The Ever Popular, "What Are You Playing" Thread!


Nonstop Baaka
Somewhat begrudingly playing Chocobo GP. It's digital only in the US, with a paid and freemium version. Free version lets you race online, gives you access to 3 chars and the story prologue. Paid version unlocks the full story mode and tons more characters. Also gives you access to a pass you still have to buy. Cheaper pass grants you the chance to get better rewards in the event, if you level up to 60. You can get more XP with stickers which you get as rewards sometimes but if you want more you have to pay. The paid currency is Mythril, which you can only pay for (and supposedly get a little for weekly rewards, but it hasn't been a week yet). The paid version of the game gives you enough Mythril to get the cheaper pass, and of course the guaranteed reward costs more, but I didn't feel like paying extra. Starting to regret that since I'm not that good and the rewards/XP aren't that great at the lower levels. Sure, they have level up tickets, but of course you have to pay for these too.

This isn't even my biggest gripe with the game. It's the Story Mode. The plot is harmless enough, throwing tons of chars in every chapter (some you still have to pay for with earnable currency), the voice acting isn't too good, but.... it won't let you advance the plot unless you meet specific conditions in the race. You usually have to beat a certain character. Sounds easy enough, but even your friends will attack you during the race. It's every char for themselves. There is a training mode, BUT you can't train on a course unless you beat it in story mode. *eye twitch*

So why am I still playing? I do want to beat story mode and see who else is in it. Also, I *really* want to get Cloud on his motorcycle for the season rewards.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Aw, geeze. Sounds like they took too many cues from the mobile Mario Kart thing - I was interested 'cause it looked cute and goofy and the powerup system reminded me of LEGO Racers, but that really doesn't sound like it's worth beating my head against.

Tunic, however, is very cute and charming and if you're willing to go into it mostly blind due to an in-universe language and the way it feeds you mechanics information via finding pages of the game manual as you go with only little bits of english in it, it's absolutely fantastic. If you can't switch off the "absolutely have to know exactly what is going on/what everything does" part of your brain, though, you're gonna get frustrated. That said, it's immensely fun to just screw around and explore and I don't even mind the lack of good directional signposting because finding items and connecting shortcuts is just that satisfying. Also, everything's bouncy and looks like it's made of gummies.


Stone and Sky
Nintendo Switch's having a Star Wars sale, so I've gotten a few games. Up first, Republic Commandos!

...I'm apparently quite bad at it, had to put it on Easy Mode after encountering these Giant Laser Geonosians. Also managed to checkpoint-save when the entire team was down and I had to take on a huge swarm of Geos with nothing but the basic pistol. Somehow got through that, which was pretty amazing.


jumbled pile of person
Hey, remember when I said I bought a PS3 and that Demon's Souls was way down on the list of games I wanted to play? I changed my mind. The Exchange had a copy pretty cheap back in February, so I picked it up and had a go at it. Not confident in my own abilities, I decided to use the information I gleaned from watching a few LPs to try to optimize the hell out of my run. Because you can hop around from world to world at will, knowing where the best items are and what difficulty each boss should be for each type of player seems like it would trivialize a lot of the game.

And it did. To the point where, whenever I ran into actually-difficult enemies, I got stuck in a loop of not knowing how to fight them. The gold skeletons in Shrine of Storms level 2 ended up being a way bigger pain than I expected, as did the laser phantom at the end of the long hallway—I couldn't block him effectively, and I couldn't rush him because the reaper was right next to him. But every boss I've beaten so far ended up being a walk in the park. I actually laughed at how easy the Tower Knight ended up being with the Crescent Falchion and all the levels I'd pumped from just the souls I had accumulated getting to it. I'm ten bosses in out of sixteen, and unfortunately I've hit a hard wall. The Flamelurker I know is going to require a million tries to get through, and the Maneater is well known to just be straight-up bullshit on toast.

At this point, I'm basically out of time because the hot weather has arrived and I don't want to tax the poor console and its clearly-inadequate cooling system in my non-air-conditioned house. Still, I made it through 5/8 of the game with a character who's too heavy to dodge roll. I honestly thought I had screwed myself by doing that, but it's surprising how often just casually stepping out of the way works just as well.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
For the record folks: the epic games launcher does a free game EVERY WEEK, lasting for a week. The new title goes up at noon, on thursday, east coast time. I've built a lovely little library in the epic launcher absolutely free over the last few years.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
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Im between games. I finished my latest Mass Effect play through last week. Shredder's Revenge comes out next week. So now I'm just passing the time with a little Cyberpunk and Asteroids

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh yeah: I should prolly actually share what I've been playing.

Lots and lots of fallen earth classic. When you aren't being nickled and dimed to death; it's an amazingly satisfying and enduring game.


Nonstop Baaka
Chocobo GP updated after the first season. It's easier/more enjoyable now. I even got 1st place in the last race once! I no longer feel pressured to gain at least 1 level a day now. Finally got a chance to play the main story mode too.

If you haven't read the other thread, I recently played Doki Doki Literature Club. Once you get to the festival... ooh boy. This is the type of horror game I like. There's plenty more info in the DDLC thread.

Picked up a new free-to-play game on the Japanese eShop, Engawa Danshi to Kemono Tan. It's easy enough to play if you can read some Japanese. I don't understand all the kanji, but the basic gameplay is switching between cooking or helping grow crops at a field during the day, and fighting monsters via a rock-paper-scissors system at night. You interact with pretty boy Yotaro and the mascot Tora/Tiger. The microtransactions are optional events/gifts, and cosmetic options for Yotaro. There's also a decent amount of voice acting. It's a pretty laid back game. Not sure how much I'll play since trying to pay for stuff on the Japanese eShop looks like a pain.


I started Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe last night. I only intend to play it until Shredder's Revenge comes out, but so far it's a hell of a trip.


I got GTA V for PS5 last week. The controls are tripping me up. But other than that it's been pretty fun. Running over pedestrians, casual murder...running red's fun and all. And since I own it now, I might as well play it.

But the whole time I was playing this, all I could think of was how much I'd rather be playing Cyberpunk.

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