Studio Series discussion


Continuity Nutcase
While unlikely, the POTP Rodimus, combining gimmick and all, would be great given a 'Golden Lagoon' style treatment and sold as Primus. All forms would be perfect for such a thing. The trouble is people are scared of gold and chrome (myself included) but the Golden Lagoon things I got are still solid and non-flaky. A similar approach would probably be very interesting if intelligently handled. Any lack of scaling to other figures could be dismissed as Primus being Primus.
I keep asking for a Primus from Kingdom Commander class Rodimus.


Continuity Nutcase
Studio Series Freezer and Arcee are both on Hasbro Pulse right now:


Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Kinda funny how even Hasbro's website doesn't show Freezer's alt-modes.

Though given the Arcee stock photo looks mistransformed, maybe that's a good thing.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Kinda funny how even Hasbro's website doesn't show Freezer's alt-modes.

Though given the Arcee stock photo looks mistransformed, maybe that's a good thing.
Actually, the main page of Pulse DOES show an obscured look at some sort of turret mode. But I get the feeling that Freezer is basically a glorified Battlemaster, and his main purpose will be to "complete" one of the other Terrorcons.

The more notable reveal today, in terms of the line as a whole, was that 86 Rumble is being carried forward. And if retailers heavy order this wave, it should vastly alleviate the availability issues Rumble has had to date.


New member
Hi. New member here. I really like the new Core Class Terrorcon Freezer, wonder what his other two (supposedly weapon?) modes are. The one here seems to be a mobile turret of sorts.


Continuity Nutcase
Core class Arcee designer info:



Well-known member
Nice to see her converted properly. Probably one of the best uses of uncovered fists in an altmode too as they make a convincing tail light.


Also, hopefully the real figure's wheel actually rotates up like the CAD's.

I will say - I know white over red paint seldom works but because they opted to go red on white, it's tough not to see the toy's paint job as a balconet or sports bra
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New member
The only Core figure that hasn't been revealed is Wave 1 Core Optimus Primal. Wave 2 of SS has Core "Hydra" and "Delta2", with Delta2 assumed to be another one of these Terrorcon creatures.


Continuity Nutcase
You know, given what we've seen of Airazor and Cheetor thus far, we can probably expect toys of Optimus Primal and Rhinox to also share transformation engineering with their respective Kingdom toys.


Wondering bot
You know, given what we've seen of Airazor and Cheetor thus far, we can probably expect toys of Optimus Primal and Rhinox to also share transformation engineering with their respective Kingdom toys.

I wouldn't be surprised, it could be that the Kingdom toys were used as the base and then they decided to improve upon those desgins while sharing the engineering that the Kingdom figures had!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Entertainment Earth is teasing an interesting drop on February 21, here's the hint:
"Everything old is new again, the more things change the more they stay the same and something or another about the late Thag Simmons"

Almost a guarantee that we'll be seeing a reveal for Studio Series Snarl.

And for those that don't get the joke:

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Is Studio Series Snarl going to hold the record for Studio Series figure with the least screentime in a movie? (Or game, given what's coming?) Dude was in the movie twice for only a handful of seconds each time.

Though I guess that SS Hound might have him beat.

The Phazer

Well-known member
Is Studio Series Snarl going to hold the record for Studio Series figure with the least screentime in a movie? (Or game, given what's coming?) Dude was in the movie twice for only a handful of seconds each time.

Though I guess that SS Hound might have him beat.

Hound is Buzzworthy no?

I think the inevitable SS Windcharger might beat him. At least Snarl is still alive when he appears!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Is Studio Series Snarl going to hold the record for Studio Series figure with the least screentime in a movie? (Or game, given what's coming?) Dude was in the movie twice for only a handful of seconds each time.

Though I guess that SS Hound might have him beat.

With at least SOME cassettes coming out through Studio Series (Rumble so far, so presumably at least Frenzy as well. In a perfect world, to be followed by Ramhorn and Steeljaw and maybe even opaque versions of Rewind and Eject), it would be amazing to get a Stripes figure in SS, as his first "appearance" was in an early draft of the movie long before it was actually animated.


Is Studio Series Snarl going to hold the record for Studio Series figure with the least screentime in a movie? (Or game, given what's coming?) Dude was in the movie twice for only a handful of seconds each time.

Though I guess that SS Hound might have him beat.
Does DOTM Thundercracker, who has no screentime at all but we're assured he was totally there, count?


Wondering bot
Then we see the Secret Ending to Transformers the movie, where after the credits, a hatch on Unicron's head opens, and Snarl crawls out of a control room looking a bit shaken, his pet cat following, screaming that he will get Gadget, next time...

Meanwhile the Autobots party with some green dudes who live in the sewers!

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