Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


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Council of Elders
Wait a second. Does Sunny actually OWN that smoothie kart or is she working for someone else? In the movie, it honestly just seemed like a one-off gig to sneak into CanderLogic. But, she's been keeping at in TYT. And we've never seen a boss. I guess it makes the most sense just to assume she owns it.

But, I don't know. It's never seemed like she has a real "passion" for smoothies. She's not constantly trying out new recipes or creating new smoothies and naming them after her friends. It seems like it's just a "job" not a "career". Mind you, keeping the peace between the different tribes might be a full time job enough, but still.

She actually seems to be an employee. Her full size cart in MYM does appear in A New Generation, but someone else is working in it. Maybe Sunny's gotten a promotion since then.

Hasbro seems to think she has a passion for smoothies. Her delivery cart has appeared in merchandise a couple times already. Maybe it's just because they know she looks so darn cute with her little helmet. And earth ponies have been strongly associated with food since G1.

Posey's rage is justified yet again.
always has been.png


Well-known member
Even the game, makes reference to it. As there is a smoothie quest. "My cart's in the shop, so I can't do it myself." or something like that


My impression was that she owned the cart. Mostly from the scene where Sprout is marching his mob down the street and the smoothie cart tips over, which I took to symbolize the diminishing of Sunny's message of hope / friendship. But she could just be an employee, they never really say.

Yeah, she probably doesn't have a passion for smoothies, but how many people have a passion for their day job?


Staff member
Council of Elders
Either she owned the cart and had someone else work it while she made the delivery, or someone else owned it and Sunny was just the delivery pony. Given her low status in the town until the end of the movie, I'm completely confident it's the latter. She may own the cart now but before she was just the delivery pony.


Well-known member
Yeah, she probably doesn't have a passion for smoothies, but how many people have a passion for their day job?
The thing is, almost all of the characters from G4 seemed fairly happy about their day jobs. There were exceptions, but those seemed to mostly be outliers. That kind of seemed like the point of the cutie marks. MAYBE with magic gone for so long, the cutie marks no longer function like they did in G4, pointing out your "one true thing". It might be REALLY idealistic, but I'd like to see everyone have a job they like. And if a cartoon about pastel ponies can't be idealistic, what can?

I'd like to see Sunny more fulfilled than just making everyone else happy or just making smoothies for money. It'd be nice if she had some sort of goal in mind for AFTER everyone was united again. Like, uniting all the tribes would only be step ONE, and then she'd still have some goal to work towards. I'm not really sure WHAT. A...theme park so everyone can have fun together? A Travel Agency so everyone can tour the different kingdoms and get to know each other better? Teaching other ponies how to rollerblade or owning a roller disco? I don't know, but I feel like she needs more of a goal than making everyone just get along, as noble and ambitious as that is. It would just make her a more fleshed out character if she had some other, more personal goal to work towards.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Deputy Sprout is proof that some ponies are definitely in the wrong job.

It would be a good lesson for kids if Sunny is happy enough with her smoothie business. It's not much but it can be hers, and that's cool. Not all our heroes need to be "important".


Well-known member
Actually, thinking about it, this might be a theme. Most of the characters are *slightly* unhappy with their lots in life. Izzy had to move to another town to find friends. Zipp's trying to escape her birthright. Hitch has shown in Make Your Mark that he's a little lonely and bored. And Pipp...actually, Pipp seems fine, she's loving her life. But, a lot of these ponies are not happy with the current status quo and want it to change, for one reason or another.

Being in the wrong spot right now MIGHT be a feature, not a bug.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Pipp has no real problems in life, and actually has enough awareness to realize it. Maybe all that suffering they dumped on her in the movie was good for her.

Hitch has been bored the whole time. Every time he dramatically emphasizes his petty heroism I hear him desperately trying to convince himself his job is important. Because Maretime Bay is peaceful and his job doesn't matter all that much. I bet that's why he put up with Sprout for so long (aside from being old friends, and the distinct possibility that Canterlogic had enough influence to get Sprout hired in the first place). Hitch is just as bored as Sprout was. They just coped differently.

It all probably is a feature. G5's setting is hilariously NOT idealistic. Most ponies are either complacent but vaguely melancholic, or angry. Sunny's own idealism is a standout trait and makes her the town weirdo.


I didn't really like the G4 thing of "your job is your destiny". I realize that it was supposed to be aspirational rather than realistic, to inspire young girls to try for their dreams. Like, if try you might not succeed, but if you don't try you definitely won't succeed. I get it. But all the same, I didn't really jive with the idea that you get this mark in your adolescence that spells out your One True Future Job, and getting that job is what will fulfill you. As though people don't change jobs / gain new interests through their whole lives.

I think it would've worked better if cutie marks changed as ponies got older. So that instead of spelling out your destiny, it expressed your current interest. This was kind of implied in G1, G2, and G3, where baby ponies would often have a symbol of a baby bottle or a rattle, while none of the adult ponies had those kinds of symbols. (Ember didn't have a symbol, but maybe her 'baby' symbol had faded out and her 'older kid' symbol hadn't manifested yet.)

It's interesting to note that so far G5 has not put much emphasis on cutie marks. (Has anyone even uttered the words "cutie mark" in the shows?) The most we've gotten is ponies' cutie marks glowing when they are in harmony or feeling happy. But that doesn't seem dependent on what the cutie mark is.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
I thought destinies being spelled out in adolescence was weird too until I realized I still don't know what I'm doing with my own life.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've been rewatching some things and I'm seeing the attention to detail. Not only does Pipp's salon appear in MYM but it's right where it should be. The details of the surrounding buildings don't 100% match but there are shared details, and the location is right. They must have branched off the same piece of concept art. Someone is making sure the 2D and 3D show teams keep the setting consistent.

This silly YouTube show/commercial is maintaining continuity better than most Hasbro media ever. Aligned is looking like a bigger joke by the day.


Well-known member
It probably helps that they have a full-3D model not only from the movie, but from the video game they built. They've had to spend a LOT of time working out where everything is.

Also, apparently, Hasbro is trying to kill us with cuteness this week.

AHHHH! OH NO! Newborn Cuties have returned!

It's the "the worst person to babysit HAS to babysit" episode!

Baby Sunny splashing in the rainbow bubbles is adorable.

"Our friends are FILLIES!" *ahem* "...and FOALS!"-*snerk* okay, that's a cute gag.

*Baby Sunny is a biter* Hmmm...Sunny is part bat-pony confirmed?

Magic glitter? Wait...have they been collecting Sunny's alicorn glitter and putting it in jars? Is that...sanitary? Isn't that like collecting your toenails or something?

Aww, Zipp used to tell bedtime stories to Pipp. That's a sweet little bit of world-buidling.
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Well-known member
It probably helps that they have a full-3D model not only from the movie, but from the video game they built. They've had to spend a LOT of time working out where everything is.

Also, apparently, Hasbro is trying to kill us with cuteness this week.

AHHHH! OH NO! Newborn Cuties have returned!

It's the "the worst person to babysit HAS to babysit" episode!

Baby Sunny splashing in the rainbow bubbles is adorable.

"Our friends are FILLIES!" *ahem* "...and FOALS!"-*snerk* okay, that's a cute gag.

*Baby Sunny is a biter* Hmmm...Sunny is part bat-pony confirmed?

Magic glitter? Wait...have they been collecting Sunny's alicorn glitter and putting it in jars? Is that...sanitary? Isn't that like collecting your toenails or something?

Aww, Zipp used to tell bedtime stories to Pipp. That's a sweet little bit of world-buidling.

So we get the requisite age regression episode outta the way early.


Well-known member
Magic putting local ponies out of work: Posey's rage is justified count...wait, she just grew a flower in front of a florist to rub it in her face? Okay, nevermind. Maybe Posey IS just a jerk.

Huh. It's weird that Dahlia's magic is just...not working. Her little dances are pretty cute, though.

Okay, putting a giant flower in the middle of where the train (?) goes is probably a bad idea. That's hundreds of bits in road repair right there.

Allergy apocalypse. I still need "someone inherits Celestia's control of the Sun" and "Unicorns all accidentally create a hive mind" for my Pony Apocalypse bingo card.

*Pipp just mixes her nose cream into her facemask cream* ...Pipp is gross count: 1.

Why DOES everypony have Neighfever, though? Are ALL ponies allergic to flowers, or is it just THESE magical flowers? I guess we have to assume it's the magical flowers.

The sniffly, watery-eyed zombie apocalypse has begun! They're coming for your face-masks!

Canterlogic should retrofit their factory into making tissues. They'd make a mint right now. Actually, Canterlogic making money off of cleaning up after the Mane 5's various escapades could be a workable plot-point.

Posey gets karmic punishment: 1.

"The town is under sneeze" Dazzle, now is not the time for hilarious word-play!

Oh no, Dahlia has magic snot. The fanfics we're about to get. Also...did her special flowers cure the Neighfever or did they just clean that up separately? Also, poor Dahlia just cannot catch a break, her blinky colored flowers colors runs off on ponies.

So...toy of Dahlia that squirts a little water and makes sneezing sounds when you squeeze it, when?
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Magic is wrecking the economy. G5's setting has no chill.

So this series has passed MYM now.

Hitch is a good guy.

Way to wreck the town trolley. Oh well. it doesn't go very far anyway.

Pollen allergies. I can't relate. The only thing that makes me sneeze is sunlight.

This is getting gross.

It's getting worse.


That was horrible but I can't say I wasn't entertained.

G5 puts me in a happy mood but it is really not the happiest thing. It is surprisingly interested in the mundane disruptions its events have on the background characters' lives. If this town gets eaten by parasprites there's going to be someone whose house isn't rebuilt the next time we see it.


Yeah, Hitch even greets her by name. I think she's also one of Posey's Mean Girl squad in the MYM special. Although that didn't save her from Posey's brutal diss in this one, ha ha!

This was a fun episode. I'm always excited to see a new speaking character, and she even got a song. I also thought her TYT design was very cute, love the chonky hooves and her little dance. It was kind of puzzling that the pollen problem was solved offscreen, but these episodes are only five minutes long so I'm not too picky about stuff like that.

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