Studio Series discussion


It makes the most sense to think of TLK as Michael Bay's own "Springtime for Hitler" that finally got Hasbro to let go of him as director of these movies.
If TLK was anybody's "Springtime for Hitler" we'd be singing its praises (albeit not for any reason that was intended) and Michael Bay would have directed Bumblebee.


NOT a New Member.
Daily Prime - First Look at 1986 Optimus Prime 2024 Studio Series TF Move Commander Class__sca...jpg

(Probably a fake image)
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Well, firstly you edited that in after someone asked about it, and secondly, that's still not a source, that's a qualitative statement. (And an uncertain qualitiative statement at that) I'd still have no idea where you got that image from had someone else not posted it.

EDIT: Also, it wasn't a fake, it was an openly acknowledged fan creation. It's pretty clear the original author didn't intend any deception, which would have been obvious if you, you know, sourced your images.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Looking at the time stamps, you posted at 10:17, I replied asking for a source three minutes later at 10:20 and then you edited the post at 10:24. Even the image you posted has a 7 minute gap between your initial post and the edit. So no, not immediately after and yes it was after I asked where you got the image from. (Which you still have not said, someone else had to do that for you.)

And no, that is not a fake image anymore than a piece of fanart would be fake. Fake implies deception, that it was being passed off as real, while the artist was open with what the image was. It only becomes deceptive when it's posted without context, as you did. Which, again, is a reason you should source your images.

You made a mistake and there's nothing wrong with that, so long as you learn from it. Sourcing images and information is important, for the reasons I've given and more. For instance, anyone who thought that was a good digibash and would like to know who made it, and possibly check out more of their owrk, would have been completely out of luck. Sucks for the guy who put the work into making that image.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to get overly obstinant over some mild criticism. I don't know if you having a bad day or what, but maybe take a step back and reevaluate what your doing and why.


Well-known member
What goes through my head when *anyone* honestly believes Hasbro is just going to repaint an old $50 Leader (with trailer) and make it a $90 Commander (with trailer)

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Bro's trying to get twitter-style clout/engagement on a toy forum.
I've been trying to avoid impugning motives of other posters these days, especially without evidence, as it typically just results in arguments and obsfucates the original conversation. You accuse someone of doing something for some reason and they'll just go "nuh-uh," and all you can do in response is go "uh-huh" and that's really not productive. If there's reciepts, that's a different story, but otherwise it just gives an avenue to get sidetracked. Better to discuss what someone did than theorize about why they did it.

Also it looks like they deleted that post, so it's probably prudent to move on at this point rather than rehashing it. They'll either learn from this and become a better poster, or they won't and we'll have a new kerfluffle to discuss eventually.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Let's move on.

I wonder if the Core trailer is a hint of what to expect in terms of features. Rodimus' trailer did extra stuff, so I expect a similar treatment here.


Somehow still sane
Thing is, Even Earthrise' trailer already does most of what it's supposed to. They could put Roller in sure, maybe throw in some more articulation for the combat deck and definitely bulk the trailer up a bit but I dunno what else they could do. Maybe human figurines to man the drone and Roller similar to the minifigures the Dinobots got?


NOT a New Member.
Thing is, Even Earthrise' trailer already does most of what it's supposed to. They could put Roller in sure, maybe throw in some more articulation for the combat deck and definitely bulk the trailer up a bit but I dunno what else they could do. Maybe human figurines to man the drone and Roller similar to the minifigures the Dinobots got?
I felt that trailer was rather small and anemic, when compared to Rodimus, Armada Prime or even Motormaster.

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