I know people didn't like that one as much as the other two, but it's still a solid game.

The Batman Arkham Trilogy is coming to Switch. It'd be interesting to have them portable.

Silent Hope! Thing actually looks interesting. If the idea is that you control all silent party members who slowly gain back their ability to speak, that could make for a good story. "A Sorrowful Princess encased in a crystal of her own tears" sounds a little melodramatic, but I can be into it.

Mario and Rabbids 2 is still getting DLC? Okay. I mean, it's probably going to be good, I'm just a little surprised. Don't know why, really.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince! Another good-looking JRPG.

Pikmin 4's still looking good. Not sure if it's my kind of game, but it does look solid. I mean, if we finally found out what's happening with Earth, maybe?

Oh, we're getting digital versions of Pikmin 1 and 2, too. I'm always for game preservation. This is good news.

A Metal Gear Solid Collection, too. We're getting a lot of ports of older stuff in this Direct.

I've heard good things about Vampire Survivors. I might want to check in on it a little more. It looks pretty simple, but I've heard it can be kind of addicting.

For a second, I thought Hatoful Boyfriend was coming to the Switch, but it's just Headbangers Rhythm Royale.

Huh, Penny's Big Breakaway actually looks like a charming little platformer. I'm really liking the way it's animated. Something to keep a eye on. And it's by the Sonic Mania team. Neat.

I'm always a little impressed by these Mario Kart DLC courses. They look like fun.

Ooh, Star Ocean Second Star R! I've heard the original version is a JRPG classic, but I've never played it myself. Might have to check this one out.

Super Mario Bros Wonder! This art style is so different and lively. I'm into it. Did the Rayman team work on this? They have been working with Ubisoft on the Mario x Rabbids games, so it's not impossible.
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Eh. Been awhile since I've played through Mario RPG, but the platforming portions of it weren't that bad, IIRC, and they were isometric too. All they really did for the gameplay portions, by the looks of it, was switch from pre-rendered to realtime 3d and add a slight perspective effect so you get a little bit of parallax/scaling while moving.


Maystor missspelur
I liked the Direct highlights for me

Mario RPG
Arkham Collection
MGS Collection
Peach New game
Mario Wonder

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Eh. Been awhile since I've played through Mario RPG, but the platforming portions of it weren't that bad, IIRC, and they were isometric too. All they really did for the gameplay portions, by the looks of it, was switch from pre-rendered to realtime 3d and add a slight perspective effect so you get a little bit of parallax/scaling while moving.
Also looks like some modifications to the battle system, including "ultimate moves". Valentina got a breast reduction and lost her jiggle, too. I LOVE Super Mario RPG, so that's a sure fire purchase for me.

Star Ocean 2 is on my radar, though the Arkham collection feels a couple years behind when it probably SHOULD have been released. Curious how Knight will be handled, though the first two should be completely doable on the system as is.
MGS collection is a big deal, though I'm sad no mention was made of getting Twin Snakes out in some form.

I'm also excited for Mario "tripping balls" edition as well.

The sad thing about Nintendo's directs is just HOW MUCH they cram into them. I didn't even mention stuff like Detective Pikachu Returns or Vampire Survivor (been playing on Xbox, addictive AF). Or the rereleases of Pikmin 1 and 2, for that matter.

Penny's Big Breakaway caught my eye, what they showed looked REALLY solid, but it screams to be a well reviewed title that gets overlooked by bigger franchises.
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